Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • sirtxt
    sirtxt Posts: 39
    Hi All,

    I have not logged in for a while - I have been busy, but I am still using my MFP mobile app!!!!

    Earlier today, I looked at the reporting feature on the site. I was shocked to see how my sugars are always over the daily recommended amount. My issue is 90% of my sugar is coming from fruit!!! I average 3-4 fruits - apples, oranges, bananas, grapes. I try to get strawberries and other berries when fresh but there is a budget to watch too.

    Should I be concerned? Natural sugar has to be better than processed sugars.

    Any feedback?

  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning my wonderful friends. Today is a fantabulous day. I got on the scale this morning and it read 297.8. Thats right peeps I have hit twoderville. WOOT WOOT and YIPPEE. I have been happy dancing all morning. I went to the gym this morning and then stopped at the store to get some groceries and plan on cooking and doing housework for the rest of the day.

    Allison welcome back. I have been wondering how you have been doing.
    Mow can you come clean my house. It is so bad and I dont want to do it :ohwell:
    Susan great job on your loss. You are doing great at getting back on track.
    Skinny and Laurie I hope the school years are starting off well. You guys are real heros for doing what you do.

    Everyone else as always I am so proud and grateful to have you as friends. Have a great day.:happy: :heart: :heart:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @John~MFP doesn’t differentiate between the sources of sugar, I feel like it shouldn’t count fructose sugar. Honestly, if you aren’t eating a bunch of sugar-laden snacks and desserts I wouldn’t worry about it since the bulk of your sugar is from fructose. Also, I only eat at most two servings of fruit a day – I would certainly rather eat fruits rather than veggies but know of the 9-11 servings of fruits/veggies a day my trainer wants me eating, the bulk should be from veggies.

    @Tammy~Congratulations!!! That is awesome! :flowerforyou:

    @Susan~I knew that scale would move! Great loss!!!

    @KarenLeona~So glad your knee is doing better, enjoy your time in Alberta.

    Welcome to Kim & wyskeiacurry~My only advice is to be honest with yourself, track everything you eat, be consistent and find a type of exercise you love. All of that stick-to-itiveness will pay off in the end. You’ve found a great group to help you along the way, so check back often.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    OK!! Apartment is spotless, boys are groomed and pedicured, and I'm showered and buffed. Ready for Mom inspection.

    Sitting around in my bathrobe relaxing for the first time since least until 2:30 when I have to leave to go get her. My only fail was finding her brand of orange juice. It looks like we'll stop at the specialty market on the way home and see if she can find something else she likes for taking her morning meds. That works since I forgot to pick up her 'red' tea. We can get that there too.

    Have read all the threads, hopefully tonight I'll be able to go through and respond to them all!

    Hang in there guys, keep on keepin on!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    I had something really interesting happen to me at the gym today - I had a session with my trainer and while I was lifting weights these two guys stopped what they were doing and watched me lifting heavy weights. I also had another guy gawking when I was on the battle ropes - guess they all liked what they saw, I got a thumbs up from all of them when I was finished. That's never happened to me before! :noway: :bigsmile:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Kelly-What a great victory at the gym!!!! Good job giving those guys something to think about while holding them in awe.

    Karen-Thanks for the offer about being a long distance partner.

    JT-Happy Dance for you. Celebrate, Celebrate, Celebrate:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Wish- That this school year gets better and quickly. It is only the third day of school and I am already fighting the exhaustion and frustration of the year.
    I just need to vent since there is really nothing I can do about the issues right now. Went to assign lockers to my students and usually the lockers are near our classroom, this year they put my class down stairs in a different hallway. They are the only ones who have lockers in that hall. Well, the custodians did not clean out those locker and there was a half inch of dust in them and it was disgusting. I felt so sorry for the kids having to put their stuff in that locker. I would have thought that since the administration assigned those lockers they would have made sure they were clean. Needless to say, I told the principal at lunch today and he did not even realize my kids had lockers on that hall and he was shocked at how dirty they were. Hopefully, the custodians clean the lockers today but that won't help those who put locks on them already. Then I spent additional time after school putting the finishing touches on the lab for tomorrow and gathering the rest of the supplies and making sure the directions are correct. Now, it is going on 4:15pm school day ended for teachers at 3:45. Then I checked my email and learned that I am picking up 2 more students since their schedule had to be changed (due to Math) but I don't lose any of my others. I now have 33 students in one of my classes, the problem is that physically the room is not able to hold more students as of now I have seats that are not ideal to see the board and it is a science lab so safety is a concern as well. Next, I had go and add them to my lab groups assignments and that also meant double checking to make sure I had all the names. Now, it is going on 4:30-4:40. NO, time to go home before a meeting at 6:30, so I updated the locker list with the combinations. By 5pm, I was finally able to walk out the door of the school. I left that building extremely frustrated and tired today. The classes I have will be challenging to say the least as a few students need to learn how to control what comes out of their mouth and when. Sorry, I just had to vent as it is too early to feel this way. The fact that I don't like my schedule does not help either, I am getting to the point where I just want to teach one grade level again.

    One goal I am setting for myself is to leave work on time this year and not to take stuff home with me if I can help it.
  • Lori0510
    Lori0510 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Everyone - This last week has been really busy so I haven't been checking in. I have not been as focused as I need to be on calories, exercise, and logging the last few days, but I'm getting back on track. It's a bit scary how easily a relapse can occur.

    Sounds like a lot of good things are happening for group members - terrific milestones, activities, and overcoming challenges. Way to go group!

    Hope you all have a good night!
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    @kah - sounds like a cool experience at the gym
    @jt - congratulations! That's wonderful! :flowerforyou:
    @Robin - vaccuming... eew...
    @Kris - enjoy your visit with your mom!
    @Helena - I love chain maile jewelry - awesome! Hope your mom is better soon .:heart:
    @Marca - sorry to hear about your son's friend
    @Kaye - you can do it girl!
    @Alison - welcome back!
    @Katrena - a month without coffee??? that probably makes you eligible for sainthood... couldn't do that on a bet... :noway:
    @Nicole - your new job sounds like a wonderful place! I think I'm jealous...

    Speaking of work... you know it's going to be a rough rest of the week when you get one of those "I need you in my office NOW" phone calls from the CMO (chief medical officer) --- :frown:

    for those of you with medical backgrounds - this week State Licensure showed up, and a phone call from the Joint Commission... needless to say, it's been REAL FUN at work recently... and I have little hope for improvement anytime soon...

  • Lori0510
    Lori0510 Posts: 24 Member
    I really love MFP! I feel the support and true enthusiasm. Everybody is here to achieve essentially the same goal. TO GET HEALTHY!!!! If you're like me' all your accounts are synced and you get notifications, emails, etc. on your cell phone. It just happens to be that someone from MFP is chiming in at least every couple of hours with comments and replies. I don't even have to look at the words, just knowing that there are people around ready to support me through my daily obstacles is enough.

    I totally agree with you Kim!
  • pienthesky32
    pienthesky32 Posts: 142 Member
    Wednesday Wish -- I wish I hadn't bought the Nutella. I also wish for 2.5 very clean eating days for the rest of the week. Saturday I look forward to the Springfield Cardinals game! So I guess I'm wishing this work week would fly on by :)

    We made it over the's down hill to the weekend! :)
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Rough day! I was so tired by the time it was time to fix dinner that I felt like a limp dishrag. I assigned out various parts of dinner and managed get everyone fed. Tonight was rest night from walking. I had about 20 min. total at a slow pace with walking Keith to and from school. I also rode my little pedaler, but I just couldn't face my long walk. I don't sleep well and I haven't been eating back me exercise calories. Maybe I'm just a bit rundown. I'm really hoping for a good night's sleep.
    John--I always go over on sugars for the same reason. I don't worry about it if I can look at my log and see that the sugars are from the fruit. I worry most about the total calories, not the macros. So far its working for me.
    JT--Awesome milestone.
    Sounds like our teachers are getting off to a rough start. I hope it gets better from here.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @vickie--ugh--that doesn't sound fun. :ohwell: Hope this week goes by quickly.

    @lori--relapses happen, but the important thing is that you're back. :smile:

    @laurie--I'm sorry that your year is starting off so badly--it's really frustrating when counselors or administrators keep adding new kids to your classes after day 1. It's like they don't realize all of the extra work that goes into adjusting plans, and depending on the situation, you often need to do extra work to get those kids "up to speed" as well. I also know what you mean about the physical space--I once had too many kids in 1 class, but there was no room for the desk. We kept his desk in the hallway, and everyday he would pull it into the room and literally sit in the doorway. Good thing the fire chief never showed up b/c I'm sure that wouldn't have gone over well. Also, is that amount of students in your lab even legal? Our science lab numbers are governed by OSHA regulations and since those are federal regulations, I always assumed they applied to all public schools. I can't even imagine not bringing work home, so my goal is just to limit the amount of time I spend on grading at home. I hope things turn around for you and the year surprises you by going more smoothly than it's started out. :flowerforyou:

    @kelley--that's so incredibly awesome!! :drinker:

    @kris--glad you got your place in ship-shape for your mom's visit. :smile:

    @tammy--WOOHOO!!! Welcome to Twoderville!! So proud of all of your hard work--you really deserve this reward!! :drinker:

    @john--I agree with kelley and wouldn't stress about the sugar from fruits unless you see some sort of detrimental effect. When I had my calories set really low (net of 1200), I avoided most fruit as it was just too many calories (100 calories for a few grapes?!? :noway: ), but as I've raised my calories I've added fruits back in as a regular snack.

    @karenleona--glad to hear you are back on the bicycle. :happy:

    @kim & wyske--Welcome!! :flowerforyou:

    @robin--SIZE 18!!! Awesome!!! :drinker: I know grading goals so soon seems dramatic, but because I teach upper levels, the students have a lot of summer reading and we have to test them on it right away to hold them accountable. :ohwell: Hope you got your vacuuming done today. I'm no competition for kris or you or anyone b/c I probably won't clean again until thanksgiving break. :laugh:

    @tom--glad the back is feeling better and I think you're smart to give it a couple more days of rest before lifting.

    @alison--so happy you are back!! Glad your holiday went well and you had fun. I don't think 9 lbs is a ridiculous amount and bet a good portion of it will fall right off once you get back on track with the food and exercise. Looking forward to more of your brilliant posts! :flowerforyou:

    @kaye--hope that morning schedule goes smoothly for you. :happy:

    Wednesday Wish:
    I got a bit of those summer reading quizzes done during my opens today, but my AP kids wrote their writing screeners so now I have 73 of those as well. :ohwell: So my wish is to be super productive tomorrow and friday so I don't have too much to grade over the 3-day weekend.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    KimSwisher - Welcome - you've found a great thread - come back often.

    KarenLeona - enjoy your time in Alberta - hope its cool and your family is warm! Glad to hear you've progressed to riding your bike on smooth surfaces - you rock woman! :flowerforyou: That weight will soon start falling off.

    wyskeiacurry - welcome to our group - this is a great place to find friends and get support on your lifestyle change. Best advice I can give you is to use the logging food feature daily and even log your food if you go over for the day. Its powerful to learn how much you eat !

    sirtxt - looks like you got your sugar question answered pretty thoroughly. I go over in fats and proteins quite regularly but I don't worry because I stay under my allotted calories. I'm still losing weight.

    jtconst - WOOT - HAPPY DANCE - I'm so happy for you!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Mow - enjoy your mom now that you've done the work - I hope she is agreeable with you !

    Kah - peepers in the gym with applause - thats great :drinker: :drinker:

    Laurie - your school day sounded awful. I feel bad for your students too, they're taking it in the shorts, but I'm sure the kids will roll with it. Good for you for venting it all out. You can't get that torked off that early in the school year its not good for your blood pressure or cortisol levels. Keep venting and stick to your plans to not take work home! :flowerforyou:

    Lori0510 - glad you stopped back in!

    Vicki - Oh no - the dreaded Joint Commission and state licensure visit - ee gads ! How we dreaded their visits - always random - always pressure filled - always beads of sweat on every administrator's head! My sympathies!

    Pie - I hope you get your wishes - (and too bad about the Nutella!)

    Kaye - sorry to hear your run down - get your rest and try to get to sleep a little earlier now that your trying to do so much activity getting Keith off to school in the am.

    Skinny - I hope you get your grading done before the weekend too! 73 papers seems like a lot! Hope your student teacher can help in that.

    THe size 18 shorts I'm wearing are18W I must clarify,not misses. I wish. I am up early having slept in my recliner all night. I woke up to scratching sounds in the wall. Now that i'm awake I can't hear them. .....Great...... there hasn't been any mice in the building so I'm hoping it was a dream....
  • BettyJoCan
    BettyJoCan Posts: 47 Member
    You guys are all such an inspiration. I can not seem to get with it this week. I'm a little frustrated with my family. It started Saturday when we were at the race and I got a message on facebook from my aunt. She wants me to try this new weight loss product, Zeal. Then my cousin and now even my mom. First off, let me say if any of you are using it, I'm not saying anything bad, just hear me out. What they want me to try is $170/month. I CAN NOT afford that. Second, look at how far I have come on my own. In one year, I've lost almost 70 lbs without the help of any supplements or medicine. Be proud of me for what I'm doing for myself. None of them are my size and have never been so they don't really know the challenge. My aunt posted this morning that she's lost 5.6 lbs in 6 days. That's great, but anything that is that easy, typically comes right back when you quit taking the product or for me that's the way it has always worked. Am I wrong for wanting to be left alone about this?
  • Lori0510
    Lori0510 Posts: 24 Member
    @BJ - you are doing an amazing job on your own, so just keep doing what is working for you! It's so tough when your family tries to "be helpful". Celebrate your success to date and suggest to your family that maybe they can help you in some other way - like cleaning your house. LOL.

    To all the teachers on the group - you have my utmost admiration. You make such a difference in the kids' lives. I not only remember from when I was in school, but I see and hear it from my own kids. The teacher often influences how they feel about the class, and even how they feel about themselves IN the class, i.e., whether or not they are "good" in that subject. I hope you all have a terrific new school year, and I will do my best to support my kids' teachers in your honor. :-)

    Have a great day everyone!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning & Happy Pre-Friday!

    @Laurie~You are certainly having a rough start to the school year, I’m sorry for the locker situation and new students. Just when you thought things might to settle down, they throw you a couple of whammy’s – I know you’re frustrated, I hope this is it and the rest of the school year breezes through.

    @pieinthesky~The list of new Fair foods came out yesterday for the Texas State Fair and fried nutella was at the top of the list, sounded delish. I love that stuff, definitely a trigger food so it’s not allowed in the house!

    @Tom~Glad your back is feeling a bit better, definitely a good idea to wait until your DBs come before doing any exercise.

    @BJ~No, you aren’t wrong for feeling the way you do. That drives me crazy! :grumble: I had someone ask me the other day if I was feeling okay. I said yes, why? Because you've lost so much weight, I thought you might be sick. :huh: People baffle me. :explode: I’ve had people suggest I try HcG, Advocare, Nutrisystem, etc. My response is always the same – why? I’ve managed to come this far on my own without surgery, the help of drugs or the next great diet phase. If you want to try it for yourself, good for you, I hope it works for you. Besides what works for one doesn't work for all. I’m doing what works for me – something that is sustainable for the rest of my life. As hard as it is, I say ignore them and keep on keeping on. You got this!

    Thursday Truth~I’m frustrated this week, lost 4+ pounds a couple of weeks ago. I stayed the same last week and weight is up this morning, I’m not sure why. What frustrates me is I finally get the scale to reflect a number I’ve been waiting to see then it just hovers there for what seems like an eternity – drives me crazy! It better budge by tomorrow or I’m throwing that scale out the window!!! :explode:

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Training DONE! :bigsmile:
    Monday~Training DONE! :bigsmile:
    Tuesday~Rest Day DONE! :tongue:
    Wednesday~Training DONE! :bigsmile:
    Thursday~Rest Day (running around to do after work)
    Friday~Gym, Treadmill
    Saturday~Gym, HIIT on Ellip & row (maybe, have hair appt and visiting family beforehand)

    Have a super day!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I missed a week and was sure I'd come back to this thread being locked LOL You all are so fast haha. :laugh: This week was a total bust (after I was doing so flippin good last week too!). I had my daughters birthday, then an event, then her party and all that is where the derailing started...but then... I got SICK. Like knocked on your butt, brain melting fever sick. And that really killed any desire to eat, and when I did feel better I definitely did not want to watch calories. Today I'm feeling a little better. Running nose and such but no where near what it was. I told myself last night today I'd start to track my calories again...and then I woke up.... Why is it that I can have so much motivation the night before and it seems to die overnight? I hate it. :angry:

    I'm going to try and catch up with you all today. Sorry I missed so much. I noticed with this group its like being back in school. You miss a week of school and by the time you've come back so much has happened your just like... :noway:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    I had something really interesting happen to me at the gym today - I had a session with my trainer and while I was lifting weights these two guys stopped what they were doing and watched me lifting heavy weights. I also had another guy gawking when I was on the battle ropes - guess they all liked what they saw, I got a thumbs up from all of them when I was finished. That's never happened to me before! :noway: :bigsmile:

    haha awesome! you go girl.