Lenten Scale Diet Official Thread - Join us!



  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Welcome JC!
    Ok, I'm in!! I did not even own a scale until I started this journey in January, and now, I find myself stepping on it every time I walk past the bathroom. Enough is enough!! That scale is not going to own me, and truly this is not about a specific number. This journey, for me anyway, is about getting healthier, feeling comfortable in my own skin, and loving myself again.

    SW 290. I can do this!!
  • decided that when I go upstairs I am taking the scale and putting it on my husband's dresser...

    the length of lent thing was really bothering me and I discovered that lent is 47 days EVERY YEAR!!! It is not because Easter is late this year. Apparently we do not count Sundays when counting the days of lent. News to me!!! I guess I always took it for granted that it was 40 days and never actually counted! I guess that is where the whole 'cheating' on what you gave up on Sunday came from...
  • dcorsi
    dcorsi Posts: 7
    Count me in too! I will try really hard to follow a 40 day journey. I know it can be done through the power of prayer! Although it will be tough...I'm going on vacation for 2 weeks to relax in the sun! I must stay focused:flowerforyou:

    3/9/2011: 133
  • sneakers71
    sneakers71 Posts: 106
    feeling like I forgot something this morning - oh yeah...NO SCALE!!! ha-ha-ha! day 1 complete!
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    I'm in, but I'm going to do my last weigh in tonight since I just got back from out of town and haven't been into work to weigh myself yet. After that, no more scale!
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Great job everyone!!!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I'm debating this..... hmmmmmmmm...... I think I may throw a temper tantrum if I do it, but.......

    I'll think about it. If I do - will weigh in the morning for the final time. :sad:

    Decision has been made & I'm in - weigh in 197.6 lbs! I think I need therapy for separation anxiety disorder already! :sad:
  • I know this "40 days of Lent" is confusing to some people. I am Catholic, so this is how it goes...It's considered 40 days because Sunday's aren't included in "actual Lent". And Lent officially ends on "Good Friday", the Friday before Easter, hence, the 40 days. However, since we started out committing to breaking up with our scales until Easter Sunday, I say LETS DO IT!!! You all are right, if we can do it for 40 days we can do it for 47 (I think :sad: ). I agree, the hardest thing for me is going to be seeing my friends here post their losses! I want to do that to! But I'm in this!!! :drinker:
  • jennlee80
    jennlee80 Posts: 142
    I forgot to hide the scale last night and sure enough it was staring me down this a.m!!! BUT NOPE, I DIDN'T JUMP ON IT! We can totally do this!!!
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    In cahoots with EmmaLeigh... I present the first weekly Lenten Scale Diet CHALLENGE! :smile:

    What can you do to prepare yourself for a successful Scale Diet?
    Not just today, but throughout the “Diet”… Hide the scale? Set non-scale goals for each week (or two or three) of the “Diet”? Set a goal for the final day? Decide on a reward? What time/day will be your weakest, when you think you might be running for the scale, and what can you do instead? What about asking a friend, MFP or not, to join you? Or finding and adding a new exercise to your workout routine? Or even starting a workout routine if you haven’t?
    PLAN on being successful, and you will. If you need help—ask us! As Fzy said, we’re all here to talk you down off of the ledge :bigsmile:

    Share your plans/ideas here, on your blog, or even somewhere private—whatever it takes to picture yourself healthier, fitter, and hotter 40 (OK, 47) days from now!!!

    MY “PLAN”:
    *Measure every two weeks (but not any more often—I don’t want to replace weighing with a new obsession!)
    *Asked my Mom and Sister to join me—*YAY* they agreed!
    *Burn at least 3,500 calories w/exercise for 4 of the 6 weeks
    *If I’m tempted to step on the scale, I’ll drink a glass of water (cause who wants to weigh themselves when they’ve just downed a bunch of water?!)… and ask for help if that doesn’t work!!!
    *REWARD… Cadbury & Reese’s (YUM), also a new Spring dress. Special Reward for the 3,500-calorie goal… the purse I’ve been DYING to get!!! :love:

    :heart: Good luck everyone--I bet a lot of us have made it a long way already, just by not weighing in today!
  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    Hmm.. Does that mean I can weigh myself on a Sunday?!?!
    I won't don't worry!!
    I honestly never knew that though, I'm so shocked lol.
    How have I never noticed it's a whole week longer than I thought?....

    Might try and go the whole hog so to speak and wait to weigh until Easter Sunday!!

    I'm hoping madly to be in the 190's, but OMG to be in the 180's would be fantastic! That's less 20lbs in roughly 7 weeks. Slightly under 3lb a week. But I'm bigger anyway and the first few pounds will probably be water weight so what do you reckon?

    I think I can do it!
    But you've all got to keep me motivated! If I don't post every single day pm me and shout at me :P

    My Scale Diet goal: 189lbs by Easter Sunday
    Reward: Easter egg once I finally reach it. If I haven't by the Sunday I'm not allowed an Easter egg until I've hit it!
    Reward for not giving in before ES: Haircut and dye maybe :)
  • lyssajp
    lyssajp Posts: 6 Member
    I want to get in on this wooooo! I am currently 180 ikkkk.
    let the scale withdraws begin :tongue:
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member

    Stupid, dummy, pain in my *kitten* hubby did NOT do as he was told last night and hide the scale :mad: . So, I just woke up ( I work 3rd shift and sleep during the day), sauntered into the bathroom, peed and hopped on. :noway: GARHGHHAHCHGDGECH:noway: , so mad I could SCREAM right now:sad: . As soon as the '0' was flashing I realized what I was doing but couldn't hop off before the giant "your still in a stupid plateau" number came up. :cry:

    Hmph, oh well, no sense in being bummed about it. And, for the record- I love my hubby, and although he has his supid, dumb, pain in my *kitten* moments - he is not any of those things.:love: The good thing from all of this is that number and the way I felt about it solidified why I'm doing this challenge - the scale is NOT my friend lately, time to cut the ties. :)

    Anyway - the scale is on the kitchen table with a huge "HIDE ME" post-it on it.
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    I'm in-- but out in 40 days, on Palm Sunday. Starting weight 151!

    Okay, okay. After reading the other posts, I'll bow to the Catholics and stick with it til Easter Sunday. Damn it's gonna be hard!
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Super proud of you Jenn!!! Yet another reason I love you!!
    I forgot to hide the scale last night and sure enough it was staring me down this a.m!!! BUT NOPE, I DIDN'T JUMP ON IT! We can totally do this!!!
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Excellent decision!!! You can do this!
    I'm debating this..... hmmmmmmmm...... I think I may throw a temper tantrum if I do it, but.......

    I'll think about it. If I do - will weigh in the morning for the final time. :sad:

    Decision has been made & I'm in - weigh in 197.6 lbs! I think I need therapy for separation anxiety disorder already! :sad:
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Thanks for clearing it up Marnie!
    I know we can do this! It is hard, but the feeling we'll all get after conquering this will be soooo worth it!
    I know this "40 days of Lent" is confusing to some people. I am Catholic, so this is how it goes...It's considered 40 days because Sunday's aren't included in "actual Lent". And Lent officially ends on "Good Friday", the Friday before Easter, hence, the 40 days. However, since we started out committing to breaking up with our scales until Easter Sunday, I say LETS DO IT!!! You all are right, if we can do it for 40 days we can do it for 47 (I think :sad: ). I agree, the hardest thing for me is going to be seeing my friends here post their losses! I want to do that to! But I'm in this!!! :drinker:
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    My "PLAN":

    Measure Thursday, 3/10 at the gym - No measurements again until the Good Friday.
    Burn at least 3500 calories w/ exercise 4 of the 6 weeks (I'm stealing this one Em!!)
    REWARD: 2 Reese's Eggs, a pedicure, and a new dress
    MY “PLAN”:
    *Measure every two weeks (but not any more often—I don’t want to replace weighing with a new obsession!)
    *Asked my Mom and Sister to join me—*YAY* they agreed!
    *Burn at least 3,500 calories w/exercise for 4 of the 6 weeks
    *If I’m tempted to step on the scale, I’ll drink a glass of water (cause who wants to weigh themselves when they’ve just downed a bunch of water?!)… and ask for help if that doesn’t work!!!
    *REWARD… Cadbury & Reese’s (YUM), also a new Spring dress. Special Reward for the 3,500-calorie goal… the purse I’ve been DYING to get!!! :love:

    :heart: Good luck everyone--I bet a lot of us have made it a long way already, just by not weighing in today!
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    If you can do 40 days, you can do another 7!!! I will be sure to PM you if you're not checking in daily :D
    Make great food choices and keep your exercising and you should see a significant loss!
    I think you have set a great reward!! You can do it!!
    Might try and go the whole hog so to speak and wait to weigh until Easter Sunday!!

    I'm hoping madly to be in the 190's, but OMG to be in the 180's would be fantastic! That's less 20lbs in roughly 7 weeks. Slightly under 3lb a week. But I'm bigger anyway and the first few pounds will probably be water weight so what do you reckon?

    I think I can do it!
    But you've all got to keep me motivated! If I don't post every single day pm me and shout at me :P

    My Scale Diet goal: 189lbs by Easter Sunday
    Reward: Easter egg once I finally reach it. If I haven't by the Sunday I'm not allowed an Easter egg until I've hit it!
    Reward for not giving in before ES: Haircut and dye maybe :)
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Welcome lyssa!
    I want to get in on this wooooo! I am currently 180 ikkkk.
    let the scale withdraws begin :tongue:
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