santiagoivonne22 Member


  • So the mini challenge kicked my butt this week! but i can successfully say i completed the cardio and bow and arrow challenge. still working on the water intake (not my forte). I hope everyone is doing well. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! super proud of our team. Weigh in tomorrow. Dont be discouraged about a little weight gain.…
  • Hi all, Sorry I haven't checked in for a couple of days. we had my nephews move in this weekend. lots of fun and stress haha. Super happy to hear we a doing well kicking off this first weigh-in. Proud of TEAM ORANGE!! let keep it up. This weeks mini challenge is going to be tough. especially drinking an extra 8oz of water…
  • Thank you team for your support! its much appreciated as an update to the mini-challenge 15 lunges (3x) 25 minutes stationary bike I'm doing more in my workouts, but these i add to push myself. Excited to be able to push myself due to the support of the Orange Team. You guys are amazing!
  • Hi Team!! My name is Ivonne and i was selected to the team lead. However, my sister passed away this past week and i have become the gardian to 2 beautiful boys. Being that i am new to this parenting thing I wont have the time to dedicate to being a leader. Would someone please volunteer to step up as team lead being that…
  • I was curious as to how we know what team we are on.
  • honestly i have no physical problems other than being overweight. I have no injuries nor explainable pains. I REALLY appreciate you advise. this will help me establish an exercise routine. :smile:
  • i dont yell or tell people to stop. I notice it and change where i am at or how i see things. i never invade or change someone else i change myself. If it bothers me fine but i dont have to be a jerk. i just ignore it or move some place else thats all.
  • i dont yell or tell people to stop. I notice it and change where i am at or how i see things. i never invade or change someone else i change myself. If it bothers me fine but i dont have to be a jerk. i just ignore it or move some place else thats all.
  • Hello all! I am also new. i am looking forward to this challenge. I am here for help and support if anyone should choose to reach out to me. If anyone would like please friend me so we can stay connected. Good luck to you all and i look forward to seeing all the changes you make during this challenge. ^_^
  • This by far has always been a annoyance of mine. My husband drives me crazy! He is getting better. When we spoke to the dentist about his eating and how he grinds/chews his food she said it was because he had a irregular jaw shape. there are many reasons why people chew loudly i just hate when i know people are being…