New here, looking to lose belly fat

Hi Everyone,
New here today. Just wanted to post that I am not at all overweight, but have everything concentrated in the belly area. I've started a project of eating more often, and the charts are really great! If anyone has some insights on the belly fat problem, please let me know.

Thanks and wish me luck!


  • kgillikin
    kgillikin Posts: 191 Member
  • cem2168
    cem2168 Posts: 205 Member
    white sugar...aka sweets... causes belly fat. I actually do not eat any sugar at all for this reason. I find other ways to sweeten my foods. Plus, foods like 0% milkfat plain yoghurt and whole grains actually burn belly fat. Apples also have a chemical called pectin in them that limits the amount of fat your belly stores. Hope that helps!
  • dh_dom
    dh_dom Posts: 8
    pilates seems to work for me - doing it every other day
  • lorrainegd
    Hi. I am actually working on this same exact issue. I have illiminates sugara because I have heard the same thing - that it seriously makes that middle hard to lose. Good news is when I cut the sugar and simple carbs I also got rid of the craving sI used to have - BIG relief. I alsl started taking Cinnamon suppliments. They are said to help stablize the insulin level in your blood and the insulin is what cause that belly fat. I started both these things 9 days ago as well as eliminating processed foods like premade frozen meals and such and limited bread focussing more on WHOLE grains (not whole grain flours) and I have lost about an inch and a half of the stubborn chub around my middle already! IT WORKS!
  • sceck
    sceck Posts: 219
    Yay!!! Thanks for the encouragement. I've started putting cinnamon on lots of foods, along with turmeric. Never had a problem with the breads, but I don't eat often enough. Think it's called the starvation mode, thus the fat. Trying so very hard to eat, although not particularly hungry. And trying especially hard at meeting the water requirements.
  • kgillikin
    kgillikin Posts: 191 Member
    Hi. I am actually working on this same exact issue. I have illiminates sugara because I have heard the same thing - that it seriously makes that middle hard to lose. Good news is when I cut the sugar and simple carbs I also got rid of the craving sI used to have - BIG relief. I alsl started taking Cinnamon suppliments. They are said to help stablize the insulin level in your blood and the insulin is what cause that belly fat. I started both these things 9 days ago as well as eliminating processed foods like premade frozen meals and such and limited bread focussing more on WHOLE grains (not whole grain flours) and I have lost about an inch and a half of the stubborn chub around my middle already! IT WORKS!

    What do you eat? Just about everything has sugar in it. So what does that leave you to eat? Wanting to know because I honestly dont know how to cut out all the sugar. I eat a lot of low fat yogurt but it has sugar in it.
  • lorrainegd
    I have gone to a clean eating diet. You are right almost everything processed has sugar in it so it's not easy to avoid. I eat a lot of fruits & veggies. A lot of home cooking. Whole grains - brown rice, quinoa, plain oats. Plain yogurt - you can add your own fruit to it. If I need to sweeten something I use honey or pure maple syrup. Everytime I think I have gotten the sugar out of my diet, I find it on another label. Just realized this week my hummus has sugar in it, but I just search the supermarket shelp til I found one that doesn't have sugar. No artificial sweeteners either or brown sugar which is just white sugar with molasses added - just natural whole sweeteners - honey, maple syrup or sugar, agave syrup, brown rice syrup. I actually cut anything sweet out for just short of a week and then slowly included a little honey or maple here & there - but not over doing it of course. Funny thing is my taste buds have adjusted - the carrots and red peppers are SO much sweeter now. and the fruit. I think if you cut it out then you don't need it as much. I am able to enjoy the flavors in food so much more. Search the organic aisles though - you will find products without white sugar added if you take the time - but the best way to go is as nature intended - fresh foods!
  • sceck
    sceck Posts: 219
    I too, use cinnamon as often as possible. Couple shakes on my oatmeal, couple shake on coffee grounds before brewing. Herbs and spices can eliminate needing the sugars and the salts without sacrificing flavor.
  • Babcakes
    Babcakes Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for sharing such great ideas...I know they are extremely helpful for me....
  • Babcakes
    Babcakes Posts: 18 Member
    Does anyone know how much sugar (good or bad sugar) you should have in a day? Good sugars comes from fruits which I heard doesn't count negatively towards your sugar intake. However, I am unsure how much sugar you should have in a day.