

  • Good evening everyone! Man..does the weekend go by fast! Today was another dull day for me as I'm not feeling well again since I have my 'visitor' right now. I did eat ok, had a couple of cookies this evening that my mother baked but I was still under my calories. Did get some cleaning in so there was a little exercise…
  • Happy Saturday everyone! Didn't do much of anything today due to not feeling to well. Still ate ok but just didn't move as much as I wanted to. Saturday Success: This week it would have to be the walk I took yesterday. I got my butt up and did it and felt great afterwards. Now..if I can keep it up!! Question: Someone…
  • Good Friday evening everyone! So I started the day not so good by weighing in and gaining three pounds. I was upset at first but I think it's because it's that time of the month. So instead of me sitting down and feeling sorry for myself I got my butt up and took a 30 minute walk before clocking in at work. When I was…
  • To all the women: it's almost that time....do you all feel more hungry during that time and tend to overeat? I think that might be my problem.
  • To all the women: it's almost that time....do you all feel more hungry during that time and tend to overeat? I think that might be my problem. @grandmakaye44: I saw that and responded...thank you!
  • @bodiva88: Sometimes I do either read or play with my son but if I'm not super busy like I am at work I will think that I'm hungry and start eating. @nancy10272004: Thanks! I will look into that book! @allybird2 and PJPrimrose: Thank you both for the advice!!
  • Almost didn't log in this evening because I feel so upset at myself so here is my Thursday Truth: So, I thought I was doing really good this evening. I measured out my food and only ate what I measured. Well, I was watching Grey's Anatomy (LOVE IT!!) and 'thought' I was still hungry. In the end I ended up eating 3.5 hot…
  • I agree! Most of my MFP friends have come from ppl that I have meet on the treads that seem to be very motivating to me. Come to the threads daily and not only post questions but read some and give advice too. Giving advice gives as much motivation and receiving it. Good luck and I'll send you a request!
  • This is so me! I do this all the time and the crazy thing is I just posted in another thread that I'm surprised I haven't done this yet due to stress at work. Good luck to you and I wish you the best. It's so hard to fight the urges. I know when I start I can't stop..I don't get that feeling either. But then I feel like…
  • Still under my calories today considering it was my third anniversary and I overate a little this evening. Feeling a little sluggish at the moment from all the food...starting to see the difference in how I feel after eating certain things now. Surprised I didn't binge considering the day I had at work. Taking it one day…
  • Good evening everyone! Hope everyone has had a good day. I did ok today but ate out twice because we were on the road for appts. Still came in under my calories and got some 'activity' in today with walking and cleaning. Tuesday Goals: My goal for this week is to try to figure out the best thing to do with my meals and how…
  • WOW!!! You have lost a lot of weight so far and that is great! You have probably hit a plateu and just need to adjust your exercise or your eating. You are doing great!! Don't give up now....you can do it!
  • Monday Check-In: Didn't do to bad over the weekend but I did go over my calories by a little on both days. I'm still trying to get the hang of things. Today was really stressful at work because of all the changes being made to our clinic and to the way things are done at the hospital but I was able to do well and stay…
  • I hope everyone has had a wonderful Mother's Day! Sunday Sharing: My name is Heather and I've been married to my husband for almost 3 years..it will be on Wednesday! We have a wonderful, handsome son name Jeffery, after my father. He just turned 2 in January. I work as a Medical Assistant for a local hospital with the…
  • We sound a lot alike. I'm the same way...I start out motivated and then something happens or I get lazy and then I'm not on here for two months. I recently started back again myself and I am seeking help and guidance to keep from going back to the old ways again. One thing I have learned over the past few days from some…
  • I'm sorry about the news about your department but it's good that you are keeping a good attitude about it. I'm going through a smiliar thing where I work. Our orthopedic office is being moved to a new building and new processes are happening. The 'powers that be' have decided that not all of the staff are needed when the…
  • First and foremost I would like to wish all the mothers out there a very Happy Mother's Day! Saturday Success: First week back to MFP and I was able to log in everyday and log my food, even if I went over. This is a success for me since normally if I had a bad day, like yesterday and today, I would not log in at all and…
  • I'm so very sorry about your recent losses, especially of your father. I, too, lost my father 5 years ago due to a massive heart attack. For this reason I am trying to get healthy. For one, I don't want to end up with the same health problems he had: heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, etc. I actually count the years I…
  • Good evening everyone! I want to start off by saying that I am horrible at names and forget them by the time I go to reply so thank you to everyone for all the advice and good luck to all. I had a wonderful weigh in this morning...I've lost 5lbs!!! But then this: After sucess on the weigh-in this morning I blew my calories…
  • I agree with everyone else. Tomorrow is a new day! I have to remind myself of that all the time. I, also, have had a rough couple of months for different reasons resulting in me putting back on the weight I had lost. I weigh currently 295 and I was down to 285 not to long ago. While I'm not up to where I was when I first…
  • Another TRUTH that happened this evening: So big mistake and hopefully a lessoned learned this evening. I was craving ice cream so when I went to pick up my husband from class we stopped at DQ. Well...to say the least I got a medium double fudge cookie dough Blizzard and, OMG, I could not believe the calories. Luckily I…
  • I see a lot of you logging mileage. What do you use to track? I'm looking for a good device that will keep track of that and calories burned but I can't spend a fortune. My confession for this week is I'm still not sure if I measure my food and log it correctly. A lot of the times I just guess and probably underestimate…
  • Love your post and I'm sorry your not feeling well! Me...it's anything I can get my hands on!! Also during that time of month I feel so, what's the word....ICKY....that I don't feel like exercising. Does anyone else feel this way?
  • Hello! My name is Heather and I'm new to this thread. I need all the motivation and support I can get! One of my wishes is to be healthier for my family. I don't want to end up like my daddy. We lost him at the young age of 54 five years ago this past Sunday. He had many health problems: diabetes, hypertension, high…
  • I feel ya! I start exercising with a open-mind but can only do that exercise for a while then I get bored. I try something new the next day and it's the same thing over and over again. I purchased a elliptical with bike seat the end of last year thinking I could use it while I watch some TV in the evenings. It has been…
  • I agree with most of the other ladies that 5 lbs in two weeks is great! I started on WW two weeks ago before switching to MFP and I'm only down 3 lbs but I'm happy about that. You are doing this the healthy way...remember that. You don't want to do anything that is going to harm yourself and your body. Keep up the great…