Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--I think it's the meetings that are making you not want to do any work in the afternoon--they tend to be mind-numbing and energy sapping. Once you are on your own, you will get used to the morning opens.

    @vickie--ugh! I'm sorry that your job is causing you so much stress. It definitely can hinder weight loss, so I hope you find some solution (short-term of course, until you win that lottery :wink: ).

    @pie--good luck car shopping!

    @nicole--I'm glad my advice worked for you--too bad I haven't been disciplined enough to do it myself. :grumble: Actually, I haven't been too bad with the protein or fiber, but I'm still not happy with my overall food diary. Too many end-of-summer outings.

    @kaye--I had to smile a little at your horror at the thought of a month with no weight loss. You see, I've had months and months at a time with no weight loss, and I remember "the good old days" when I could reasonably count on some sort of loss consistently, month after month. That surety seems to have disappeared for me as I've only lost a net of 10 lbs in the past year. :ohwell: I also hope you haven't hit that point in your weight loss, but be prepared b/c someday, when you near your goal weight, it is bound to happen. :flowerforyou:

    AFM--I'm quite a bit under for the day and lacking protein, so I will need to find a snack though I do want to stay at least 420 under to make up for yesterday. I got my student's rec letter done and sent my colleagues their files, so nice to have that done as well.

    I'm pretty excited b/c I was looking at the resort where my friend is getting married next summer in Punta Cana and it looks fabulous! DH and I are really excited--we've already agreed to upgrade to the adults only section of the resort and will probably do an oceanfront room as well. It's not much more for the whole week, and when we did that upgrade in Curacao we felt it was more than worth it. We still need to decide the exact dates--the wedding is on June 28th so we will probably get there the Wed. or Thurs. before. We also have to decide how long we want to stay. We know it will be about a week, but need to decide if we want to do 6, 7, or 8 nights.

    Tomorrow I will get my hair cut and highlighted--I haven't had it done all summer. I actually haven't had it cut since March or April so it's very long. I think I'm going to keep the length--I kind of like having the longer "side bangs." I will also get a pedi--so looking forward to that. :happy:

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk at festival DONE + dance at festival DONE
    Sun--run outside w/gunner DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE but mowed lawn/gardened
    Tues--walk gunner DONE (going to Ravinia to see Journey)
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym if time (hair and pedi appt)
    Fri--walk gunner (festival so more dancing)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    I was able to walk the "big loop" tonight. Translate: 2.5 miles instead of 1.5 on the "short loop". It is kind of hot and muggy so I am really sweating. Feels good!
    Have a good night. Kaye

    Awesome job adding that mile!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Just a drive - by - I've read all the posts and have comments for all but will do personals in the am. as I've taken my night meds and am pretty sleepy even though its still pretty early for me......but I'm afraid I'm too sleepy to make much sense ! So have a good night everyone, and sweet dreams. Oh, I'm down two pounds this week, and its only Weds. Yippee skippie.
  • blturner1
    blturner1 Posts: 89 Member
    Options back later :drinker:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Karen~Enjoy the pampering at the salon/spa, I get my hair done with a new guy next weekend and I cannot wait! I haven't had it cut since March or April. I may see if I can work in a pedi over my long weekend.

    @Kaye~Great job extending your mileage!

    @Laurie~It will probably take a few weeks to get back into the groove, hope you are able to get some rest.

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Training DONE! :bigsmile:
    Monday~Rest Day DONE! :tongue:
    Tuesday~Elliptical + Stairmill DONE! :bigsmile:
    Wednesday~Training DONE! :bigsmile:
    Thursday~None due to metabolic assessment tomorrow
    Friday~Active Metabolic Assessment, possible workout with trainer in afternoon
    Saturday~Arc Trainer + Row

    AFM~I had a really rough night last night, took my sleeping meds but ended up lying there until midnight, really wanted to go to bed early so I could exercise early this morning (my trainer said yesterday no workout for 24-hours prior to the metabolic assessment). So I laid there and then ended up waking up with a killer tummy-ache about 2am, pretty much been awake all night – going to be a rough day. :yawn: I feel hung-over. Not sure what caused the tummy-ache, unless it was the grapes I ate kind of late – feel okay this morning. Then I got to work this morning and had a dozen emails over an issue, so now I’m putting out fires since the manager that usually handles this issue is out. Very glad that today is my Friday. :love:
  • lustergirl
    lustergirl Posts: 123 Member
    Hey everyone: hope everyone is doing okay.

    My legs are hurting from last night's body combat class. Okay when I move around but sitting for longer than expected and go to get up, ouch!!

    Tonight is Zumba< can't wait to shake my booty!!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Virgo - its so great your foster dog was adopted - now your own two babies have their mommy to themselves for awhile - and you get to save a little money for a while - that's a plus! Your heart is certainly big!

    Laurie - The Rockies would be an intimidating factor - on a bike is not at all like rock-climbing! and you've made a good point about your ability to train for this event during the school year. I guess you need to decide out of all the activities you're involved in, do you like biking the best? Because you'll need to eat, sleep and breathe biking for the next 9 months to prepare for this adventure!

    Susan - oh boy - your job is tough with all that food tasting! I hope your headache has abated and your feeling fresh as a daisy today! Hope you got your workout in!

    Eeyeore - I'm so glad you had a pleasant evening with your husband. You're really doing an impressive job at the exercise!

    Marca - your daughter sounds amazing - you have every reason to be a proud mama!

    Skinny - the Journey concert sounds fun - as well as the cold salad - which sounds yummy ! Glad you had fun even if you did indulge just a little too much - you do a good job of covering your calorie overages over the following days! Good job of zig-zagging.

    Kinda - welcome. I was a big fan of Roller Derby when I was younger - I don't see it on TV anymore. Boy it looks tough!

    DoingThis - hope your cold gets better - keep up the OJ routine - you're doing well! Loose pants are a great NSV!

    BJ - sorry you're feeling a little down - maybe because the kids are back to school? Your little boy sounds like a real hero in spirit - love his actions!

    Kah - the metabolic assessments do sound very helpful = and state of the art! You're really on top of things!

    Toots - I'm sorry to hear you talk about your husband's situation as the new reality for all of you and I'm glad to hear his sepsis is clearing up. I hope this new life settles down and becomes acceptable to both of you in a way that helps you both grow into a better marriage and family.

    Katrena - Hope you get better soon.

    jtconst - You are a real go-getter ! I can't imagine painting that much room by myself and with an aching side. You poor baby! I hope you take a days break before you paint again - sounds like you side needs it! Take care of yourself.

    Tom - I loved the quote- I sent it on to several people on my email list

    Kaye - sorry your having frustrations with the scale = I'm sure you're not doing anything wrong! As Skinny mentioned, you've probably reached the dreaded "plateau" so many of us long -timers have met and detested. Time to do some finagling with your figures. Maybe increasing your walk to the "big loop" will do it for you!

    Naceto - well, getting started is sometimes hard to do....did you get around to the yoga video yesterday??? Hmmm.....

    Vicki - I've really saved some comment time for you! I'm concerned about the stress levels of your job and wanted to tell you a "little story" about myself. A SCARY STORY !!!! I was working under extreme stress for many years and management was not responding to my many and frequent requests for some understanding, and relief. It reached a point where I would get tears in my eyes at the slightest thing. As time went on, the tears were more frequent, and it got to the point where I would just overlook them, wipe them off and soldier on. I'd say I had allergies and people believed me. Well the tears were a sign I was beginning to have a nervous breakdown, which I eventually did, a few months later. I HAD TO QUIT MY JOB !!!!!
    I don't want that to happen to you.
    I hope and pray that before it gets this bad for you that you start looking elsewhere for work -either in the same company - or file a grievance - of DO SOMETHING - be proactive - take care of yourself - because the stress is NOT GOING TO GO AWAY ON ITS OWN!
    (I care for you! )

    Skinny - as for your trip - I'd vote for 8 days ! When I went to Jamaica it was heart-breaking to leave after 7 days, I would have loved to stay for just one more day! Since part of your time will be taken up with the wedding, splurge with more personal days for your and your hubby!.

    Lustergirl - wow - body combat class sounds tough but awesome - I'm impressed by you!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Laurie - I've joined a Meet-Up group here in Omaha called the Nebr. Adventurer's Group. Thanks for talking about Meet-Up Groups. They are a Hiking, Paddle-boarding and Kayaking group that sponsors lots of events. I am planning to go paddleboarding with them next Weds. I'm very excited to meet the group. I am going to have to start walking so I can go along with this group as their hikes are usually 2-4 miles in distance and I can only walk about a mile right now. BUT, I feel my legs getting stronger due to all the squats I'm doing so I'm optimistic! I also joined a group that meets to discuss the Internet- sponsored TED Lectures once a month.
  • lmackbethl
    lmackbethl Posts: 156
    I'm back! Happy to be home with no trips scheduled for a while - (decided not to do the sprint tri in Ohio in two weeks because I've been away too much lately)! Just finished reading all the posts and wanted to save my place. Headed out for a swim, then going to a WNBA game with some friends, so this is probably it for today.

    @Tom - glad you got your lab moved... better take those stair breaks at work, because my fitbit and I are reunited, so I'm going to start chasing you! :wink:
    @Robin - so glad that a knight-in-shining-blue-corvette stopped to help you out! and what a great buddy you have in your ex!!! Good thing you pushed through the uncomfortable to preserve the friendship! Best of luck in your job search and it's so good to hear you trying all sorts of new activities with new people!
    @Laurie - well of course, I think you should go for both bike rides... but I am a total adventurer at heart. My dad's attempted 2650-mile thru-hike of the PCT didn't turn out anything like he had planned, but he still had an amazing time. He and his partner both suffered injuries that eventually took them off the trail (as did many other people), but help was always there when they needed it. He cherishes the relationships he made the most. I have a couple friends who have done the cross-country bike trip and have made memories to last forever!!! Someday, I'll do that, a thru-hike or two, and swim the English Channel.... :noway: :laugh:
    @Tammy - lakes have currents? :laugh: :laugh: :happy: Glad you made it back okay! :drinker: The swimming calorie burns are fantastic, aren't they? I will really miss those when it gets too cold (but not as much as I will miss the water itself)!! :sad:

    Ok, I know there was more that I wanted to respond to, but after 10-pages of reading (I only logged on to do my food while in Colorado, since I had limited internet access), my brain is not remembering everything.. plus, I really want to head to the lake before it gets too late to fit in a swim today. Catch you all tomorrow!!
  • lmackbethl
    lmackbethl Posts: 156
    Just got ready to head out and discovered it's still raining. :grumble: I'm still going to go, but waiting a half hour or so to give it some more time to clear up (it is supposed to end around 1). Even if it continues, I'll venture out - I get wet swimming anyway, eh? - but it would be nice to have some sun overhead, since it's not all that hot today.

    @Laurie - I forgot to mention that my dad (and most distance hikers) carried a Delorme In-Reach device. Not sure whether distance bikers use them (not familiar with that community), but they do give peace-of-mind to the hikers (and especially to their families :laugh: ). We were so happy to be able to follow his journey through the High Sierra, where he couldn't call for days on end. I think your trip wouldn't be quite as out-of-contact as that, since you'd always be on roads and since bikers can make significantly more daily miles/progress towards towns than hikers, but it's still something to consider. The Delorme works even when you're really remote and have no cell or internet, and you can use it to send messages, electronic "bread crumbs" for people to follow you on a map, and SOS signals if you get yourself in a real jam. Think of it as an "I've fallen and I can't get up" device for adventurers. :laugh: One push of a button, and they send out a Search and Rescue team to your location. The monthly fees are fairly small, and it's well worth the money to have assurance that you can get help if you need it. Here's the link to my dad's (he hasn't used it since he left the trail with a broken bone in his foot), so you can see how precisely it pinpoints your location, and what your family and friends would see with the breadcrumbs. BTW, I will probably push you to take this trip to the point of annoyance :laugh: so tell me to shut up if necessary. I guess I think it's one of those once-in-a-lifetime opportunities that you only regret not doing - no one ever seems to regret doing it. If you get out there and discover you don't enjoy it, you can always load yourself and the bike on a train and go home. Regarding the training, I've always heard that you do what you can to prepare for such a trip, but it's never enough. The first couple weeks will be very difficult, but then you'll get your biking legs under you, and will have become a distance rider! By the time you get to the Rockies, you'll most definitely be able to handle it!
    @Susan - thanks for your kind words! Stay focused on your business travels -- I know you can do this! :drinker:
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Howdy all!!! Yesterday was nuts... but a good day in the end!! Got my rig fixed after we almost lost a wheel on Mon. on super curvy Ozark roads.... thank God we had a local stop to make before we headed to the next town 30 miles away!!! Needless to say, we stayed HOME after that!!! I did finally get all my food logged but having to eat out for most of my day plus having to wait till 9 PM to eat supper put me over on cals. I still feel like I did a good job though because I finally am getting the macros more where I want them!!! I have to remember that HEALTH is the goal, weight loss is the result of good health!!!

    My Wednesday wish is that the TOPS scale gives me the same news that my scale gave this AM!!!:love:

    My Thursday truth: I have done a SUPER lousy job at eating enough veggies this summer.... and I am not sure why, because I LOVE veggies!!! It could be a tooth that has been bothering me so eating raw veggies(and anything that takes work to consume) is sometimes painful, it could be that I have been WAY busier with new clients this summer so have less time to plan and cook.... but mainly I think it is because I have lacked discipline.

    Well, I have my "Rent-A-Teens" coming over soon to help with Fall cleaning.... my nieces..... so I better get some lunch in me and some vertigo meds so I will be able to get stuff done too!!! Personals will have to wait till tonight!!!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. Just got from the grocery store with a bunch of yummy healthy foods. I have my neice and nephew for the day so some toys somehow found their way into the cart too.:bigsmile: I wore my HRM out of curiosity and it read over 500 calories burned walking around that darn store. probably wont record it since i plan on mowing a little later for my burn for the day but nice to know I got more then just a large grocery bill out of it:laugh:

    Imackbeth welcome home. Sounds like you had a good time. I knew that you would get a laugh out of my lake story with all the swimming you do.:happy:
    Robin how exciting to join a group like that. I bet you will make a bunch of new friends real soon
    Susan I hope the buisness trip is going well. I am sure you are going to do great.
    For all the teachers on here now that my kids are grown I am on your side. Boo to summer ending:laugh:

    My truth for this week is I think I have been sabotoging myself the last couple months. I think I might be so nervous about dipping under 300 for the first time in so long that I am unconciously messing up more days then not. I am rededicating today to get back to doing everything that I know works so well.
    Well time to get off my butt and get the groceries put away. Have a great day all.:heart::heart:
  • yogini2013
    yogini2013 Posts: 19 Member
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Still sick and my computer crashed. Have bronchitis and upper respiratory infection. Got lots of meds. Just got back from Dr,. Have stayed on plan, feel too bad to eat. New one for me.

    Will post later.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    @katrena--feel better. :flowerforyou:

    @tammy--I think the same sort of self-sabotage happened to me when I was nearing Onederland. I'm sure your re-dedication will pay off! :drinker:

    @marca--ggod luck at TOPS!

    @beth--welcome home! I can't wait to hear some highlights from your trip!

    @robin--that's so great that you joined a meet-up group! Oh, and I think we are leaning towards 8 days--we're paying for the airfare, so might as well take advantage right? :wink:

    @lisa--have fun at zumba!

    @kelley--sorry you had such a rough night--hope you made it to your weekend. :flowerforyou:

    @blturner--hey there! nice to see you pop in!

    Thursday Truth:
    I don't really have anything to "confess"--you guys know about my overages, but I've made up for those on other days this week. I've also done a pretty good job with my macros and workouts, so no fitness related confessions this week. :tongue:

    I will admit that I got significantly less done this summer than I had planned. I didn't even begin to clean out our smallest bedroom which has become the "catch-all" for everything that has no home. I also didn't get to numerous other smaller projects around the house. :ohwell: Not that school starting means I'm incapable of doing things around the house, but I know I'll have significantly less time.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk at festival DONE + dance at festival DONE
    Sun--run outside w/gunner DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE but mowed lawn/gardened
    Tues--walk gunner DONE (going to Ravinia to see Journey)
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym if time (hair and pedi appt)
    Fri--walk gunner (festival so more dancing)
  • Eeyeore
    Eeyeore Posts: 33
    Have not been eating that well this last week...gets late in the evening with visiting dad in rehab...then I end up eating dumb food instead of smart food. At laundrymat doing dads clothes then going to take them to him.
    Hubby and I are on the road to a better communication level...happy about that...hope it lasts...I know it takes two...trying not to blow due to stress and keep in mind that a marriage is more important than ur job and u hold u tongue at work so work on the same at home.
    Now I need to find time to exercise, I ordered a fitbit...anxious to see how that works!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Walked gunner but no time for gym. I just realized I won't be home all day tomorrow, so no walk for him. :ohwell:

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk at festival DONE + dance at festival DONE
    Sun--run outside w/gunner DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE but mowed lawn/gardened
    Tues--walk gunner DONE (going to Ravinia to see Journey)
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym if time (hair and pedi appt)
    Fri--walk gunner (festival so more dancing)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I met a girlfriend after she got off work and we toured a local art exhibit of Impressionists thats passing through town, then visited her favorite Pub for some brewskies and then on to an Oyster House for some good shrimp dishes that were recommended us by one of the waiters at the pub, even got free appeteezers! Had a great time and I THINK I am still under calories for the day. Stuck with 2 white wines so played it safe. Knew when to put my fork down like a good girl. I'm really getting the hang of not over-eating.

    Last night I went to a Travel Agents talk on Costa Rica and they had a dessert table that I totally ignored. OH THAT WAS HARD. I wanted to stuff my pockets with all the little bar cookies that they had! EEEK :noway:

    Got my squats done as well as my calf raises before I went out. Yippee!.
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Bumpy road.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member

    Naceto - well, getting started is sometimes hard to do....did you get around to the yoga video yesterday??? Hmmm.....

    Yes ma'am I did! Two days in a row of home yoga now... also walked a little under 3 miles! :) Thanks for asking :)

    My mind is just soooo very much on my new job lately. My manager called me today to let me know that they have my desk set up and have me scheduled for tons of meetings and training the first two weeks! I have a friend who works there, and she spied my nameplate at the receptionist's desk! This is really happening... I am thrilled!

    Thursday truth... I ate half a Panera chocolate chip cookie.... I was satisfied. The half a cookie wouldn't be a big deal, except I chose the bread side instead of apple... so it's white flour gut for me (which is why I'm not wanting more cookie) :( Why must such tasty treats be so bad for me??? ;)