Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    WOO HOO!!! Lost 1.75 lbs this week!!! And the lowered calorie goal is really helping me focus on macros AND keep the eating in check!!! To top is off, our tiny TOPS group (8 regulars) lost a total of 13 lbs. this week alone!!!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    nicole-I can relate to the Panera's cookies, they are so tasty. My favorite is the double chocolate chip. That was Monday's treat.

    Beth- Thanks for the vote of confidence on the trip and welcome back. You are right this adventure would be once in a life time and the tracking device sounds perfect. We would be tackling the Rockies within the first week so I will not get my biking legs under me until we are finished with that section. I also like the idea of getting on a train and heading home if I need to another good tip.

    Karen- I hope you are right and that it is the meeting and lack of AC that is draining my energy level. The AC has gone off again at the school, we had this problem at the end of last year and the building was miserable. I hope you have a good first day back tomorrow and you that you can accomplish a lot. I did get a few things accomplished today but I am planning on having fun tomorrow. Enjoy the day of pampering, we all deserve those days.

    Robin- Great job on getting out and joining the meet up group. It sounds like a lot of fun especially the hiking and adventure group. Give yourself a little time and you will be hiking with them soon. Paddle boarding sounds like fun and I want to try it myself. We watched a clip from the TED at school and it was wonderful, so it should be a great discussion group. Great job on avoiding the sweats tonight.

    naceto-Good luck with the new job and how exciting to know that they are almost ready for you.

    Truth- I have been eating lunch out all week and I know that is not a smart thing for me to do. My excuse was that I wanted to catch up with everyone and after this week I don't get to go out to lunch anymore during the work week. My schedule does not permit it. I did okay with all the goodies at school this week but did eat that chocolate doughnut today and a slice of pizza tonight. I stayed to help with the 6th grade orientation and dinner was pizza for the volunteers. It was great to see my former students and see their excitement and concern about high school. Next week, I will be back on track with taking my lunch to school so all should be good again. After an extended day at work, I opted to skip the workout and hang out with the meet up group tonight, I think I just needed to play before the grind really starts.

    I will also need to close the blinds at work so I can't see people out riding their bikes along the BWI trail. I kept wishing it was me out there instead of being stuck in the classroom. Once the kids arrive there will be no time for day dreaming. I will need to take my bike up to school and ride after work once or twice before it gets to cold and dark. Saturday, I am going for a nice ride on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. That trail passes in front of the school so it is easy access.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    @Robin - thanks... I don't have words to say how much...

    Thursday Truth: my current work situation sounds eerily like what Robin was describing... I am trying very hard to find some peace in it.

    The problem is, I like my job... and I'm bloody good at it... unfortunately, my very new boss has spent most of her time tearing me down. (and others - I'm not alone). I've been to HR 4 different times, so they are well aware. It gets a bit better for a while, and then she goes off the rails again. I've been in management for quite a while, so I can recognize all the not so good choices she's making (Ok, you don't try and enforce your religious beliefs on your employees, for instance ... BIG NONO). Because of the type of facility I work at, there aren't "other opportunities" there - when you're a nurse that reports directly to the Chief Nursing Officer, and *that* is where the problem is... you're really a bit screwed.

    I am doing what I can to find something elsewhere, as much as that breaks my heart - and makes me feel as if I've failed.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Katrena-Get well soon.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Marca- Congrats on the loss, that is awesome.:drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
    Kaye- Wonderful job completing the big loop. :drinker: :bigsmile: :happy:
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    @Robin - thanks... I don't have words to say how much...

    Thursday Truth: my current work situation sounds eerily like what Robin was describing... I am trying very hard to find some peace in it.

    The problem is, I like my job... and I'm bloody good at it... unfortunately, my very new boss has spent most of her time tearing me down. (and others - I'm not alone). I've been to HR 4 different times, so they are well aware. It gets a bit better for a while, and then she goes off the rails again. I've been in management for quite a while, so I can recognize all the not so good choices she's making (Ok, you don't try and enforce your religious beliefs on your employees, for instance ... BIG NONO). Because of the type of facility I work at, there aren't "other opportunities" there - when you're a nurse that reports directly to the Chief Nursing Officer, and *that* is where the problem is... you're really a bit screwed.

    I am doing what I can to find something elsewhere, as much as that breaks my heart - and makes me feel as if I've failed.

    Vicki- that is SO hard to go through! I loved my job also. It really stinks when there is one or a couple of folks that really ruin it for everyone else. I hope something wonderful comes your way very soon.

    Laurie- Thank you!! And I have to say... you mentioned "a" donut, and "a" slice of pizza... that is pretty darn impressive, if you ask me. I can't usually stop at just "a"... it always ends up as "some". Next week will be easier, and you can balance it all out then. :)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @vickie--I'm sorry that you are feeling forced out of a job you love due to incompetent management. That really stinks! In my field, our administrators change so much that they rarely affect our decision to stay or go. How I get along with my fellow teachers is much more important than whether my bosses are competent b/c the teachers stay forever. I'm going to cross my fingers that your manager suddenly decides to leave (or upper management decides to boot her) so you can stay at your job.

    @laurie--ugh--no AC?!?! That's awful. We often feel like there's no AC in the English classrooms b/c we are the only rooms on the 2nd floor. However, the past couple of years we've had the opposite problem and it's freezing--trust me, I NEVER complain about that! I can always wear a sweater. :wink: I know what you mean about wanting to go out to lunch. We also never have that option unless it's an institute. So although I should probably stay at school and get more work done, I will be like you and go out instead. :ohwell:

    @marca--that's an awesome loss--for you and for your group!! :drinker:

    @nicole--great job with the yoga! I hope you love your new job!

    @marsha--Hi there! Sorry the road has been bumpy. Is there anything we can do to help smooth it out?

    @robin--I'm so impressed with how well you're doing with both food and exercise!! :flowerforyou: Are you planning a trip to Costa Rica? I've heard it's fabulous!!

    @eeyeore--it's really easy to neglect ourselves when we are busy taking care of others. Try to remember to take care of you. :flowerforyou:

    AFM--I've been thinking a lot about moving to the free weights section of my new gym. I used to lift heavy back in college and would like to start again. I've gotten back to doing more strength training in general (30 DS, core work, weight machines), but I know I will get better results with free weights. I think I'm going to email the PT at my new gym and see how much he would charge to do a session or 2 with me. I don't want to work out with him regularly (can't afford it and that type of "schedule" makes me rebellious and takes the fun out of the gym for me). I just want him to go through the equipment and make sure I know the proper form for basic compound moves--it's been over 20 years so I don't want to hurt myself.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    WOO HOO!!! Lost 1.75 lbs this week!!! And the lowered calorie goal is really helping me focus on macros AND keep the eating in check!!! To top is off, our tiny TOPS group (8 regulars) lost a total of 13 lbs. this week alone!!!

    YAY! Congratulations!!! That is a terrific loss!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Karen, thanks for reminding me that I'm not the only one having issues with the scales.
    I went to a clothing exchange at the church tonight. I got a pair of jeans and 2 pair of long slacks, all size 14. They are a bit tight right now, but won't be for long. I don't even remember when I last wore a size 14.
    Congratulations on all of the successes. Even a little victory translates into big things over the long haul.
    Sorry about those of you who are struggling with your jobs. Makes me remember the good things about being retired.
    I, too, have succumbed to Candy Crush, but haven't even reached level 60 yet. I refuse to spend money to get further. Five-year-old grandson told me yesterday that I can't win those games because I am too old for video games. Oh, well, I will probably keep trying.
    Have a great evening. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @Robin - thanks... I don't have words to say how much...

    Thursday Truth: my current work situation sounds eerily like what Robin was describing... I am trying very hard to find some peace in it.

    The problem is, I like my job... and I'm bloody good at it... unfortunately, my very new boss has spent most of her time tearing me down. (and others - I'm not alone). I've been to HR 4 different times, so they are well aware. It gets a bit better for a while, and then she goes off the rails again. I've been in management for quite a while, so I can recognize all the not so good choices she's making (Ok, you don't try and enforce your religious beliefs on your employees, for instance ... BIG NONO). Because of the type of facility I work at, there aren't "other opportunities" there - when you're a nurse that reports directly to the Chief Nursing Officer, and *that* is where the problem is... you're really a bit screwed.

    I am doing what I can to find something elsewhere, as much as that breaks my heart - and makes me feel as if I've failed.

    Vicki - oh gosh. Those were my feelings near the end too - just feelings of total failure. As if it was all my fault, and I knew in my heart it wasn't. It was so darn frustrating. Don't feel like you failed. You're on a burning ship and need to save yourself, and you might inspire others to save themselves as well!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    macbeth - I hope you got your swim in - your vacation sounds loverly - and a plus getting to see all your family!

    Marca - how scary to have almost lost a tire on your car - I can understand staying home after that. :noway: Hey, I hope you put the REnt-a-Teens to good use today. Congrats on your MAJOR loss!

    jtconst - I sympathize with you about the mental reluctance to lower your weight below 300. It can be a real problem. I'm glad you recognized it though. Now you can turn it around and make it work for you in a positive way. You can tackle it head first, straight on. Just chomp those pounds off, just like the 75 pounds before. You CAN do it1

    Katrena - sorry your sick and your computer is down. Hope to see you back here soon!

    Skinny - Wow this summer has gone by fast, hasn't it? Don't gauge it by what you didn't get done, though, measure it by all the wonderful things you have accomplished. THen you'll realize you've had a full summer. If that little bedroom is really bugging you, set the timer for X minutes, and walk in there with a garbage bag. Its a start :wink:
    I'm not planning a trip to Costa Rica but I was interested in going there if I ever got the money. So I thought I'd take in some free entertainment.

    Eeyeore - good attitude with your hubby - like you say, you have to watch your attitude at work,why not at home? Its GOOD to be polite around people. Hey - can't wait til you get your fitbit - neat!

    Grammy - I miss you! Sorry your road is bumpy - but glad the road swung you this way today. Hope it brings you by more often.

    Naceto - aha - the nameplate has arrived - your in the big time now! How exciting to be starting a new job. Steady those nerves now. Take a deep yoga breath!

    Laurie - I wouldn't worry about the lunches this week unless you're not exercising - I'm sure you're burning off the calories with all the exercise your getting.

    Kaye - size 14's - Hey, hey, Hey !! That's cause for celebration - how wonderful! You must be feeling proud of yourself. I know we are all impressed by you, Kaye !
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Thursday Truth - I should be sleeping! I had a massive migraine starting Wed. Its finally gone away after much consumption of caffeine (excedrin all day long + 2 diet sodas)...and now I'm wide awake.... :grumble: Tomorrow is my daughters 11th Birthday so I'm making red velvet oreo cupcakes for her class (so far haven't eaten them all). Her party isn't till Saturday though. That's when the fun will begin. lol Tomorrow night I have a booth at the fitness expo for GVDL (the animal non-profit I'm involved with). We are trying to build a local dog park...$25,000 is hard to raise $2-$3 at a time lol. We need to get our federal status for grants and tax deductible donations but again...expensive...we're talking $2,500 to apply. So until then I will be at these events with my sad little homemade dog biscuits asking for donations.

    I won't be able to get to each person individually today (or probably even this weekend). I do want to say congrats to those of you who had success. And for those of you struggling just keep at it. This is one I have to remind myself of often.

  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Last night I went to a Travel Agents talk on Costa Rica and they had a dessert table that I totally ignored. OH THAT WAS HARD. I wanted to stuff my pockets with all the little bar cookies that they had! EEEK :noway:

    wow, that's some self control. Costa Rica sounds fun too
  • 0Caligirl0
    0Caligirl0 Posts: 38 Member
    Friday - I'm new here, and have about 100 pounds to lose from where I am now. This weekend I plan to go ocean kayaking with my son and a friend for some outdoor fun and exercise and go grocery shopping for the week. Veggies, fruits, and sandwich items. I'm taking whole wheat pita to work, yogurt and nuts for bfast, and protein/veg dinners. I'm going to get carrot chips and hummus for snacking, and some popcorn too.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Hi everybody.

    I am so glad it is Friday!

    I am going to start a workout plan that I get from my blood pressure meter’s website (interactivehealthpartner).


    I have to go buy some dumb bells this weekend so I can start Monday.

    Quote of the day:- “It’s never too late – in fiction or in life – to revise.” ~Nancy Thayer

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    NVirgo - you're such a generous person - both baking cupcakes for your daughter's class and fundraising for the local dog park. I'm very impressed! Hope you get your money raised in due time. Small cities really have to push to get grant money don't they?
    I'm sure you'll do well!

    Toots - Costa Rica is just a dream destination - not any place I'm going sometime soon :laugh:

    OCaligirl - welcome to the gang! This is a great place to find sympathetic friends. It sounds like you have a great fitness and diet plan going already.

    Tom - I'm excited for you for getting dumbells. I love mine (except when I stub my toe on one! MUST remember to always put back in their place when done! ) I think you have an excellent work-out schedulel there!
  • Eeyeore
    Eeyeore Posts: 33
    I see people talking about macros. ?.what is that?
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    I see people talking about macros. ?.what is that?
    The macros are the settings you make under the goals tab. The carbs, protein, fat, and net calories are the main ones. I set my sodium (high blood pressure) and my sugars (diabetes) lower than most.
  • Eeyeore
    Eeyeore Posts: 33
    Thank u for the macro lesson.....boy I feel a bit dingy on that one...should have known. Lol!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    This isn't an article about weight loss - its an article about retiring and figuring out how much money to save and if you can save enough to retire early. Its interesting as are many of his other blog articles. Some of you might find it enjoyable.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Toots - Costa Rica is just a dream destination - not any place I'm going sometime soon :laugh:

    ah, it does sound like a dream