

  • I've just bought a FB Flex this week. So far so good. Finding it very motivational. Love everything techie.
  • I've just done what Mrs Potty has. Great idea Mrs P. changed my meal names to superfree, free, a,b and syns. Will trybitbover weekend and if its a flop will change back on Monday. Its the one thing that I think SW could improve on- a mobile on line diary. Thats where WW ( the dark side) win I think. Wish me luck.
  • I joined in 2011 but didnt do anything then. Just restarted my journey yesterday too. Need to loose 42-56lbs. Fed up having sore kneees and being tired all the time. Add to that the clthes I've got in the wardrobe and drawers. When I've got to target I won't need to buy anything for yearsto come. I'm in UK, so need a kick…