Lenten Scale Diet Official Thread - Join us!



  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Confession is good for the soul!! Don't beat yourself up about it Meg! It is certainly a natural thing to do when you're doing something repetitively. The scale is not your friend, but we are!!!! You can do this!

    Stupid, dummy, pain in my *kitten* hubby did NOT do as he was told last night and hide the scale :mad: . So, I just woke up ( I work 3rd shift and sleep during the day), sauntered into the bathroom, peed and hopped on. :noway: GARHGHHAHCHGDGECH:noway: , so mad I could SCREAM right now:sad: . As soon as the '0' was flashing I realized what I was doing but couldn't hop off before the giant "your still in a stupid plateau" number came up. :cry:

    Hmph, oh well, no sense in being bummed about it. And, for the record- I love my hubby, and although he has his supid, dumb, pain in my *kitten* moments - he is not any of those things.:love: The good thing from all of this is that number and the way I felt about it solidified why I'm doing this challenge - the scale is NOT my friend lately, time to cut the ties. :)

    Anyway - the scale is on the kitchen table with a huge "HIDE ME" post-it on it.
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    By the time the 40 days rolls around you'll think another 7 is NOTHING!! You can do it!
    I'm in-- but out in 40 days, on Palm Sunday. Starting weight 151!

    Okay, okay. After reading the other posts, I'll bow to the Catholics and stick with it til Easter Sunday. Damn it's gonna be hard!
  • cougs12
    cougs12 Posts: 92
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    In cahoots with EmmaLeigh... I present the first weekly Lenten Scale Diet CHALLENGE! :smile:

    What can you do to prepare yourself for a successful Scale Diet?
    Not just today, but throughout the “Diet”… Hide the scale? Set non-scale goals for each week (or two or three) of the “Diet”? Set a goal for the final day? Decide on a reward? What time/day will be your weakest, when you think you might be running for the scale, and what can you do instead? What about asking a friend, MFP or not, to join you? Or finding and adding a new exercise to your workout routine? Or even starting a workout routine if you haven’t?
    PLAN on being successful, and you will. If you need help—ask us! As Fzy said, we’re all here to talk you down off of the ledge :bigsmile:

    Share your plans/ideas here, on your blog, or even somewhere private—whatever it takes to picture yourself healthier, fitter, and hotter 40 (OK, 47) days from now!!!

    MY “PLAN”:
    *Measure every two weeks (but not any more often—I don’t want to replace weighing with a new obsession!)
    *Asked my Mom and Sister to join me—*YAY* they agreed!
    *Burn at least 3,500 calories w/exercise for 4 of the 6 weeks
    *If I’m tempted to step on the scale, I’ll drink a glass of water (cause who wants to weigh themselves when they’ve just downed a bunch of water?!)… and ask for help if that doesn’t work!!!
    *REWARD… Cadbury & Reese’s (YUM), also a new Spring dress. Special Reward for the 3,500-calorie goal… the purse I’ve been DYING to get!!! :love:

    :heart: Good luck everyone--I bet a lot of us have made it a long way already, just by not weighing in today!

    My plan is to keep from looking at the scale to focus on working out and enjoying it. I start Zumba at the end of the month again and looking forward to a "fun"workout. To drink more water and cut out the sugary drinks. And focus on taking care of myself.
    My reward is going to be some new spring/summer clothes because my daughters 5 bday is in May and we are also going on vacation.
  • sarahnicolexoxo
    I came across this link from someone else. I think it's something everyone should read. She PROVES we shouldn't live by the scale AND she documents why! If this doesn't help us see that we shouldn't obsess...I don't know what will!

  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    OK- first day is hurting me a lot. I did not weigh in, HOWEVER, I did not eat well today - I caught myself eating things here and there that I would never have dared do if I had to answer to the mean, ugly scale. Did anyone else go through anything similar??
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Nope ... I am acting like I think I am up in weight... I have to work hard to right the horse... LOL!
    This morning was hard ... but I didnt do it...
    The evening when I came home from work .. I stared longingly at the spot where the scale would be!
    But no weighing today!
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Good morning everyone!! How'd you all do on Day 2??
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    Okay....really struggling...told my sister about the Lenten challenge last night, as I was trying on my wedding dress, which was a bit snug due to weight gain, and she said that she had just read an article stating that people who weigh more often are more likely to keep weight off due to ability to see the scale sliding up and catching themselves before it's too late. I really want to go hop on the scale right now...haven't eaten breakfast, haven't had anything to drink this morning....I don't know what to do.
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Don't let the scale win violet!!! You can do it! For inspiration, read the article SarahNicolexoxo posted earlier on the thread!
    Okay....really struggling...told my sister about the Lenten challenge last night, as I was trying on my wedding dress, which was a bit snug due to weight gain, and she said that she had just read an article stating that people who weigh more often are more likely to keep weight off due to ability to see the scale sliding up and catching themselves before it's too late. I really want to go hop on the scale right now...haven't eaten breakfast, haven't had anything to drink this morning....I don't know what to do.
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    NSV for me today!!! I pulled out a pr of jeans 1 size smaller and guess who is wearing them today???
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I wont lie, this morning was hard for me. I really wanted to weigh in ... to check in with myself. But then I asked myself... what are you gonig to gain from that? What if you are up, are you going to feel bad all day. If you are down, are you going to relax ... what will that number change?

    The answer was : NOTHING!
    As long as I am doing the right things... eating the right foods.... and feeling healthy it will all work out in the end. I have to admit I "feel" like I gained weight... but if I did its water weight and I just need to exercise.

    So still on the wagon I am! :)
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    I have to admit I "feel" like I gained weight... but if I did its water weight and I just need to exercise.
    So still on the wagon I am! :)
    Whenever I "feel" like I've gained weight, 99% of the time I have actually lost--so weird! Maybe you could tell your body that and your pants will feel loose :wink:

    CONFESSION... stepped on the scale last night completely out of habit; as I was waiting for the digital number to appear, I remembered the "diet" and jumped off as fast as I could! I have no idea if the number showed-up or not, as I turned my head and waited until I knew it auto turned-off. AHH!!! I didn't see the weight, so I think I'm technically still in the clear... but screw not hiding the scale and testing my willpower! That thing went in the trunk of hubby's car this morning... not before he weighed himself (couldn't convince him to join :grumble:) and let me know he'd lost 1.5 lbs--since Sunday.

    Reason #259 to give-up the scale--comparing my weekly (or daily) changes to hubby's is so deflating!!!

    Keep up the good work! By this time next week it'll be old hat for us :bigsmile:
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    Well....I wound up stepping on the scale this morning....don't know how to feel about it.
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    Well....I wound up stepping on the scale this morning....don't know how to feel about it.
    Oh no! Well, just like falling off the bandwagon, you can always get back on :smile: Hide that sucker and regroup--you can do this, and tomorrow morning will be better!!!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I have to admit I "feel" like I gained weight... but if I did its water weight and I just need to exercise.
    So still on the wagon I am! :)
    Whenever I "feel" like I've gained weight, 99% of the time I have actually lost--so weird! Maybe you could tell your body that and your pants will feel loose :wink:

    CONFESSION... stepped on the scale last night completely out of habit; as I was waiting for the digital number to appear, I remembered the "diet" and jumped off as fast as I could! I have no idea if the number showed-up or not, as I turned my head and waited until I knew it auto turned-off. AHH!!! I didn't see the weight, so I think I'm technically still in the clear... but screw not hiding the scale and testing my willpower! That thing went in the trunk of hubby's car this morning... not before he weighed himself (couldn't convince him to join :grumble:) and let me know he'd lost 1.5 lbs--since Sunday.

    Reason #259 to give-up the scale--comparing my weekly (or daily) changes to hubby's is so deflating!!!

    Keep up the good work! By this time next week it'll be old hat for us :bigsmile:

    Haha love your willpower! I also agree that not hiding it will not work for me. I remember when you said that I thought about trying that .... and then I thought NAH. There is a big empty spot in my bathroom in front of the toilet where the scale used to be... and I dont even have a clue where it is right now, although if I looked hard enough I could probably find it!
    LOL trunk of the car is a good one... I would have to go out into the cold garage... and I doubt I would do that.

    Violet: Ummm well.... here is my first question... what did you learn? What is satisfying and did it motivate you... or disappoint you. What were your feeling associated with it? Do you want to have to weigh yourself every single day for the rest of your life and feel like you can live or die by the number!? We still love you... dont worry!
  • NanBar
    NanBar Posts: 283 Member
    I really feel LIBERATED! Thanks Emma- you ARE a ROCK STAR to me always!!!

    I have decided to CRANK out some serious work outs during the next 38 days and of course back that up with some serious nutrition! I am going to get stronger and leaner and prove to myself that the number doesn't RULE my life...I DO.

    I am SO LOVING this.
  • sarahnicolexoxo
    I saw my weight today when I went to the doctors. I couldn't help it. No more weigh-ins for me though. That was it. Hope no one is dissapointed in me...(Especially Fzy :D) We can all do this though.
  • yuli23
    yuli23 Posts: 89 Member
    Omg girl I'm addicted ... like I do it 3 times a day at least .....its scary .... but if I'm making healthy choices I should be okay .... I guess imams the wrong choices and I have to see how much damage I did ... man ..... I'm smiling its a challenge ... I wanna loose 2. A week .... ahhhhhhh .... okay okay ... when is Easter? ??? Lol I'm giving up the scale and taking up walking/jogging .... I don't do lent ... Lenten will work lol
  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    OK- first day is hurting me a lot. I did not weigh in, HOWEVER, I did not eat well today - I caught myself eating things here and there that I would never have dared do if I had to answer to the mean, ugly scale. Did anyone else go through anything similar??
    I feel like I've been really bad but actually tracking it's not overly bad.

    Day2 complete!
    I nearly got on the ones at work accidentally!
    We weighed a woman and were trying to decided afterwards if it was accurate so my mentor jumped on and I nearly did afterwards!!!
    But I didn't :)
    I want to get on because I feel like I've gained tons in two days lol
    But I won't!
    I WILL be strong.
    I CAN do this!!
  • marniehodges
    It's amazing to me that all I think about all day is that scale! :grumble: I went YEARS and didn't weigh myself, which is part of what's freaking me out I think. I didn't weigh for years and look what happened?! I have not succumbed to stepping on it though, and I WILL NOT! :noway: