Lenten Scale Diet Official Thread - Join us!

The Idea: to break the hold that the scale has on us. Yeah sure that number when it goes down might motivate you ... but when it goes up it throws you off, right?

The Truth: GUESS WHAT... the scale does not run our lives. If we eat right, and get activity we should lose weight, right? And its not all about that number is it? How many times has that dumb scale derailed you?

The Plan: a Lenten scale diet .... if your not religious you can call it the 40 day scale diet if you would like. Last weigh in will be on March 8th ... March 9th hide the scale, throw it out, give it to your husband/wife ... I dont care what you do with it but DO NOT get back on any scale until Easter Sunday!

The Measurement: you are allowed to measure yourself ONCE per week if you wish ... (I will not be doing this, but might get one measurement done during the time period)

The Goal: Track your calories in MFP - both food and exercise! Make excellent choices... based on your activity and food preferences!

The Celebration: Easter Sunday ... we will rock it ... have some great numbers and will no longer be slaves to the scale.

So what do you say ... who's with me?

Post your beginning weight ... and check back often to help motivate you scale-free friends if you would like!
I know that I will be REALLY struggling... but I can do this!


  • NanBar
    NanBar Posts: 283 Member
    I'm totally in this!!!

    I'm posting my weight now because I probably won't weigh tomorrow!!

    Challenge Starting weight 175.6
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    I'm in! :) I'm going to realistically shoot for 20 days and if I can surpass that goal I will! Otherwise it'll be a 1/2 way check in.

    I'm looking forward to this challenge to get my mind to reset and start setting goals that don't have anything to do with a scale. I ran a mile for the first time in my LIFE on Saturday so I'm going to try to really focus on my running and fitness for the next 40 days. I'm also going to dig deep in some magazines for new recipes to try.

    I'm at 19lbs down I really hope I can lose another pound by tomorrow so I don't have to stare at the number "19" for the next 40 days haha I don't think that'll happen so I'll post my weight from today which was 212.

    Super excited for this! :) Just what I need.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I'm in. Official starting weight = 201.6. It is nice to know that next time I weigh I will be at over 40 pounds lost and see a 1 at the front of my weight! :)
  • emchamberlain
    emchamberlain Posts: 133 Member
    I'm in!

    Starting weight: 169.4
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Do we get to gorge on chocolate eggs on Easter Sunday to celebrate? Actually, the Monday afterwards would be best, ½ price candy! Mmmmm Walmart tubs of jujubes for like $1.50, my only weakness in life. Problem is w/ jubejubes its easy to eat 500=1000 calories w/o noticing. Who knew a chocolate bar was the way to go :(

    I don't think that was the point of your thread group but with all this talk about Easter all I think about is bunnies and candy. Yea, sorry Jebus ;)

    *Jebus = Simpson’s reference if you thought it was a typo.
  • mlally1014
    mlally1014 Posts: 119 Member
    Awesome, I am in!. I will also be giving up all sweets... Lord help me because I am going to need it!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Good morning. Im pretty sure this "diet" might kill me, because I SOOO wanted to be under 250 before it started... alas I weighed in this morning at

    SW: 250.4

    MegJo: Dont you DARE sell yourself short silly goose... you CAN do this... you WILL do this. Giving yourself an out just makes it that much easier to quit.

    LOL at the Easter candy ... I am planning on having somewhat of an open day on Easter ... but we will just have to see if I have something to celebrate!
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    You know I'm in!!!! I don't know my starting weight today because I started the "Lenten Scale Diet" on Sunday, February 27. But my final weight on 2/27 was 206. I will tell everyone that the first 4 days are the most difficult!! But you can have victory over that scale!! I still have rough days where I stare at the spot on the floor in the bathroom where the scale previously resided, but those moments are becoming few and far between!! Good luck to us all!

    Oh, and I'm totally having at least 1 but no more than 2 of the Reese's Peanut Butter eggs in celebration when this is over!!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    You know I'm in!!!! I don't know my starting weight today because I started the "Lenten Scale Diet" on Sunday, February 27. But my final weight on 2/27 was 206. I will tell everyone that the first 4 days are the most difficult!! But you can have victory over that scale!! I still have rough days where I stare at the spot on the floor in the bathroom where the scale previously resided, but those moments are becoming few and far between!! Good luck to us all!

    Oh, and I'm totally having at least 1 but no more than 2 of the Reese's Peanut Butter eggs in celebration when this is over!!

    Of course --- why should it suprise you that your favorite food is exactly what I will be going for as well because its my favorite too!
  • MrsBehaving
    MrsBehaving Posts: 100 Member
    I am looking forward to this challenge! I am a bit nervous but that is part of breaking any addiction! I will NOT step on that nasty :devil: scale again until Easter! I will not even LOOK at it! I will not let that number dictate my mood and attitude everyday. :noway:

    Starting weight 186.6. :ohwell:
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Because we're soul sisters!!! :D

    Of course --- why should it suprise you that your favorite food is exactly what I will be going for as well because its my favorite too!
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    OK - final weigh in before Lent = 234. Looking forward to joining you all for this scale fast!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Good luck to all of you! Being "addicted" to the scale can turn into a life-long neurosis so it's great that you are taking steps now to free yourself from it! You'll be soooo much happier knowing you aren't a slave to that number - and going back to weighing-in regularly will be much easier knowing that you have what it takes to step back when things are getting a little too "serious". Good luck everyone! Will definitely be checking in with you folks, since many of you are my inspiring and incredible MFPals already! :heart:
  • rivlong
    rivlong Posts: 29 Member
    I love this idea! I am obsessive about weighing myself, normally morning, noon and night! I know its not sensible or very constructive, but I really can't help myself :blushing: Currently my scales are on the blitz so this is perfect timing for me. I won't be able to do my final weigh-in till the morning though, when I go to the gym!
  • chubbymumsy
    I am so in! I am also giving up chocolate - so heaven help me!!!
  • sarahnicolexoxo
    OH MY GOSH!! I feel like barfing just from the thought of doing this. What am I going to do? Ugh. FINE. I will put it away or my fiance will put it away. I seriously just want to chuck it out the door. It's like a drug, seriously. OK. I can do this. *deep breath*

    This is going to be so hard! And luckily, I weighed in this AM. Maybe I subconsciously knew I'd be doing this!
  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    I am all over this!!! I've been waiting for Lent to get rid of the scale.

    Actually, I'll see it every day. I'm bringing it to work with me and leaving it here. My husband can't hide things worth a damn and I can't be trusted at the beginning, so it'll stay here, since I'm not plannin on stripping and weighing in at work :)
  • rebawagner
    rebawagner Posts: 199 Member
    Count me in! Start weight this morning was 195! :noway:
  • cougs12
    cougs12 Posts: 92
    I'm in. 186.5 this morning.
  • jipper44
    jipper44 Posts: 111
    I'm in! Giving up cheese for Lent, even at the begging of my boyfriend to "please choose something else!"

    Starting weight: 150.2 lbs

    Can't wait to put away the scale when I get home from work! Let's do this!