

  • If you haven't changed much in your diet and exercise since starting, and your habits were good to begin with then it's probably not surprising that you haven't seen much of a change. My mom has commented that because she has a very active job (she works in a hospital) that active lifestyle is her baseline and she has to…
  • I also buy mine. I LOVE Blue Diamond unsweetened vanilla almond milk. I would def NOT go back to cows milk. and it smells amazing when I cook my oatmeal with it! YUM! and only 40 cals a glass!
  • Diet can play a large part in getting rid of that belly fat - and not just how much you eat but what you eat. Sugar is notorious for causing our body to store fat in the belly area. Eating white sugar and foods containing white sugar cause spikes in your insulin and that causes fat storage right there in that middle…
  • struggling with no scale today. wed I put the scale on my husbands dresser, but then it was STARING at me everytime I walked into my room...so I put it IN his underwear drawer! I have no idea if it is still there...it may be...fighting hard not to check though. I am determined to make it 3 solid weeks with no scale - then…
  • I have gone to a clean eating diet. You are right almost everything processed has sugar in it so it's not easy to avoid. I eat a lot of fruits & veggies. A lot of home cooking. Whole grains - brown rice, quinoa, plain oats. Plain yogurt - you can add your own fruit to it. If I need to sweeten something I use honey or pure…
  • decided that when I go upstairs I am taking the scale and putting it on my husband's dresser... the length of lent thing was really bothering me and I discovered that lent is 47 days EVERY YEAR!!! It is not because Easter is late this year. Apparently we do not count Sundays when counting the days of lent. News to me!!! I…
  • How the heck can Lent not be 40 days - lent is always 40 days...someone at the Vatican can apparently not read a calendar - ash Wed should be next week! WIERD! Hubby for got to take/hide my scale this am - and it is taunting me everytime I walk past...I weigh 3xs a day - a total addict. This is gonna be HARD!
  • Hi. I am actually working on this same exact issue. I have illiminates sugara because I have heard the same thing - that it seriously makes that middle hard to lose. Good news is when I cut the sugar and simple carbs I also got rid of the craving sI used to have - BIG relief. I alsl started taking Cinnamon suppliments.…
  • OK - just texted my hubby to take & hide my scale when he gets home. This will be so hard but when I changed my diet a week ago I wasn't going to weigh but I have done it every day twice a day all week. The obsession must end. I am doing this for health not numbers. I need to make the jump. Let's do it! Last weigh in:…