Lenten Scale Diet Official Thread - Join us!



  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    Seems to be getting easier each day.. But I still feel like I'm less accountable lol
    Had a takeaway tonight!! But didn't have any alcohol so it's only one of two evils!!
    Rest of my food has been good. Had a chicken and bacon pasta salad thingy today, a lot of calories but I missed lunch and it was very balanced.. And then I had a bloomin' takeaway!!!!! Ah well, I'll get it right one day!
    Kind of want to see the damage on the scale but I WILL resist!
  • cougs12
    cougs12 Posts: 92
    Finding it a little be easier not to be tempted to weigh myself all the. has given me a chance to enjoy life.
  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    Today WILL be good!
    I pretty much no longer feel the urge to weigh in.
    So I just need to focus more on eating better now. Did do a load of exercise yesterday though, walked absolutely everywhere! (Very unlike me)
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Keep logging your food with good food choices and stay within your calorie range and you'll see the results! Way to go on getting your exercise in!!
    Today WILL be good!
    I pretty much no longer feel the urge to weigh in.
    So I just need to focus more on eating better now. Did do a load of exercise yesterday though, walked absolutely everywhere! (Very unlike me)
  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    I have been logging but I think I've missed a couple of things out... The odd packet of crisps here and there etc (luckily the ones I eat are about 80-100 cals a bag)
    So far today I had some leftovers from yesterday which I logged on yesterdays calories as I put everything but didn't eat it all.
    Going to have a packet of crisps that I WILL log right this second and stay away from the leftover pizza while I cook!!
    I really really really want to get on them though. I'm not going to but I feel like I've gained a ton even though none of my clothes have changed to suggest it.
    I feel like I need constant reassurance from the scale that I've not gained!
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    Did my longest run so far today, and I REALLY wanted to weigh afterward :grumble: I didn't, but the weekends are going to be hard for me I've realized!!!

    :heart: Hope everyone has a fab weekend, and FEELS better/healthier/svelter (is that a word? If not I just made it into one) than ever!!!
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Looks like most everyone is doing well! Keep it up!!

    I feel totally refocused. Just these last 5 days not weighing in has made a big impact on my thought process. I'm only a day or so away from logging my food for 180 days straight on MFP. About a month ago I got to a place where I was too comfortable. I'd lost 21lbs, my clothes were feeling more loose, and I was starting to get compliments. So, what did I do? I started slacking off. Then I hit my plateau. The combination of those two things left me staring at the same weight for over a month!

    The last 5 days have been like a slap in the face - and I needed it!. I'm paying strict attention to my diary and what I'm eating. I'm logging EVERYTHING that touches my lips and I've decided to up my excersize.

    Just thought I'd share some positives. Yes, I still want to climb the latter to the loft and risk landing flat on my chubby butt getting that scale, but I'm going to refrain because I think I'm learning something really valuable not living by the numbers on the scale.
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    Blueviolet- Actually the best part of a diet is that every day is a fresh start to do your best with excersize and diet...Try and eliminate any foods that are processed and cut out any soda. Take it 1 day at a time..or 1 hour at a time...

    Good Luck and try not get upset with yourself.

    Thanks for the encouragement. I've been doing really good with my food and exercise. I'm really trying to stay on track as far as that goes. Now I just have to eliminate the scale. Maybe I can get my fiance to hide it for me...that'll keep me from weighing in. Anyway, I'll start taking it one day at a time, sticking to my food plan and my exercise, and we'll see where I end up by Easter....I may have fallen off the wagon at the beginning, but I'm going to hop back on and be on until the end.
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    Blueviolet - did you check out the link that sarahnicolexoxo posted earlier in the thread? The scale # means nothing. It's how your body looks and feels that should be pushing you! Are you working out and making good food choices?
    Okay...so, I thought I had just given up on the whole giving up the scale thing...I weighed myself this morning, and my weight was up...it's been bugging me all day, and I wound up crying to my fiance about my weight and how it's not moving much today...like, literally crying! And, I'm kind of realizing...I'm way too fixated on that number. Way too fixated. I need to start up fresh right now, and I need to start making healthy food choices and getting my exercise in gear. Please, help me!

    Just read the link fzyfrog....and wow! That's a real eye-opener. I'm at about the same weight she was....and that's really encouraging....to think that I don't have to worry about the scale, because you can be 5 different sizes at the same weight. I have been working out and making good food choices...so, I'm going to give up the scale...Easter, I will check it, but if nothing's changed, so what. At least I know that I've been making healthy choices.
  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    How many days is it today?
    Still not been on :)
    Had a good ish day yesterday so I kinda wanted to this morning but I'm finding it easier and easier to resist!!
    Planning on doing a TON of exercise today so tomorrow will be hard but no doubt I'll get up late and have to rush so won't have time to think about it!!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Blue violet: I am sooo proud of you that you are going to hop back on (not on the scale) hehe and hop ... Easter...ok I am apparently giddy today!

    redpiggy: YEAH you for not getting on

    MegJo: I 100% agree with you .... it has its positives and negatives, but I think the positives outweigh the negatives.

    Husband had a great point the other day ... Friday after my 5 mile run that felt soo great I was DYING to get on the scale because a nude weight after running is always my lowest weight. I asked him for the scale and he just laughed at me... and asked me why.

    I told him it was because I wanted to know if everything I was doing was worth it... his comments

    1. Do you feel better and stronger? (yes)
    2. Do you regret any of your workouts? (no)
    3. How will you feel if you get on the scale and you gained (terrible)
    4. Why do you need to get on the scale... if you are doing everything right, it should show so why do you need it?

    Hmmmm ... I replied that well if it doesnt show what I want then I clearly need to work harder. He laughed and said "huny I dont think that is possible" (I have really put in a big workout week this week).

    His point... do the right thing and thats all that matters. We need to stop thinking that we are making choices to "lose weight" we are making choices to be healthier and stronger, right?

    There are days I love my husband! :)
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    Ok, guys - I am really struggling with this scale thing the last couple days. I feel really out of touch with my goals and with my progress - I just tried on some old clothes that I am hoping to wear again this summer and even though they were tight, I BUTTONED those babies - I couldn't even get them up past my hips before I began my lifestyle change. So, while that was very motivating, I still feel like I need some sort of idea of where I'm at on the scale (especially since I have sooo far to go) I thought about having my hubby do a "secret" weigh in and he can look at the number but not tell me and just tell me if I am on the right track,or if there is a need for me to kick it up a notch. What do you think?
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Ok, guys - I am really struggling with this scale thing the last couple days. I feel really out of touch with my goals and with my progress - I just tried on some old clothes that I am hoping to wear again this summer and even though they were tight, I BUTTONED those babies - I couldn't even get them up past my hips before I began my lifestyle change. So, while that was very motivating, I still feel like I need some sort of idea of where I'm at on the scale (especially since I have sooo far to go) I thought about having my hubby do a "secret" weigh in and he can look at the number but not tell me and just tell me if I am on the right track,or if there is a need for me to kick it up a notch. What do you think?

    See my post above... do you think you are doing your best... if so you dont need a scale to reaffirm your progress!
    When you workout are you working towards a goal?
    I know you are focusing on how you will feel if your down ... but how will you feel if you are up ... what would you do differently? If you dont feel you are doing your best ... its time to start baby!
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    I'm going to have to bow out - forgot about a doctor's appointment Friday. It will happen - not sure about hiding my eyes/ears...
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA the past fews days everyone!!! I have been spending some quality "me" time. I needed a short break. although it looks like Emma has been giving some awesome pointers and suggestions! Take a serious look at her questions and answer them truthfully. I met a friend today who ran part of my run with me. I haven't seen her in a couple months and the first thing she said to me was "OMG, look how skinny you look!!" At over 200 lbs I can guarantee you I am not skinny, lol, but I didn't need a scale for her to notice how I look. I had some other friends last night tell me that my "shelf" has gotten smaller (I have a ghetto booty). So for me, those compliments are the positive affirmation that I need that what I am doing is working. How I look has nothing to do with the number on that scale.
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    Yay! No scale this morning! Just an omelet and some coffee....mmm, so tasty! I'm so ready for the day!
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Way to go blueviolet! And your breakfast does sound yummy!!! Have a great day!!
    Yay! No scale this morning! Just an omelet and some coffee....mmm, so tasty! I'm so ready for the day!
  • tmthorn0927
    tmthorn0927 Posts: 155 Member
    So I have given up chocolate and the scale for 47 days and it surprises me that I am doing so well. Keep up the great work everyone! :blushing:
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    I bow down to you for giving up chocolate!!! Good for you! And way to go!
    So I have given up chocolate and the scale for 47 days and it surprises me that I am doing so well. Keep up the great work everyone! :blushing:
  • Val_from_OH
    Val_from_OH Posts: 447 Member
    After getting up 5 times in the night for a "potty break" last night, I was DYING to get on the scale this morning. I left it under the bed though, and got on with my day. The WI for my work challenge is tomorrow, and I am heading in blind. I will look at the number, as I need to know if I am a contender in this contest. Wish me luck!