vlwallace87 Member


  • I'd like to shed a few pounds for graduation in May, and to start having more energy. :) SW: 190 CW: 145 GW: 125 Weigh in Dates: 1/1: 145 1/8: 1/15: 1/22: 1/31: Total weight lost: 0 lbs
  • The first conversation I had with my boyfriend was about how much we love video games. We both love the same genre of games, and we play co-op (or single player) as often as we can. We've been together going on 7 year now and I wouldn't change a thing! :)
  • Congrats on your weight loss!
  • I know I shouldn't let others be the judge of how I feel about myself, it's something I'll have to work on. I was made fun of a lot in school so I "take things to heart" so to speak when someone says something about me.
  • Thanks. I still eat fairly good, but the exercises I used to do don't pull the weight off anymore. I'm currently in nursing school and the stress combined with little time makes it hard. I just hate feeling big when I'm technically not. When I search for clothes I sometimes forget that I'm smaller. I guess it's common to…
  • Thanks for those websites! I'm a visual person so it helps to see pics and stuff. :)
    in Help :( Comment by vlwallace87 May 2012
  • The stress has been insane! Lol I'm trying to get myself straightened out this summer. I'm just sooooo not a cooking person. Haha
    in Help :( Comment by vlwallace87 May 2012
  • Thanks :) I lost close to 50 lbs doing the "Can Food Diet". Basically I took a lean meat and ate two types of canned veggies with it. I also walked everyday. I just feel like I eat the same thing over and over. Lol
    in Help :( Comment by vlwallace87 May 2012
  • I'll give it a shot! SW: 148 CW: 138 (5/02/12) GW: 133 UTG: 115 Weigh in dates: 5/9 5/16 5/23 5/30
  • Anyone play Table Top RPGs on Skype?
  • Do you play on Skype? My boyfriend and I are getting into the game but no one in our area plays. :/ We would like to learn more about the rules and how it's played.
  • I'm not used to the whole eating my calories back thing, but I've noticed several people mentioning it. It's something I've been trying to work on. I come from a very unhealthy background and everyone in my family is obese. I started my weight-loss journey during the summer of 2010. I used to just walk a lot and eat…
  • I should implement more weight training into my routine. I just don't know where to start or how. I have a pair of 5 lb dumbbells but that's all.
  • I've been resting it some. I have to stand on my feet for 8 hours at work and do a lot of squatting to the floor,so I think that kept it from healing quicker. I've been off for two days so it feels tons better. I'm gonna see how it does with exercise tomorrow. Slow and easy. I have been doing some punches and upper body…
  • I changed my diet up a bit and it has improved. I drink water throughout the day. (usually 8 oz with everything eaten). I don't drink much during a workout, if any at all. I usually wait till I'm done. I've still been eating better but unfortunately I injured my ankle a few days ago and can't seem to recover. I've been…
  • I try to do the workout everyday. Keep trying and you will see improvement. I could barely make it through the first session, but now I'm on day 7 and I can see so much improvement! Good luck!!!
  • I just seems to happen when I am coming up from a low position. Like when I do crunches, pushups, dumbbell dead-lifts..... really anything that requires me to go down to the floor then up or has me stooping down.
  • I rarely eat salt and that could be a problem too. I've always avoided sodium because of my family history of high BP, but in my case my blood pressure is too low in my opinion. I've had several people say it's normal which is weird.
  • Somewhere in the 1300 calorie ballpark. I'm going to keep a closer track on it. I think some days I let myself slip below.
  • All I drink is water since I cut out soda. (thank goodness) I usually eat oatmeal or a good cereal for breakfast. I do workout DVDs which have a warmup section built in. (don't know if it's enough, it usually lasts 5 mins) I ran out of my protein mix so that could be an issue too. I might not be eating enough even though I…
  • My saddle bags. Even after 50 lbs gone and weighing 139, they are still there! Gah : / Can't wait for them to be gone!
  • I used to be severely addicted to Mt. Dew. I would have a 20 oz. with every meal and then some. Around July of 2010 I decided quit cold turkey. The cravings were hard to deal with and the withdrawal headaches were horrid. But over times things got better and I am proud to say that I have been soda free ever since. :)
  • It's very hard to pinpoint just one for me.....but I absolutely love the Half-Life series! The storyline and gameplay is awesome. Gordon Freeman is the man!
  • Silent Hill is pretty creepy, but the only game that has ever made me jump was Doom 3.
  • When I'm not busy or working I can easily play for 8+ hours. Some days I play from the time I wake up till I go to sleep. Gotta get more game time in before the semester starts back up. :smile:
  • My boyfriend and I play some D&D and we're getting into Pathfinder.
  • Xbox live: batterpillar My boyfriend and I mostly play Halo and L4D 1 or 2, but we're up for anything new.
  • My name is Vanessa and I'm a 24 year old female. I've lost ~ 50 lbs (currently weighing 139) and I'm working on losing about 20 more. I've played video games for as long as I can remember. (My mom has videos of me before kindergarten with a controller in my hand). I don't RP or LARP but I do play Dungeons and Dragons,…
  • I felt like I ate so much over the holidays, but when I got on the scale I realized I hadn't gained any. I am so thankful!
  • I love Skyrim! I've played close to 30 hours without touching the main quest. There is just so much to do! I'm using it as a reward. Workout = Play Skyrim :smile: