Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    Didn't go yesterday, and won't be going today. I=fail. Hopefully I can get in a walk tomorrow, we're supposed to be going to the zoo :)

    5/15: 2.02

    5/15: 10

    On foot: 29.74
    On bike: 40.5

    On foot: 50+
    On bike: 50+
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning all.

    I finally used the recipe importer and it is great. Thank you MFP.


    “Progress is impossible without change and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” ~George Bernard Shaw

  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    Fitbit goals: (12,000/8 km): 15/31 (one rest day)

    Goal mileage: 96 miles
    5/1: 6.7 miles
    5/2: 4.8 miles
    5/3: 3.9 miles
    5/4: 5 miles
    5/5: 2.2 miles
    5/6: 5.2 miles
    5/7: 3.1 miles
    5/8: 6.7 miles
    5/9: 3.7 miles
    5/10: 10.1 miles
    5/11: 0
    5/12: 2 miles
    5/13: 6.9 miles
    5/14: 3 miles
    5/15: 4 miles
    5/16: 9.5 miles

    Total: 76.8 miles
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Laurie - Mileage update:

    5/13 = ½ mile
    5/14 = none
    5/15 = none
    5/16 = ½ mile
    5/17 = 1 mile
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member

    Lives TT - what became of the tornado warnings?
    As far as buying the sale clothes now - ahead of time for next fall or summer - my personal opinion is to RESIST and SAVE your money! Styles change so rapidly and honestly you don't k now where you'll lose the weight, in your shoulders, bust, arms butt or legs. Also, it could be money you'll end up needing for some other purpose and then you'll be angry with yourself.
    Buy 2 things you'll wear this summer and feel good about them. Or a whole outfit for this summer you can enjoy.
    OK - thats my 2 cents worth.

    Robin - We had one tornado touch down and tear up some trees and break a few windows in an office complex. Luckily, it was about 6:30 am before the roads get busy and was, as far as tornados go, classified as a small one. We had another warning in the afternoon, but no touchdown. All in all, Charlotte was very, very lucky.

    You gave good advice about buying clothes. I really don't have a clue as to what will fit well or what size I'll wear when I get to goal. My dog and I walked this morning with a good friend and her dog. She's a fabulous seamstress and offered to go with me (if I decide to in the fall) to the Talbot's outlet. She said she could look at anything I was interested in and determine if it was alterable and how much work it would take to do so. I so appreciated her offer!

    Glad to hear you're feeling better and venturing out. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    very tired and short of breath after my bike ride yesterday so i am going to try walking today.....wont be able to go as far as some of you but i will get some miles in!!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I saw the funniest movie tonight, "Mom's Night Out". If you want a great laugh go see it, I was laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes. Trace Adkins has a role in the movie along with some other actors- who I don't remember.

    This is a busy weekend so I am trying to balance my time and events with priorities. I decided to give up breakfast tomorrow in favor a bike ride. I just hope I can find a way to get in a 30 minute run tomorrow but I am not counting on it.

    Mileage reminder- Don't forget to up date your miles over the weekend. I will post the weekly placements by Wednesday- that will give everyone a chance to report.

    Little shadow- Hope all is well. How is your leg/ankle?

    JT- I hope you are doing well.

    I did have a good swim this morning and today was the last day of water aerobics. I am looking forward to getting some time back on Saturdays. The only mistake I made today was diving into the pool after the aerobics class, since that lead to water in the ear again. Hopefully, it will drain out tonight. :grumble:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Exercise goals from last week
    Sunday- bike
    Monday- Trainer
    Tuesday- GYM- NOT DONE walk instead
    Wednesday- NONE
    Thursday- NONE
    Friday- Climbing
    Saturday- Swimming

    Goals for 5/18 to 5/24
    Sunday- Bike and run
    Monday- Trainer and run if not done on Sunday
    Tuesday- Rest day- walk into town
    Friday- Climbing
    Saturday- swimming
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Nicole~LOL at Beyonce butt! You're working it, glad your trainer is working out.

    @L2T~I generally don't buy clothes until I need them. Something to think about is shopping at some of the discount stores like Marshall's or Ross--you can find really good deals and on designer brands.

    AFM~I've just been in a funk lately, work has been so busy and so have the weekends. I think today I was just tired, wasn't motivated to go anywhere or do anything. I really wanted to go to the music festival happening in my neighborhood but that would have involved getting dressed. :embarassed: I did manage to go through two more drawers in my bedroom and wash the laundry room floor and both bathroom floors though - guess that was better than nothing. :wink:

    Mileage Update:

    5/17/14--1.95mi (pretty lame :frown:)

    Edited to correct today's mileage--noticed my FItbit hadn't synced since this morning.
  • Happy Saturday everyone! Didn't do much of anything today due to not feeling to well. Still ate ok but just didn't move as much as I wanted to.

    Saturday Success: This week it would have to be the walk I took yesterday. I got my butt up and did it and felt great afterwards. Now..if I can keep it up!!

    Question: Someone posted to another thread a suggestion of a new weighloss drug called Belviq. I'm very leary of drugs and surgical intervention for my journey on weight loss so I'm not so sure about it. With medications I'm afraid of addiction or messing with my other medications (I take two depression medications and have tried in the past to come off of them and could not so I have to keep taking them). With surgery, well, I'm afraid of surgery. I know people personally that have had the surgery and it was a good thing for them because they were on a ton of medicines for high blood pressure, diabetes, etc, etc. I'm not currently on something like that so I'm holding off on that suggestion. Anyways...what are your thoughts on Belviq? Is anyone taking it and how is it helping them?
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Hope you've had a good Saturday. Mine was mixed. I got some light cleaning done and finally finished some curtains for Cathy. They turned into a much bigger project than I anticipated and I am happy to have them done!
    Saturdays are often hard for me calorie wise and today was no exception. I allow myself a treat of homemade hot chocolate for breakfast. Sometimes I can balance it out with good choices during the day, but I didn't do so good today. Both of the graduation parties we went to this evening had only desserts, and I indulged. We hadn't eaten dinner because the parties last night had lots of food. When we got home, I felt like I needed something besides sweets so I had a boiled egg and a slice of toast. I went over my goal, but was under maintenance.
    Walking for May 17: 5.04 miles.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    hjwhite, I haven't tried drugs, surgery, or special foods so I can't speak from experience. That being said, I really believe that the best way for most people to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight is to learn the eating habits and lifestyle that contribute to those things.
    You can do this. Kaye
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Robin, the mechanics of my knees are working perfectly. The problem is an inflammation of the synovial lining in the knees. So far nothing I have tried has helped with that. Thanks for your concern. Kaye
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.

    We went to a groovy place for dinner last night and made some not so good choices but I have not eaten like that for a while so I do not feel too bad.:blushing: The clam chowder was the best I have had in Vegas. The Rambo burger was very good I should have not eaten all the bread though. At least with the Rambo Dog I did not eat the bread. I even ate some French fries and I know I can go without those.:devil: The homemade chips were awesome I only had one though. Amy loved the chips and they were hers so I just tried one. I was going to get
    But the online menu had a few items dropped and the wood stack was one of them. The waitress Misty said it was because it took too much time and attention of one of the cooks just to make that one dish.:ohwell: So instead of choosing wisely I felt like I was free to get anything.
    Copy and paste this in your browser address bar to see the menu:

    or this one for their webpage

    Next time we go I will try to be better and get a salad or breakfast which is served all day.

    Since it was World Whisky Day yesterday I had to have me some Midleton.:drinker:

    Today I need to eat lite and walk more!


    “You have to have the bad days to appreciate the good ones.” ~Unknown

  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Oh my. I am way behind! Going to try and get caught up this evening. It's been a busy few days for me. Drove 8-10 hours round trip to my sister's for my niece's 6th birthday party. Went for a long run on a trail around there....whoa. My hometown is much flatter than where my sister lives! Extra challenge to do hills on top of increasing my distance...and I was only due to run 5 miles, but it got longer because I got lost a couple times. :laugh:

    Today, we're back home and walked a 5K as a family, mostly pulling my kids in a wagon. It was a chocoholic frolic race, so there was a lot of candy involved. Delicious, quality chocolates. Yum! My daughter jumped out of the wagon for most of the second half and jogged/walked/sprinted much of the last 1.5 miles. She and I sprinted across the finish. So fun! She told us she wanted to do another one right away!

    Now, I have to go eat lunch and then we're off to my in-laws to celebrate my grandmother-in-law's birthday and a belated mother's day.

    5/17: 5.55 miles completed!
    5/18: 3.14 miles completed!

    Under calories: 9/31
    7-8 hrs of sleep: 9/31
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    May Mileage Goal: 100 miles

    5/1 - 2 miles (class)
    5/2 - 5 miles (walk)
    5/3 - 3 miles (walk)
    5/4 - 3 miles (walk)
    5/5 - 4.25 miles (class plus 2.25 mile walk)
    5/6 - 3.75 miles (walk)
    5/7 - 2 miles (walk)
    5/8 - 3.50 miles (class plus 1.50mile walk)
    5/9 - 2 miles (class)
    5/10 - 2.50 miles (walk)
    5/11 - 3.25 miles (walk)
    5/12 - 4 miles (class plus 2 mile walk)
    5/13 - 4.50 miles (walk)
    5/14 - 2 miles (class)
    5/15 - 2 miles (class)
    5/16 - 3 miles (walk)
    5/17 - 3 miles (walk)
    5/18 - 3.50 miles (walk)

    Total Miles - 57.00
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I'm starting personals with the top of page 16 - so if I missed you, my apologies!

    Karen Leona - you are operating with a brand new heart ! (More or less!) Your breathing will take a long time to catch up with its new wonderful functioning. I'm so glad you are trying to exercise for such great distances! You be careful now and just keep doing the short distances and try for 1 more little time a day or whatever you're doing - cuz your doing great!

    Laurie - thanks for the movie recommendation. Friends and I drove 1/2 hour to go see a movie only to find it didn't start at that theatre for another week and there really didn't seem to be another movie there we wanted to see so we just came back home and had dinner.

    Kah - sorry you've been feeling low - chilling in the house and catching up on rest is a good idea - and sounds like you did that well!

    hjwhite - I have no experience with that med. Over the decades, I did try one appetite supressant many years ago. After I stopped it I was like a giant hoover and gained my weight right back - not a great experience for me, and I was jittery. But that was 20+ years ago. Can't speak about this current med. Rather I suggest you get more informed info.

    Kaye - I read everything I could Google about your knee condition - that is really a tough situation - and I'm sorry about that. I sure hope one of the things you try finally works for you. I'm glad to hear you do have good knee mechanics! Would you ever consider the surgery that's recommended or not? after going through a total knee operation, I don't think I would.

    Tom - sorry to chastise you like this, but you're supposed to tell us BEFORE ITS WHISKEY DAY, not AFTER!!! :sad: I feel like I missed out on a National Holiday!!!

    Hansea - sounds like really vigorous exercise! And getting lost a couple of times? Oh my! Hope you had a great party for grandma and mom.

    AFM - another beautiful day. Hope to get some mileage in somehow - as yet undecided.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    Fitbit goals: (12,000/8 km): 15/31

    Goal mileage: 96 miles
    5/1: 6.7 miles
    5/2: 4.8 miles
    5/3: 3.9 miles
    5/4: 5 miles
    5/5: 2.2 miles
    5/6: 5.2 miles
    5/7: 3.1 miles
    5/8: 6.7 miles
    5/9: 3.7 miles
    5/10: 10.1 miles
    5/11: 0
    5/12: 2 miles
    5/13: 6.9 miles
    5/14: 3 miles
    5/15: 4 miles
    5/16: 9.5 miles
    5/17: 0
    5/18: 9.3 miles

    Total: 86.1 miles
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hansea- Do you have any mileage for May 15 and 16, I can't find your numbers for those days? I have the weekend miles.

    hjwhite- I don't have any experience with diet drugs, or surgery advice. The surgery does work for some people, I understand that the process is long and you meet with many different people before the surgery is approved. You need to figure out what is best for you. I would encourage you to give yourself some time before making the choice and see what you can do on your own. Even with surgery the weight will come back if you don't stick with the plan.

    Kelley- We all need a down weekend especially after a busy week. Sounds like your body had the final say this weekend and it was to rest.

    Tom- The Rambo restaurant sounds great. We all need a night off once in awhile just don't make it a habit. The meal sounds wonderful.

    Nice bike ride today about 15 miles, I was running short on time so we stopped to get lunch. The weather was a bit on the chilly side but nice for riding. The only exercise I did not accomplish this weekend was the 30 min run my trainer wanted me to do. All I can say is that life got in the way. So I will do my best to get to the gym early tomorrow and get the run in before the training session. Not the ideal situation but I will make it work. At least the run is slow, so I should not get to winded.

    Reminder- UPDATE your MILEAGE.

    Mileage has been updated to this point.

    Tanya- You have about 10 miles left until you meet your goal. Do you want to up it?

    Have a great week.
  • Good evening everyone! Man..does the weekend go by fast! Today was another dull day for me as I'm not feeling well again since I have my 'visitor' right now. I did eat ok, had a couple of cookies this evening that my mother baked but I was still under my calories. Did get some cleaning in so there was a little exercise right there. Hoping that I can get my walk in in the morning before clocking in but not sure since Monday's are my early clock-in days.

    @Lauriek70: I agree with you 100% and I have been saying that to a couple of girls that have had surgery in my office. The one is doing great...she is eating right and losing weight. The other has not been. She eats out every day and doesn't watch was she eats so she has not been dropping as much as the other. Surgery is the last option for me and that will be way, way down the road.

    @RobinsEgg: That's what I was afraid of. It's kind of like surgery. You have to keep it up and follow it or you will gain it back. It's the same as what we are doing too. I'm not downing anyone that's had surgery. Lord knows that there are people out there that have really benefited from doing the surgery but they did it the right way and for the right reasons. Weigh loss journey's are hard, no matter what path you take. The main thing is you have to stick to it to maintain the loss.

    I am considering going to a dietian at the hospital I work for to get some advice on meal plans. Has anyone gone to one and what was your experience?