Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen- Hope you had a good day back at school and enjoyed lunch out. Ask if the gym provides free sessions with a PT to teach you the free weights forms.

    Vickie- I hope you find another job soon. When I first made the switch to 7/8th grade, I had to deal with a very hostile co-worker who was also a bully. She was angry because the change caused her friend to move down to 6th grade. She still does not like talking to me but will be polite when needed. I am lucky because she left the school last year and the administration stepped in to put a stop to her behavior before it became completely out of control. I wish that the powers that be in your office handle the situation so it can be resolved quickly and you find another job that you love even more. Take care of yourself, you are important.

    Kaye- size 14 is a great victory. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Caligirl- Welcome!!!

    Well, TOM has come to call so that explains why I have tired this week and it messed with my plans for today. To tired to go swimming this afternoon. I did climb tonight and that felt great. I managed to climb a few of the harder walls but the last one was extremely difficult to many finger tip and sloping holds, so maintaining a grip was challenging. Tomorrow, I will be doing running drills and bike riding later. I am looking forward to the bike ride tomorrow since I will be able to keep up with this group. The ride is flat but we will also be going off trail for part of it so slightly challenging as well.

    Sunday-Swim- DONE 45 minutes with 4 sets of 200M of three strokes. Over .5 miles
    Monday-Trainer did Strength training DONE
    Tuesday- Rest (working late) DONE
    Wednesday- gym Run 1 mile for time then cardio DONE- 12.12 minutes
    Thursday-Cardio intervals-may not make it helping with new student orientation tomorrow after school. NOT DONE
    Friday-Climbing DONE
    Saturday-bike ride and running drills
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    thanks to everyone for the good wishes/thoughts - here's to the Norns hearing your words! (I wouldn't be upset to win the lottery this weekend, and be able to walk away laughing). Going to dust off the resume' & put myself back on the 'market', methinks.

    Friday Fitness - today was such a CHARMING day at work, that I was at like, 12,000 steps on my fitbit (about 4.5 miles) before I left the office. And today was a gym day, so off I drug myself...that cranked it up over 16,000. :noway: I'd only done 1/2 my coffee, a Belvita, and a smoothie - so husband took me to the Chinese buffet. about 1000 calories of yummy stress release. (I get it to go, and lean on cold shrimp and yakitori chicken).

    I got my "Rockin Body" DVDs today, and I'm planning on (possibly) trying them out in a bit....

    Have a great weekend
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    We walked the long loop this evening, 2.5 miles in 50 min. It is a bit cooler and the sure felt good. I still came back sweating, so I guess it was a good workout.
    I had a homemade BLT for lunch and was pleasantly surprised at how low the calories in bacon are. I was afraid it was going to mess up the rest of the day, but it didn't.
    Onward and downward! Kaye
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Friday fitness- I met and passed my weekly fitness goals on Thurs. this week. Got in a 3 mile walk late this evening. I am hoping to do my final day of week 4 of C25K tomorrow AM before we head out so that my youngest can go to see her beloved St. Louis Cardinals with her uncle. So my main goal is to successfully complete Week 5 Day 1 mastered this week... that should take 3 C25K workouts plus at least 2 3 mile walks.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Friday fitness! Walked just under 3 miles this week (so far) and did some yoga at home three days this week. I do believe I am feeling myself get smaller! I haven't measured, but I can see my arms getting thinner. About time... ;)

    Life is good. The job starts on Monday and I am ohhhh so excited. :) I do feel the lioness roaring, and I am certainly seeing a better version of me.
  • pienthesky32
    pienthesky32 Posts: 142 Member
    Happy Saturday morning :tongue: I haven't been able to log in from the computer in a couple of days, I so wish the phone app had the option to read the message boards.

    Today is morning Zumba and probably a lazy afternoon and evening.:yawn: Today is my instructors last Saturday class so I will have to venture out and find another class to do on Saturdays next week. I'm really lucky to live in an area where there are lots of options and times.

    Saturday success...reflecting on the week I think it's been pretty good overall. Only one day over calorie goal and it was only about 200 calories and involved a birthday celebration. I'm really pleased with that. I'm getting anxious about weighing on Sept 1st. I feel like I've been doing really well, even had a few "I feel skinny" moments :wink: Scale, don't let me down! I need to know that I'm truly IN Onederland and wasn't just visiting it. :laugh:

    I hope you all have a terrific weekend! Stay strong, motivated, active and follow through on your plans so that you can be proud on Monday morning!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Laurie - sorry to hear you're suffering from real exhaustion - but it sounds like you're getting lots of exercise in already. Between all your activities, is there one you love more than others? It really sounds like your headed for a triathalon next year, are you?

    Vicki - good decision to start brushing off that resume. I'll bet you have a lot of awards and honors from your current job to update on your resume too. Good job on the 12,000 steps! Hope you enjoy the Rockin' Body DVD's when you get around to them.

    Kaye - again congrats on walking the long loop! And glad you got to enjoy your first BLT of the season! oh boy do I love those this time of year, and no, bacon is not all that bad, is it?

    Marca - Wonderful you got in your 3 mile walk today ! I am envious of your commitment to C25K! End of week 4 already - your doing marvelous. Hope the Cardinals win so your daughter has a fabulous time.

    Naceto - Arms feeling thinner/????? No kidding!! Tell us what exercise/asana your doing PLEASE!!!
    I'm so excited for you starting your job Monday am. Have a great day!

    Pie - your up early! Have a great Zumba class and I hope you find something equally challenging for the rest of your Saturdays to come! I do hope the scale finds you in Onederland when you weigh again - :smile:
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. I had a great time yesterday. I went to the fair with two of my kids, neice nephew, their parents, and my mom. We were there for eight hours and I had several nsv's for the day. The first biggest and bestest one was....wait for it...... I was able to fit on and ride several of the rides for the first time in years:bigsmile: It was so much fun and I loved every second of it. The second was in the eight hours we were there all I ate was 1 corndog and a quarter of an elephant ear and only drank water. I have never not made a pig of myself at the fair. it was awesome cause I didnt even really want anything else because I was having so much fun. The last best part of the day was I wore my hrm just out of curiosity and it said I burned just shy of 5000 calories yesterday so considering I didnt make a pig of myself and only claiming part of those calories I came way under goal on a day I normally would have given myself a free pass on.

    Kaye great job on walking the long loop and now I know whats on the menu for lunch today. I have some beautiful tomatoes that would love to be blt's.
    Naceto I am so happy you are starting to see changes that is always the best.
    Laurie sorry you arent feeling up to speed. Tom can be very draining.

    Well my mind just blanked on the rest of the personals I had planned so everyone have a gret day. I am off to get some more painting done. Hoping to wrap this project up this weekend.:heart::heart:
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Week 4 is HISTORY!!! I even added a little onto the run time because it was almost easy to get through!!! I feel AWESOME!!!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Just a quick drop in to say. I am feeling better this morning but I had a busy morning so now I am tired again. This morning managed to get the running drills in before coming home to do laundry, make deviled eggs and brownies, eat breakfast, shower, bank then grocery store. Now I am chilling before I go bike riding this evening and a picnic.

    NSV- climbing a 10.b rock wall and doing a good job with it, just slightly tricky but I will get there yet.

    Hope everyone has a great Saturday.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Naceto! Im in for thinner arms, I second what Robin said. What are you doing?!

    Laurie - That bike trip sounds like a once in a lifetime deal. DO IT!

    Skimmed my daily exercise down to 2x a day instead of 4 times. I was freaking exhausted ALL the time and starving all the time.

    Preparing for my Mom's big visit. T- minus 5 days so I'm doing tons of cleaning. I may skip my cardio until Thursday and just do my Yoga/strength training or I'll never get it all done. This is my checklist of stuff to get done:

    Saturday - Clean out fridge and freezer. Scrub fridge and freezer inside and out. Make homemade pasta and Marinara for Manicotti. Wash car and dash/door frames. ALL DONE
    Sunday - Make homemade Manicotti and freeze for dinner Wednesday. Clean out and vacuum cabinets, wipe down cabinet fronts and backsplash. Clean microwave, toaster oven, and wipe down washing machine/dryer(and tidy up laundry room).
    Monday - Spot clean hairball spots on carpet, move the cat tree, move the turntable/records, move the lingerie chest, and clean out bedroom/spare bedroom closets. Dust all the rooms (including picture frames, top of door frames, and baseboards.
    Tuesday - Wash utensil holders and wipe down kitchen counters(behind and under everything), wipe down the window sills, wash windows, soak the trash can in bleach, and run the trash can lid through the dishwasher with bleach. Also, groom boys, trim their nails, and do the laundry. Clean oven and under stove top! Run drip trays through dishwasher!
    Wednesday - Run to the farmers market in the AM for salad fixings to go with Manicotti. Clean the bathroom, wash kitchen/bath mats, and wash sheets/blankets/make bed. Wash kitchen and bathroom floors and vacuum the whole apartment. Get gas on the way to pick up Mom.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Robin-I can't say that I have favorite exercise that I prefer but if I had to rank them it would be Rock climbing, swimming, biking then running.

    MowMow- What a busy week you have planned. I think many of those activities would classify as cardio.

    Had a great bike ride tonight and the weather was perfect. The trail tonight took us on paved and unpaved roads so we rode on crushed shells, gravel and walked threw sand. It was fun and energizing then we had a lovely picnic.

    Have a Great Sunday.
  • Eeyeore
    Eeyeore Posts: 33
    Checking in....had a very bad day with calories and sodium....just seemed like I was hungry all motivation for anything...havent seen dad in 2 days due to not feeling well.
    Hope everyone is staying strong.....I am going to check out now and make myself workout before bed and try to counteract some of the mess I created today....oh bother!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    I'm so glad to be back!! After I posted on Tuesday night, my stupid computer went kaput on me. I was so not happy. I will have to say the business trip to L.A. was very productive and I did well. I hit the hotels fitness center in the AM before heading to the two bakeries, which required no bread samples - thank goodness!! I had a very nice evening with a friend at a restaurant called Mahe on the Pacific Coast Hwy. I chose Halibut with roasted veggies and a side salad (dressing on the side of course). We shared parmesan crusted scallops as an appetizer (so good). I did enjoy a pineapple martini though and savored every single drop!

    Thursday AM I did some strength training in my room (squats, wall push ups, jumping jacks, sit ups). I had to visit a dessert company and did sample 4 items (pumpkin cheesecake, red velvet cupcake, turtle brownie bite and caramel apple shot. I used the little taster spoons and took the smallest bites possible to be polite. It was killing me and I wanted to eat the WHOLE thing, but I didn't - Woo Hoo!! I met with another supplier for lunch and had some super fresh, light fish tacos. I was so glad to get home that night and so was Cyrus.

    Overall, I'm so pleased with my week and know I can make good choices on the road (even though it is a little tough). I'm super excited though because Cyrus and I are heading to San Diego for Labor Day weekend. I can't wait to get away for the long weekend and that's a place I've been wanting to visit.

    Today was some serious deep cleaning around the house. Plus, I spent an hour with Cyrus going through his closet and drawers seeing what fits and what doesn't. I was spent! We did go shopping though and loaded up on fruits, veggies, protein, greek yogurt and stuff for the week. The scale is still not moving after that initial week, but that's OK. I feel really good and I know it's going to start going down again soon.

    I had to catch up since page 10, but glad to see everyone's posts. I'll start back with personals tomorrow. Have an AWESOME day!!!!!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning & Happy Sunday Everyone!

    Sorry I’ve been MIA, Thursday was a crazy day at work trying to wrap things up before taking a few days off. I’ve been doing a lot of things around the house and lots of running around. On Friday I had my metabolic assessment as the gym in the morning, which went amazingly well (I won’t use the verbiage here my trainer used :laugh: ). I was actually pretty spent after that, but went out and did some shopping in the afternoon and tackled a project around the house afterwards. Yesterday was more typical Saturday stuff – gym, laundry, and running around. Had my eyes checked a while back and went to shop for some new glasses (my last pair is in Alaska someplace), I wear contacts so haven’t been in that big of a hurry to replace them. Anyway, I found a super cute pair by Coach but then discovered the place I went didn't take my insurance so may go check out another place today (secretly hoping they carry this pair of Coach).

    @Vicki~I can relate all too well to that type of on-the-job stress. I was in a similar situation several years ago, it came down to me going to administration and saying that they either move me to another department or I was going to have to leave in order to avoid some sort of breakdown. I knew they didn’t want to lose me but it was a risk I had to take. I was lucky and was able to transfer. For the sake of your mental health, I definitely think it’s time for you to move on – sending you cyber hugs and wishing you luck on your search for a place that deserves you.

    @Laurie~Sorry you’ve been so tired this week, hope you were able to get some rest this weekend. Sounds like you had a nice afternoon with your bike ride and picnic.

    @Marca~Way to go meeting and surpassing your fitness goals!

    @Tammy~What a tremendous NSV at the fair!

    @Nicole~Awesome that you are seeing results from your yoga! Wishing you the best of luck on your first day at your new job!

    @Kris~Wow, that is quite a list of things to get ready for your mom & manicotti sounds super yum! Enjoy her visit!

    Saturday Success~No change on the scale for me this week, but I’ll take the results from my metabolic assessment as my NSV – it’s amazing to see how my body has changed and how much more efficiently it burns calories.

    Just caught a glimpse of the clock, need to meet my trainer so will check back later for Sunday Share.

    Have a great day!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everybody.

    3M- if you need someone to taste test the Manicotti I would love to.:wink:

    Laurie- hope your off trail ride went well today.

    vickimieth- I hope you win the lottery and have fun Rockin to the new DVDs.

    Kaye- way to go on the long loop! “Onward and downward!”:drinker:

    TOPSmarca- Good luck with your C25k!

    naceto- Best wishes for the new job!

    Pienthesky- I hope you are truly IN Onederland and wasn't just visiting it.

    jtconst- Great job at the fair glad you had fun.

    Susan- I could never do your job “pumpkin cheesecake, red velvet cupcake, turtle brownie bite and caramel apple shot” I would have eaten all of them.

    Well dumb bell shopping gave me sticker shock! All the local places did not really have what I wanted or were not in my price range. I ordered some online from Amazon good thing the shipping was free (yeah for Prime!)
    They should be here on August 28

    Quote of the day:- “Life is a grindstone. Whether it grinds us down or polishes us up depends on us.” ~Thomas L. Holdcroft

    Have a healthy day,

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    jtconst - Awesome time at the fair! :love: Congrats on fitting on the rides and eating way under temptations - great NSV's. BE PROUD!

    Marca - whaaaa ??? - Week four - you added distance because it was easy? Incredibobble!! WOOT for you!

    Laurie - Congrats on conquering the 10.b rock wall. Another challenge met - even if it was tricky ! Glad you had a fun picnic. Picnics bring to mind such a leisurely pace of life.....lolling about on blankets....such fun!

    MowMow - such an intricate and detailed list - I am in awe! My lists never get that finessed - I get as far as "clean room" and that's it! How long will your mom be visiting. Manicotti can last a long time!

    Eeyeore - sorry you have been having problems with hunger. You might want to up your protein and lower your carbs a little, that might help with the hunger.

    Susan - glad to see and hear from you again. Your work week food choices sound incredibly tough but you handled them so well, I am super impressed. I hope you and Cyrus have a fabulous Labor Day weekend!

    Kah - well a few days off, huh....even the wicked get to rest, I suppose :laugh: ! I hope you find your Coach glasses soon! Glad to hear your metabolic testing shows improvement in your overall body health! WOOT FOR NSV's.

    Tom - Good Morning to you! Sorry to hear about the sticker shock! I ordered my online too - and when the box was delivered I couldn't even pick it up it was so heavy :laugh: I had to rip it open right there in the doorway and take the dumbells out one at a time and carry them in the house! Good luck to you in that event!

    This has been the perfect summer in Omaha with heat only in the 80's until this past week, when it hit the high 90''s. So I can't complain. Spent last night with several married couples beside a lake with a perfect breeze and a bottle of Reisling at my side. It seemed to disappear over the course of the evening. Never noticed the heat!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    MowMow - such an intricate and detailed list - I am in awe! My lists never get that finessed - I get as far as "clean room" and that's it! How long will your mom be visiting. Manicotti can last a long time!

    Well, if I'm not specific I'll miss something that I really wanted to get done before she arrived. Then stuff pops up while I'm working on things. When I was cleaning the backsplash I looked up and saw the hood above the stove was FILTHY! Just sitting here a minute ago I looked up and saw how dirty the fan paddles look. Had to add those to the list so I don't forget them. That's the bad part about being only 5' tall... I miss a LOT of stuff above eye level!

    Mom will be here for a month +plus a few days. Usually after I pick her up from the shuttle we go out to dinner. I'd rather NOT eat out if it can be helped since I'm unemployed (and it's bad for me anyway) so ...zucchini and skim milk ricotta filled manicotti.:wink:

    She has this mental picture of what a person HAS to eat to lose weight and it's SO skewed. Rice cakes, salad (no dressing), steamed broccoli with nothing on it, boiled chicken breasts, etc. She'll cluck and sigh at every single bite of the mannicotti and tell me that I'll weigh 300+ lbs again in no time. I'm HOPING that eating here for a month and losing weight she'll understand that it's possible to lose weight and not eat tasteless rubber food. If not, I might be checking myself into the looney bin by October........
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning friends. Well yesterday I had my hunger on and there was just no stopping me. Needless to say by the end of the day those numbers were UGLY. I cant even say that most of the food was bad choices (except the mcdonalds) there was just so much of all of it. I think I might have needed it though cause usually eating like that leaves me feeling sick and I dont feel sick but I am not starving either today. Not a whole lot planned for the day. I am supposed to go shooting with my son later at the range. He doesnt believe I know how to use a gun even though I told him his grandpa insisted all his kids learn when they were old enough. Other then that I think I am just going to take it easy. I am also thinking about making a doctors appt in the near future. I think a sleep aid might be in order. It takes like an hour for me to fall asleep and then I wake up at least four or more times every night.

    Lets see Sunday share for the new ones since I havent done that in awhile. My name is Tammy and I am a 40 year old wife and mother of three grown children, well mostly, lol. My husband works in the engineering department on a fishing boat up in alaska so he is gone from home 2 out every 3 months. Two of my children still live at home but are activley saving to be able to move out. I have been heavy my entire life but it really spiralled out of control 5 or 6 years ago when I started experienceing problems with debilitating chronic pain. Last year when I started this it wasnt even about weight loss but just some small changes I was making to help with pain. Well they worked great and not only did my pain start to diminish but the weight started coming off as well. Now a year later I am mostly pain free and have lost a nice chunk of weight and am not ever turning back.

    Just a couple quick personals:
    Mow I am super impressed by that list. I am great at making those kind of lists but my follow through is lacking.
    Susan you did amazingly on your buisness trip. Be very proud.
    For all my other friends you are as always my inspiration and completley awesome. Have a great day everyone.:heart::heart: