MrsHollins85 Member


  • I am down 2 lbs but my inches .... Lost 2.5 in my waist 1 in my chest & 1.5 total of 5 INCHES so I'm just fine with that! Continue working out continue eating great food eating right doesn't have to taste bad Can't wait to see my body this summer!!!!!!!!!!!! ????????????????
  • 1 lb down .... 12 to go!!!
  • I've noticed just plain foolishness on my end especially at work like my coworkers are the worst ... 'oh you can't have that' or 'she only eats diet food' like really lol I can eat a lot of things & what I do and don't eat I thought was of no ones concerned boy was I wrong!!! It's funny nonetheless helps fuel my workouts!!
  • Down 2 lbs.... Goal Was 2! Cant wait to see next week after the start of this cardio challenge!!
  • I have also joined the 30 Day Cardio Challenge as well It started Monday so I am very excited!! This is my schedule this past week schedule: Sunday: 30-45 minutes Crossfit Interval Training (Mountain Climbers/Squats/Bicycle Crunches Etc) ;10 Butt Workout ; Arms Back Chest..Resistance Bands Monday: 1/2 Mile Jog/ 1/2 Walk…
  • Great POST!!!! Im loving these they are all hitting home for me! My excuse was I have no time! I worked out a way to get to work extra early make sure the kiddos were not late or too early for school.... I pack all my things I mean FULL luggage makeup kit clothing etc everything I need I keep my bag at my desk and just get…
  • Self control.... Where should I start....I will say when I was pregnant I ate every & anything didn't care and continued after pregnancy I know it's been 5 and almost 8 years since pregnancy but I kept that mentality I had it before when I was in sports younger I ate whatever! I have learned self control is probably the…
  • My goal is 15 lbs I know it may be challenging but my 28th birthday is Jan 23rd and I plan on losing a lot more before my 10 year class reunion. I will commit myself to working out daily eating more real food ... Fruits Veggies Lean Meats ... Instead of fast food & keeping my log of what I'm eating!!