Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen- I am so happy that your first day went well and your class sizes are smaller. Yeah for student teachers helping you out for a while they can be a great asset. Sorry to hear about the grading of the quizzes already but a great way to hold them accountable for the summer reading.

    MOW-- You have been very busy and made great progress. Your house must be spotless by now.

    Marca- Sorry to hear about your friend's son.

    tlh- I hope your son is not injured to badly.

    Susan- Your trainer sounds wonderful and body weight is a great way to start the exercises. I also started working in separate room with my first trainer and we gradually moved into the more public parts of the gym. It really helped to build my confidence.

    Tom- Hope you feel better soon, moving can cause many unnecessary aches and pains. May they disappear quickly.

    Robin-- Great surprise for the doctor. It is okay to drop the weight a little as you are working out. You can also start heavy for a set then decrease the weight for the next set.

    Shopping has been the theme of the day as I also went after work. I needed to pick up stuff for labs after school today then ended up buying stuff for lunch and snacks this week. I opted to skip the gym and take a rest day. My kids are nice but I have a few who like to talk and make unnecessary comments during class. This will not last long since I really dislike that type of behavior.

    Goals- I officially signed up for my first 5K run today so Sept. 29th will be the day. I really hope that my trainer is able to run it with me because I do not like running alone.
    To get some type of exercise in tomorrow since I rested today. I may take my bike to work but there is a chance of storms tomorrow afternoon so not good bike riding weather. It is getting hot and humid again so that increases our chances of an afternoon thunderstorm. :grumble:

    Plans for the week:
    Sunday- Rest day DONE
    Monday- Trainer long run 2.5 miles DONE
    Tuesday-Gym weight NOT DONE REST DAY
    Wednesday- Rest day
    Thursday- Gym- cardio and drills
    Friday- Climbing
    Saturday- bike I hope
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--congrats on signing up for the 5k--we finally found where our personalities are completely opposite, as I prefer to run alone. I hope your trainer can run with you--if not, I will run a 5k that day and be your "long-distance" partner!

    @marca--that's sad about your son's friend.

    @tom--hope your back is feeling better. :flowerforyou:

    @kris1085--good to see you back as well!

    @eeyeore--get some sleep!!

    AFM--got the shopping done and walked gunner once the sun was almost down. It is ridiculously hot today--96 degrees and very humid. Our classrooms upstairs felt like a sauna--blech! I hope they get the A/C figured out by tomorrow. I know I shouldn't complain b/c there are plenty of schools with no A/C at all, but it's hard not to get angry when we have A/C and it still feels like 100 degrees in my classroom. I thought my student teacher was gonna pass out. :wink:

    No grading tonight, but my AP are all writing during class tomorrow so I can grade while they work.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--rest day (sick)
    Sun--walk gunner DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner
  • lmackbethl
    lmackbethl Posts: 156
    So, I had to adjust my weight upward... hate it when that happens, but the 5-pound gain had stuck for a couple weeks :grumble: so I needed to be honest with myself.... at least I will get to see it go down again. I haven't gone swimming much lately :sad: , due to a mix of scheduling problems and weather... definitely need to step it up, before it gets too cold to go at all... I miss it so much between October and May! Spent two days setting up classroom and tomorrow the kids arrive... there are only 5 of them (11 between the two classes I will work with), but they are the roughest of the rough. I'm prepared to be called every name in the book for the next nine months. :glasses: Good thing my ego is intact. :laugh: Off to bed - trying to do better with this because 530 comes early. Hope everyone has a good day tomorrow. Marca, so sorry about your son's friend. :flowerforyou:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Crap!!! It did it again. I had my personals all done and my computer jumps off line. Totally ticks me off when that happens.

    @ Marca - I'm so sorry to hear about your son's friend. I can't even fathom losing a child. My thoughts and prayers are with this family and his friends during such a difficult time. Our neighbor lost her baby at 30 weeks so it's been a pretty tough time for this family as well.

    @ Mow - You're such a good hostess even if it's a relative. I bet you would do awesome running a B&B. You've stayed on task and accomplished so much. You've done great!! How's the job search coming along? Been thinking about you.

    @ Karen - Nice walk with Gunnar. I think that's why I try to work out in the AM. By the time I get home, I'm just plan exhausted. Plus, today was a 12-hour day (7-7) and I'm barely keeping my eyes open right now, but wanted to check up on folks. Perhaps once Cyrus is done with school I may consider teaching again. I do miss it.

    @ mackbeth - I had to be honest too. I've been struggling really since Christmas and I kept hoping I was going to maintain, but it slowly kept creeping up. Before I knew it I had to admit to a 25-pound gain. So not happy with myself, but it is what it is. I changed my numbers and started back 3 weeks ago. So far so good. I can't wait to hear about the new job. It sounds like you'll have your hands full, but you're a tough cookie and I know you've got this!

    @ Laurie - Good job signing up for the 5K. You'll do great! The Color Me Rad is coming back to Vegas in October so I'm thinking about singing up me and Cyrus. We had a blast year when we did it plus it will give me a few more months to get myself ready too.

    @ Tlh0407 - I've been trying to get my schedule under control too. Cyrus started E.S. at 8:50, but M.S. is 7:20. To help introduce the 6th graders, Cyrus' school did something very cool. Two weeks ago from 8-11 for 3 days the kids came to school. They go their schedules, lockers, school map, met teachers, etc. . . They had a scavenger hunt one day to find the music room, library, gym, cafeteria, art, etc. . . It cost us $100, but so worth it. The money paid for a school t-shirt, school suppliers (so I didn't have to buy them, woo-hoo), and a pizza party for the students and parents. It was a lot of fun. His first day was a breeze because of this transition program.
  • Helenavee42
    Well no walk but almost stayed on track. My mom got admitted to the hospital so I came to see her after work and she asked me to stay the night with her. So I am. Thankfully I did because as great as the nurses are I don't think they could have made it in the room fat enough to help my mom get up and in the bathroom. She is doing ok right now. This round of chemo took a big toll on her and the doctors think that she might also have an infection. Infection for chemo patients can be dangerous. I will update tomorrow. Hopefully she gets released. Flag I take my charger every where with me.

  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Sorry, I have been completely exhausted today and yesterday, so I just hopped on to share. My brain is ready to explode with information, but I LOVE my new job!

    The hours--- flexible
    My coworkers--- gave me a Mylar "welcome" balloon and water bottle as "first day" gifts. (one of them even hugged me!)

    So far... I have zero complaints! I am going to love it there. :) Anyway- hope all are well. I will try to catch up tomorrow.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Helena - great you can stay with your mom but tough duty for you...hope she isn't getting an infection - she is in my prayers.

    Naceto - that's wonderful you were so welcomed at the new job.

    Just a blow by for me too - I can report I got my 40 squats done with my 10 lb. weights and I'm rockin' smaller shorts today - big NSV for me. Size 18.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    My goal isn't weight related today. Tomorrow Keith starts kindergarten. He goes on Mon. and Wed. and every other Fri. all day. I will have to walk him to school each morning and pick him up after school. Its only 2.5 blocks so its not a big deal, but I am really hoping we can get the schedule down. We have been eating breakfast between 8:30 and 9:00. We will have to leave the house by 8:20 so it will take some adjustments. He wants to Anya to go with him, so his mama is bringing the stroller along tomorrow. So, to summarize, my goal is to get things going around here in the morning and get him to school on time.
    It sounds like the teachers are getting off to a great start.
    Nicole, glad you are loving the new job.
    When I complete my food log, it says that I should be down about 10# in the next 5 weeks. I'm really going to have to start losing if that is going to happen.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Well, I've missed you all. I have also gained 9 pounds over the last couple of months. I'm not *actually* kicking myself because I'm just back from holiday and I had a splendid splendid time. And I am totally getting back in the groove. Due to having eaten far too much on holiday I'm back to that Starving All The Time phase. Except this time without the excitement of all this being new. Ho hum.

    Looking at this I realise I'm incredibly out of the habit of exercise. Oh well. We will see. And I know that after all these days of eating far too much of the wrong food, getting back into the right balance will be hard. Luckily no chips anywhere else are as good as the ones in Whitby...

    I'm going to try to do *something* in the exercise line today, even if it's only energetically cleaning the kitchen. By Friday I'll have a weekly plan worked out.

    My NSV for this week -- I have *COME BACK*.

    A few personals -- but I'm sure I've missed lots of things in your lives. Sorry... :(

    @Vicki -- 100 lb! Well done!
    @Ruth -- no Cropredy for us this year (we did Whitby Folk Week, very different, instead) but we'll probably go next year.
    @Laurie -- what exciting exercise ideas! I'd definitely recommend having a big exercise goal -- planning to do a half marathon was really good for me.
    @Kris -- isn't it amazing how the expectation of our mothers visiting brings out that cleaning instinct. It sounds like you've done really well!
    @Eeyore -- if you're just getting started with Fitbit then just try to do a bit more each day, rather than going to 10k steps every day all at once. One good thing about our holiday was that we put daily walks into everything (as in, 'we're going to this museum, it's in the middle of a country park, so we're going to go for a good walk, and then look at the museum, and then have ice cream...). Just fitting in little walks here and there makes a big difference. I hope you like Fitbit! Mine's out of charge at the moment, because I took it on holiday and took the charger, and now I'm back I'm not sure where I put it. Did loads of steps on holiday, especially in hilly Whitby; every day was over 20k steps and 30-40 storeys.
    @Naceto -- CONGRATULATIONS on the new job!
    @Helena -- thinking of you and your mum.
    @Everyone starting the new school year -- isn't it a great time for renewal and reflection! My kids go back on the 4th (school starts a tiny bit later here), and my daughter's at a new school so that's exciting for us all. She's also counting calories, MFP style, which slightly bothers me; although it would be good for her to lose a few pounds (perhaps 25?), I think at her age she should just focus on eating the right things and building exercise into her life every day.

    Welcome to everyone who's new since I was last here a couple of months ago. Such a great thread. It's good to catch up with everyone; I guess I'm not alone in having lost a bit of ground over the summer.

    Wednesday Wishes -- still wishing for that magic fairy house cleaner...

    Hope you're all having a brilliant week!

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Welcome back, Alison. I'm glad you had a wonderful holiday. We missed you. It sounds like you will be back in the groove shortly. Kaye
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    BOHEMIAN COAST - WELCOME BACK ALLISON. You made the hardest step.

    I was up 1/2 lb this week and am surprised. Have been sick all weekand no appetite and also no exercise. Still have asthma like symptoms, going back to Dr next week Don't want to be sick in Europe, so I need to get well

    I am going to try for water aerobics this evening and I am going to be more consistent with my meds today. Tried eating cereal for the 1st time in ages and looking to see how it affects me.

    GERD symptoms are rare now. That is a blessing.

    Will catch up on posts later

    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Oh I forgot I have been 1 month without coffee. Really wanted a cup yesterday but knew it would not be good for me. Can't seem to find a tea I enjoy. Might try hot chocolate to see how it works for me. Like something hot in the morning
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Katrena, Have you tried Pero? It is a barley drink that makes a nice hot drink in the morning without the side effects of coffee. I like it better than tea. Kaye
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Marca~Sorry to hear about your son’s friend.

    @Nicole~Such a warm welcome by your new co-workers, that is awesome. It’s one of the things I love about my job, I have the best co-workers/friends – one reason I’ve been here 18 years! :laugh:

    @Beth~I hope the weather cooperates soon so you can get back in the water. Good luck with the new job, new students, and new challenges!

    @Helena~I’m sorry your mom has been admitted to the hospital. I’m very glad you stayed with her.

    @Robin~Yay, for smaller shorts!

    @Alison~Welcome back, we’ve missed you!!!

    @Katrena~Kudos to you for stopping coffee, I could NEVER do that – it’s my life line! :laugh: Have you tried green tea? There are a lot of different flavors out there, Lipton has a cranberry green tea that I love. Hope you are back to feeling 100% soon.

    @Karen~Grading already? No rest for the wicked. :wink: Hope the a/c in the classrooms is working better today. Its been hot here too, but typically is until about October – I sure am ready for some cool autumn weather!

    @Kaye~How cute that Keith wants his little sister to go with him to school.

    @Susan~What a cool thing Cyrus’ middle school did for the kids to help them acclimate to new surroundings.

    Exercice Goals:

    Sunday~Training DONE! :bigsmile:
    Monday~Training DONE! :bigsmile:
    Tuesday~Rest Day DONE! :tongue:
    Thursday~Rest Day
    Friday~Gym, Treadmill
    Saturday~Gym, HIIT on Ellip & row
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Hi everybody.

    My back and neck are better today, I must be careful here at work unpacking and setting up the lab. Thanks for the well wishes! My dumb bells are supposed to be delivered on Friday by end of day! I am going to hold off on strength training until then so my back and neck can feel better before I start. I had my NFL fantasy draft last night, hope I do well.

    Quote of the day:- “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” ~Thomas Edison
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    love the quote Tom!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    kris - good to see you again!

    Tom - sorry to hear about your sore back - hope your feeling better soon - and a dead battery - YUCK -:grumble: that is SUCH a pain in the patootie!

    Susan - HOORAY for the 2.2 LB Weight loss - :love: excellent effort in the glare of all you face during your work day! Cyrus first day at school sounded like a blast with the pizza party.

    MowMow - you BLEACHED your CAT? :noway: Now that's Housecleaning!

    Helena - I've seen chain maille jewelry on Shark Tank - it IS COOL! Good luck on ETSY!

    Garetie - welcome back! :drinker:

    Skinny - another year begins - its kinda shocking to see your Grading Goals list appear already!

    Marca - I am sorry for your and your son's loss. It is quite a shame to lose someone that young.

    tih - congrats on getting your water aerobics done and your son's shopping done!

    Eeyeore - I hope you enjoy your Fitbit. I don't have one but I'm sure others here will tell you more about it. I think you work yourself up to the 10,000 steps.

    Laurie - congrats on signing up for your first official 5 K - I do hope your trainer runs with you so you have the companionship - if not I hope you can find someone else to run with by then so you don't have to be alone.
    Thanks for the advice on the weights. I'll do that.

    mackbeth - I hate it when the scale goes up in a permanent way but adjusting your ticker keeps you honest and I believe thats what helps you get those pesky pounds back off! I hope you do get your swimming in. And your class sounds tough - I would have tears in my eyes if I got cussed at that much but I am definitely a "wuss" you sound like the perfect teacher and I'm sure they'll love you by the end of the year! :flowerforyou:

    Kaye - what a busy morning your'e going to have getting Keith off to school. I do get a kick out of MFP's predictions for future weight losses. I write them on my calendar too, hoping I'll reach them.

    Boho Coast - Hey Allison- we've missed you! Glad you're back, and well, 9 lbs. is a small gain in the grand scheme of things. Glad you recognized it and are tackling it head on.

    KJeffries - Katrena - wow - a month without coffee - congratulations on that and on not having GERD symptoms. Such self control - you deserve a medal for that. When do you leave for Europe and how long will you be gone?

    Weds Wish - that I vacuum my house before the week is over - I'm very behind on my cleaning and MowMow is making me feel very competitive!
  • kimswisher
    kimswisher Posts: 32 Member
    I really love MFP! I feel the support and true enthusiasm. Everybody is here to achieve essentially the same goal. TO GET HEALTHY!!!! If you're like me' all your accounts are synced and you get notifications, emails, etc. on your cell phone. It just happens to be that someone from MFP is chiming in at least every couple of hours with comments and replies. I don't even have to look at the words, just knowing that there are people around ready to support me through my daily obstacles is enough.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    A month without coffee would not be pretty for me!!!
    Hanging out in northern Alberta for a few weeks as a last hurrah before I have to find a job in September. Keeping with my my 5 yr old grandson is a challenge! I am worn out most days :laugh: I also love playing with my 2 month old granddaughter and listening to her vocalize. It is hard to believe my grandson will be starting kindergarten on sept 3rd!!!! He is excited but I am a bit sad as it is a new chapter in his life where he will be influenced by others to a greater degree
    Started riding my bike a bit as it is nice and flat. It has been 2.5 months since my second knee surgery and it is totally fine when riding. So excited to work on building up my strength. Hopefully this will help to regulate my eating as I have not been doing so well with that :cry:
  • wyskeiacurry
    wyskeiacurry Posts: 6 Member
    Hello i'm new 2 the group I'm hoping 2 meet new ppl on here 2 help me stay on track im trying 2 lose 80lbs
    open 2 any advice