Does anyone weigh in every day?



  • Ruby53
    Ruby53 Posts: 61 Member
    I thought I was the only one that weighed every day but only logged it once a week, its comforting to know that I am not alone. My weight changes day to day, it keeps me on my toes though!!!
  • sbchasin
    sbchasin Posts: 14
    I weigh daily, sometimes several times throughout the day for trending and to get a feel of how my body works w/ weight.

    I only record Sunday mornings, my official weigh-in day. Up or down, whatever the reading is on Sundays is what gets posted.
  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    You really shouldn't. I know a lot of people that do not weight themselves at all, but I do 1 time a week to see how I am progressing, but everyday will make you crazy. I think 1 day a week makes me crazy. I think I am going to start doing it once every 2 weeks! Please don't weight yourself every week. You will drive yourself crazy!

    I disagree with this. YOU might drive yourself crazy if you weigh every day or even once a week, but that's definitely not a universal maxim!

    I weigh every day and consider myself relatively not-crazy... at least when it comes to the scale. ;)

    I don't tend to record the weight until Thursdays, but I'm considering implementing a rolling average and recording that... but I do record the weight every day in a spreadsheet so I can track patterns and trends.
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    Absolutely not! I grew up with a mom taht weighed ehrself every a.m. We had the dial scale so I would her her step on, then off, then on, then off,..... over and over and over again every morning! It made me nuts!!!!! I vowed at a very young age to never be that obsessed with my weight. I weigh in once a week just to track it. I also expect 1 week a month to be horrible!
  • xrockinrobyn
    xrockinrobyn Posts: 95 Member
    Weigh every day to keep me on track but I only record it on mondays :)
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    I weigh every day. I weigh in on my wii fit and if it has gone down i enter it in, no matter what day of the week it is. If it goes up, I don't enter it but I know I have to work harder. It keeps me motivated. I weigh on my bathroom scale several times a day- I don't know why :smile: . I like to get on the bathroom scale before I go on my wii scale so I'm not shocked!
  • RoniDoll
    RoniDoll Posts: 262
    Yes, it keeps me on track and focused. I don't obsess over the scale's natural fluctuations though. If you will freak out if the scale is up a pound, then weighing in every day is not for you. If you can keep things in perspective with a "yeah, I had a lot of sodium yesterday from eating two frozen meals" you'll be ok weighing in everyday. I absolutely have to to keep the focus, but most do fine with every week.

    same here
  • nickeb82
    nickeb82 Posts: 10
    I weigh in every morning first thing and I write my weight down each day in my "personal planner" I only log it in here every 3 days or so. :)
  • mjtmorr
    mjtmorr Posts: 75
    I weigh myself once a day right after my morning shower. I only record my weight on Friday. :wink:
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    You really shouldn't. I know a lot of people that do not weight themselves at all, but I do 1 time a week to see how I am progressing, but everyday will make you crazy. I think 1 day a week makes me crazy. I think I am going to start doing it once every 2 weeks! Please don't weight yourself every week. You will drive yourself crazy!

    I disagree with this. YOU might drive yourself crazy if you weigh every day or even once a week, but that's definitely not a universal maxim!

    I weigh every day and consider myself relatively not-crazy... at least when it comes to the scale. ;)

    I don't tend to record the weight until Thursdays, but I'm considering implementing a rolling average and recording that... but I do record the weight every day in a spreadsheet so I can track patterns and trends.

    I feel the same way! Everyone is different. It makes some people crazy to weigh every day but for others, it helps them stay on track. I am the latter. If I only weighed once a week, I would gain weight! If I were a "normal" wight, I would only weigh once a week. I once read one of the difference between fat people and thin people is that thin people weigh themselves regularly.
  • FatUncleRob
    FatUncleRob Posts: 341
    I try not to but I'm happy I'm not the only one doing it. i heared it was bad to do that but I can't help it! lol

    I think the only problem is how you react if the number changes drastically.

    As long as you're not going to think you've earned a "binge day" if the number goes down a lot or that you should quit the diet because it's not working if the number goes up - then you're OK.

    I guess the message is that you can monitor daily, but the real progress is slow and best viewed over long periods of time. :smile:

    NOTE: Once I reach my goal weight, I plan on only weighing-in 2 or 3 times a month. :bigsmile:
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    I weigh daily but only record on Mondays and I only record if it's a loss. I don't like people that record every movement (+ or -) and keep getting "congrats" for the same 2 pounds lost.
  • Hootsmamma
    Hootsmamma Posts: 254 Member
    When I first started MFP about 3 wks ago, I used to weigh myself daily. Then I began to get frustrated with myself and the scale as I would go up 2-3 lbs and then down 1 , up the next etc. Too crazy making for me! Now I resist the temptation and just weigh in on Friday mornings (1x wk only) and this is the progress I report to MFP. Although it could be debatable..I think I am a lot more sane with this routine .:laugh:
  • Jerri68
    Jerri68 Posts: 14
    I weight in every day and update, but have it set to only show the loss.
  • zumba_gal
    zumba_gal Posts: 63 Member
  • Like most everyone else, I weigh in everyday too. Only record on Thursdays tho gain or loss. Everyone is different in what works for them. :)
  • PNWriter
    PNWriter Posts: 223 Member
    Hi. My name is Leah, and I'm addicted to weighing myself daily ["Hi, Leah"].
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    I try not to weigh every day as I get upset if the scale isn't moving. But I only weigh and record once a week...seems Friday is the best day for me.
  • kimkimchi
    kimkimchi Posts: 58
    Yup, I used to weigh in every morning. I used it to keep myself in check! If I was doing my diet right I'd be losing 0.2lbs consistently (I had a scale with the tenths places to pounds). If I saw I didn't lose 99% of the time it was because I cheated on calories the day before! Great way to keep myself from cheating.

    Currently I weigh once or twice a week though cause I'm not as strict as I once was.
  • sandytoes3
    sandytoes3 Posts: 5 Member
    I might check my weight a few times a week (or when I FEEL lighter) but I only officially count it on Mondays. :)
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