

  • To begin, your goal pic looks a bit underweight. As someone recovering from an ED, shooting for something unhealthy is the first step towards falling into the endless pit. You have a pear figure, meaning that your weight goes to your lower half. I am the same way. Pear figures generally have to be a bit lighter in order to…
  • It isn't just how much you eat, but what you eat. Raw Vegans maintain at 3000 calories of fruit while others on a less healthy diet can maintain at 1500. If you eat fruit to up your intake, you shouldn't gain weight so long as the extra 200 calories aren't fattening foods. 1600 sounds low for a metabolism but you are petit…
  • I am 5'7 and 105 pounds. I am a size 1 or 0, and happy. that's just how I am. Some girls are stunning size 12s, others like me proportionally tend towards lighter frames
  • I see your profile pic and you look great. For being 5'2, 107 is a perfectly normal weight. Most likely, they are just upset with their own bodies, or are just worried because of the rate and amount of your loss, not necessarily your current state. You look great, and if you feel good, that's what matters.
  • This fluctuation can be due to water weight (have you been eating extra sodium?) your PMS or constipation (TMI, I know). I am eating around the same calories as you and I have found that after a period of restriction the body gains weight a bit easier, but it should all balance out.
  • I am a size 0. I am happy with that. No, my legs aren't super extra thin, it's just my build. I hate how half the population says size 0 is perfect, and the other says that it's unhealthy. I am not perfect, nor am I unhealthy. But I am a size 0.
  • It depends on the person. I have found that some of my friends can do a cheat day, eat one unhealthy meal and then feel fine. Me on the other hand, will use that day to binge. It just depends on what kind of person you are. I personally have found that little treats throughout the week have worked better for me than one…
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