

  • I have almost lost 30 pounds since 2/28/11 just by eating right, and I have no sagging skin, yet at least. I drink anywhere from a 1 to 1.5 gallons of water a day. I havent exercised as my time is limited. Between work and my daughter, the only exercise I basically get is playing around on the softball field with my…
  • I have only dieted. I do not have time to exercise or go to the gym. The only exercise for me right now is being on the softball field with my daughter at practice. Its working for me great so far right now. I started my diet 2/28 and already down 27.6 pounds just from eating right and drinking TONS of water.
    in diet only Comment by Jerri68 May 2011
  • I try to make my biggest meal lunch.
  • I broil mine - only takes a few minutes!
    in Fish Comment by Jerri68 May 2011
  • Ditch the "canned" anything and go for frozen veggies! Frozen veggies and the microwave are my best friend now days, along with fresh steamed veggies. Homemade salsa is the bomb, and there are lots of easy recipes on the net! You can control the sodium a lot with these. As far as snacks, fruit, fresh or frozen, is the…
  • I weight in every day and update, but have it set to only show the loss.
  • I love the frozen mixed berry blend (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries), or fresh if I can find them.
  • I love the frozen mixed berry blend (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries), or fresh if I can find them.
  • I love the frozen mixed berry blend (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries), or fresh if I can find them.
  • I had a bad day a couple of weeks ago, went out and ate greasy ribs with the trimmings. Besides being miserable after eating and putting all that junk back in my body after eating right for over a month, but the next day I had the worst "hangover" feeling in the world. If I didnt know better, I would have thought I got…
  • I read somewhere concerning weight loss that if you are trying to lose weight, you should drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day. For example if you weighed 200 pounds, then you would need to drink 100 ounces of water. I could cut my water intake down, but I am still drinking around a gallon a day!
  • I have had problems with constant knee pain for years, but now that I have lost 21 pounds, the pain seems to be nearly GONE!!! I am just eating healthy, measured portions, and the weight is coming off for me. Good luck in your journey! Low resistance exercises works for me.
    in Intro Comment by Jerri68 April 2011
  • Thanks! Congrats to you too!