Lenten Scale Diet Official Thread - Join us!



  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    I'm doing this too. On my last weigh-in Friday March 4th I was 164.6. I thought I could leave the scale out and just will myself not to use it, but I'm so used to weighing myself right after I pee every morning, that I almost stepped on it the other day just out of habit. After that I stashed my scale on a shelf high up in the back of my closet.
    Good luck everyone!
  • Hardemanwifey
    Hardemanwifey Posts: 259 Member
    I'm debating on whether or not to jump in on this challenge. I do tend to weigh myself every morning that I can. I haven't weighed since monday morning since I work night shift and my weight will be off if I weighed once I get off work. So I think I will weigh tomorrow after I wake up from my nap. I'm also going to try and make better food choices to include more fruits and veggies. Alright I think I've just talked myself into it. So let's do it, 40days no scale!!!!
  • Ok everybody, you know I'm already in this. But just a reminder, Easter is late this year, it's 47 days from tomorrow, not 40. So are we back on the scale in 40 days on Palm Sunday or in 47 days on Easter Sunday???? :huh:
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    I'm in-- but out in 40 days, on Palm Sunday. Starting weight 151!
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Phew -- this thead is going to be amazing, I can just tell - we're all stark crazy in the first place for having scale addicitons and now we're all taking it away, together!!! I was cracking up at a bunch of the comments - mostly at where people are hiding their scales haha. As for me, we have a loft at my house, the only way to get up there is a 100% verticle ladder. I don't think I can physically get UP the ladder, plus it scares me half to death -- so he'll be stashing it up there. (Although, when I first started this journey my nutritionist was obviously concerned with my scale habits so she told me to hide the scale and weigh in once a week... So, my hubby did a very poor job hiding the scale and just chucked in the loft about 2 feet from the top of the ladder. I was so desperate one day to weigh myself that I actually did traverse the first 4 rungs which allowed myself to thow my arm up there and slap around until I felt it in all its glory!! I yanked that sucker down so fast I thought I broke it. Hubby was not to pleased and actually gave UP hiding it after that. SO - I've instructed him to put it wayyyyyyyyyyyyy in the back.)

    Thanks for the encouragement! I'm going the full 40 days - I don't need no stinkin' halfway check!!!

    WOOO! My reward for making it through this challenge will be a massage - anyone else setting a reward? Well besides the Reeses and cadbury eggs hahaha
  • tmthorn0927
    tmthorn0927 Posts: 155 Member
    my official weigh in is 241lbs..

    my hubs is terrible at hiding things also! lol
  • tmthorn0927
    tmthorn0927 Posts: 155 Member
    The Idea: to break the hold that the scale has on us. Yeah sure that number when it goes down might motivate you ... but when it goes up it throws you off, right?

    so if its 39 days, 40 days or 47 days... it would be great to break the hold the scale has on us! Good luck everyone!
  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    Well day 1 and i did it :-)
    Felt strange not hopping on after my wee this morning!
  • How the heck can Lent not be 40 days - lent is always 40 days...someone at the Vatican can apparently not read a calendar - ash Wed should be next week! WIERD!

    Hubby for got to take/hide my scale this am - and it is taunting me everytime I walk past...I weigh 3xs a day - a total addict. This is gonna be HARD!
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Good morning everyone!!! We have conquered Day 1- I knew you all could do it!!! Great job!

    Marnie - Thanks for the info! I'm not Catholic so I just went by what everyone else said and that it was 40 days. Good to know it's 47. But hey, since we will make it 40 days without the scale, what's another 7 more, right? Right???? :D

    Redpiggy - Congrats! It will feel strange for the first 4 or 5 days but it gets easier. I swear!

    Alaska - 40 days is still 40 days! Good for you!

    tm - tell your hubby to get better, lol. You can do it!

    Meg - I hate heights too so I completely understand! I think my reward is going to be a pedicure and maybe a massage as well! And, of course, my Reese's Peanut Butter egg, lol!

    Feel free to check in as often as you want/need to. If you need talked down from the scale, let me know!!! You can post here or private message me. I gave up my scale a little earlier than Lent because I NEEDED to. So I'm 17 days in.

  • I thought my fiance was the only guy bad at hiding stuff??? I asked him to hide the scale before and after he did...I said..."it's under the bed isn't it?" and I was right. Geesh. Us women would be able to hide it so much better than that!!! And, possibly even forget where we hid it. LOL
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Step away from the scale Loraine!!! It is supposed to be hard! It's an addiction we're all trying to break ourselves of. No one said it would be easy at first, but it will become so! I swear!!!!
    How the heck can Lent not be 40 days - lent is always 40 days...someone at the Vatican can apparently not read a calendar - ash Wed should be next week! WIERD!

    Hubby for got to take/hide my scale this am - and it is taunting me everytime I walk past...I weigh 3xs a day - a total addict. This is gonna be HARD!
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    Yay! I didn't weigh in this morning! And I don't even feel too weird about it...weird. After I eat in the morning I'm not too tempted to weigh, because I just know that eating and drinking water will cause my weight to be up, and I don't like that. :grumble: Anyway, I like the idea of having a reward. I think mine will be getting a new outfit, because I'm hopefully going to need some better fitting clothes at the end of 47 days! :happy:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    MegJo - That story is awesome! hahaha Love it :) I am so proud of you, girl :bigsmile:

    Good luck to everyone. Day 1 - You can do this!
  • I did NOT weigh myself this morning. One day down :)

    I did weigh last night though, my starting weight is 205.4. I better be well into "onederland" by Easter! Lol

    Hope everyone survives the first day :)
  • Marilynvent
    Marilynvent Posts: 1 Member
    Ok here go's. I have never replyed on MFP site or any other site so hope I do this right.
    I am so in on the Lenten scale diet. I weight myself three or four times a day. I am starting today
    I just found this thread.

    Todays weight is 155.5
  • cougs12
    cougs12 Posts: 92
    Hope everyone is having a great day. Finding it hard not to weigh in since a lot of my friends are posting weight loss. But then I realized that this lifestyle change is more than just a number. Its about changing habits so I hope this will carry me through the next 40 days
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Welcome marilyn!!! Glad this is the first thread you've replied to!!
    Ok here go's. I have never replyed on MFP site or any other site so hope I do this right.
    I am so in on the Lenten scale diet. I weight myself three or four times a day. I am starting today
    I just found this thread.

    Todays weight is 155.5
  • justscrappy
    justscrappy Posts: 11 Member
    Ok, I'm in!! I did not even own a scale until I started this journey in January, and now, I find myself stepping on it every time I walk past the bathroom. Enough is enough!! That scale is not going to own me, and truly this is not about a specific number. This journey, for me anyway, is about getting healthier, feeling comfortable in my own skin, and loving myself again.

    SW 290. I can do this!!
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Exactly cougs!! If you log your food and your exercise you will see results on Easter! This is supposed to be about getting healthy and fit. The scale should not dictate those things. How our clothes fit is a better indicator of our weight loss. keep doing all the right things and we'll see positive changes!
    Hope everyone is having a great day. Finding it hard not to weigh in since a lot of my friends are posting weight loss. But then I realized that this lifestyle change is more than just a number. Its about changing habits so I hope this will carry me through the next 40 days
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