

  • Not only sugar, but carbohydrates in general.
  • Inches mean you gained muscle while losing body fat%, which is a very good thing, at a point you stop worrying about the weight but focus on the measurements. Also what is your current diet you are using, and workout regiment, with this information I can see what you are doing and make recommendations based what what I…
  • It is intense, it is crazy but it so much fun!
    in HIIT? Comment by crazyfob07 March 2011
  • Calculate your BMR at the weight you are targeting or just reduce your intake to 1200 daily, it was mention that for women you do not go below 1200 because that is the basic min you need for your body to function normally day to day. I would add in more weight training to build lean muscles and start targeting the body fat…
  • The neon yellow urine usually indicates that the vitamins you are taking is getting flushed out of your system because the body doesn't need it. Try reducing the supplements by half the dose, so the body can utilize it more then just flushing it out, like my nutritionist friends like to say, that's some expensive pee~
  • B-12 comes naturally from animal proteins, try increasing protein intake to get your required needs. B-12 is a vital component for daily living, I noticed those who go full vegan mode they manage for a while without till the B-12 reserves runs low then the system starts to react negatively. Some bodies can adapt while…
  • Try the Keto Diet, sounds like if you are eating out a lot, you are consuming a lot of carbohydrates. 80% weight lose is diet, 20% is exercising. Even if you dont have time to workout eating at a deficit will still cause you to lose weight. There is quite a bit of correlation with diets that causes depression is it is…
  • First is first, you need to forgive yourself. Dust off and pick yourself up. I agree it is a time intensive process but you gotta remember what is your goal, are you doing this for yourself? Health? For your kids? Your wife? I had a horrible binge this weekend eating everything I shouldn't have but did I enjoy it. Yes I…