ruggedshutter Member


  • how old are the batteries in your scale? mine will do weird things like that when they start getting low or too old. What I have found with my scale is that holding something the second time you weigh yourself to clear the memory. My scale will spit out the old number if it is too close to the original if you weigh…
  • Just make your own entries for things that you eat on a consistent basis. I did that and if they drop off of my recent list, I can find them on the My Foods list. Just wish that you could force the recipe maker to use My Foods instead of the MFP database.
  • Thanks for the feedback. I have mine setup on a punching bag eyelet suspended from a floor joist in my basement right now. Looking at finding a pull up bar that would work for it right now.
  • What is your weight loss rate that you chose when you set your goals? Perhaps you are trying to lose too fast and restricting yourself too much. I feel weak and dizzy when I don't eat enough to fuel my workouts.
  • Usually a serving size for me. If I ate what I wanted, and then logged it, I would end up with a pound of peanuts and nothing else :D
  • Yeah I realize that but her post makes it sound like you won't lose any of the three if you workout...
    in BF Comment by ruggedshutter June 2015
  • As opposed to skeletal mass if you are working out? *SMH* How have you amassed 4000+ posts and still spewing crappy advice like this? It's like you didn't even read the thread
    in BF Comment by ruggedshutter June 2015
  • Never had this problem myself so I can't say what could be the cause. I would perhaps space your meal out a bit. Eat half of it, or until you get the full feeling, then give yourself some time before coming back and finishing it. Just a thought to be sure that you are eating enough.
  • Must be something in the air. I didn't exercise at all last week due to an injured foot. I had went on a 3.5 mi jog last Saturday and my running shoes were too tight, then worked a 10 hour wedding and I could barely walk the rest of the week. Then I had family staying in my workout room, finally got back into things today…
  • I ate below my BMR the other day... *checking pulse* Yep, still alive ;)
  • Good luck and looking forward to updates
  • Holy thread necro :D
  • I use this site and it has both precooked and post cooked weights. And you can usually copy and paste the description directly into MFP's database search tool and find them in the database.
  • You seem to be weighing your food which is good. I would eat back less of your exercise calories. What did you set your activity level at in your goals? 1200 calories is the lowest MFP will go with women's calories. Here's something that you can try. You can set your goal to maintain your current weight. This will tell you…
  • How accurately have you been tracking your food? It's easy to slip in a handful of grapes or nuts and not log it. And have you been weighing your food on a scale? I'm willing to bet that you weren't as accurate as you thought and now are actually eating under your maintenance calories. It really had nothing to do with…
  • This is a good website for finding foods and they have things like chicken listed several different ways. Which is nice when you are eating leftovers and weigh them differently than when you prepared the meal.
  • Um, no. I don't track sugar, not because I'm lazy or don't care about my health, but because MFP sets a really low sugar goal and doesn't differentiate between added sugar and natural sugar. So when I eat fruit, it will show my sugar levels high for food that's actually healthy for you. Don't be misled into thinking that…
  • I still have nights like this. I put on a pot of coffee and tell myself that I'm not hungry. Usually it's an hour or so just before bed so I drink some coffee then go to bed. Tea would work as well.
  • I used to drink a lot of wine but have cut back over the past couple of years. I drink about a bottle per month. The days that I drink, it's usually just a glass so I don't log it. 100-200 calories over my goal on one day a month isn't going to stall my weight loss.
  • I stepped on the scale this morning at 179.6. I did an insanity max30 exercise and incline walked on the treadmill. It got things moving and when I was done, I lost 1.4 pounds. Funny how that works ;)
  • Good luck and I think it's great :)
  • I've been using this site to find the food and then searching MFP for the exact food listing, then verifying. It's helped me find errors in the foods that I was using. example, I used a chicken breast entry for a recipe and it had 10g protein more per serving than if I used the USDA entry. I'll be using the USDA page to…
  • I will suggest getting a food scale. You can find them from $10-$30 for a decent one. You really have no idea how much you are eating unless you get one. You have a mixture of problems going on. One, you aren't weighing your food and estimating it. We are horrible at estimation which is why we are all on this site to begin…
  • Did you change your starting weight and not your current weight?
  • I tried eating 6 times a day and couldn't do it. I was consuming more calories in snacks than I was in meals. I'm on 3 meals (~250cal breakfast, ~750 cal lunch, ~1000 cal dinner & night snacks). That's worked well for me and leaves me full after meals.
  • I pre-log breakfast and lunch because I take those with me to work. I use 1/2 of my calories between those two and leave the other half for dinner. This has helped me swap out foods that may not fit as well.
  • I get that but when taken measurements over say 6 months and your LBM changes by 6-10 pounds, where does that gain come from? Surely you didn't add a bunch of skeletal mass, I can't see your organs changing size (with exception of your stomach). So that doesn't leave much else left to change except muscle and hydration
  • I'm a bit confused on the whole no muscle gain while in a deficit. If I take my own measurements for example, I've gained almost 7 pounds of LBM. Is all of that muscle? Of course not but how much of it is muscle? My current BF% was also confirmed via impedance measurements and was within 0.5% of calculated with cloth tape…
  • Good job on your weight loss already. 10 pounds is a great start. As for ideas, what has helped me most was a digital scale. They aren't too expensive and you can find a good one for around $20. I always figured that they were expensive so I never bought one. Another tip (one that took me a while to understand) is that…