I'M NEW! how to get started

Hey all! I am getting back into the workout scene. Its been a LONG time since i have actually went to a gym. I am 260 lbs and i am roughly 90lbs overweight. so i would need to start slow to get back into things without injuring myself. Any advice to a beginner? i would really appreciate anything!

THANKS!!! ^_^


  • santiagoivonne22
    santiagoivonne22 Posts: 13 Member
    honestly i have no physical problems other than being overweight. I have no injuries nor explainable pains. I REALLY appreciate you advise. this will help me establish an exercise routine. :smile:
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    I agree with Gustaaf85 ease yourself into an exercise routine. I started at 20 minutes several times per week on a stationary bike. Then worked up to 30 minutes every day, and finally 45 minutes per day. Once I hit my time goals, I started to increase intensity and pace.

    I also got a FitBit to help track my daily movement. I sit at a desk all day, and the FitBit has really helped encourage me to get out of my chair and move around more. Park further away at stores, take the stairs instead of the elevator etc. This has had too benefits. One is that it burns calories, but also it has provided me opportunities to see how my fitness has improved. The day I realized I could walk up to my third floor office and not feel I was going to keel over from a heart attack was a great victory.

    Swimming is also a great form of exercise if you have access to a pool. Even if you aren't much of a swimmer, you can walk / jog in the pool and it has lower stress on your joints.

    Good luck.