

  • as long as it does not add weight or health problem, I guess it does not matter
  • each person has their own perception about eating clean, you probably also know what to avoid (bad for health) and what do you get for your body. in terms of goodness, fruits and vegetables are very important
  • I think, in terms of diet does not mean away from everything, just consume what is necessary for the body and not excessive so as not to strain the body to perform activities
  • I like broccoli, cabbage boiled (it tastes sweet, even without rice), bread rolls with minced meat + vegetables and salsa sauce
  • oh. lunch or dinner I was really boring, a sandwich and a glass of milk, fried chicken and raw vegetables with sauce
  • I think, not to be redundant to get a beautiful body, just because you want a beautiful body until you make miserable. eat what you want will not make you fat as long as it regularly and do not eat to excess
  • I think so, it is surprising
  • it is indeed because of the effects of the stomach are not familiar with your eating habits, consumption of fruits and vegetables either during regularly in your diet