

  • Well ... hoop de do. You don't need to know how your body works compared to others. You just need to know how yours works. Yes, it is anal to obsessively track. There is no need for it. But, Americans typically try to make everything a competition (gotta be better than the neighbors, have more stuff, better stuff). The…
    in P90x Comment by HoboRat April 2011
  • You people are all really obsessed aren't you? You don't need to spend a thousand dollars for electronic equipment in order to find out you burned 192 calories instead of the 200 estimate. That's rediculous. This site is for you to track your intake with a "reasonable" accuracy so you can see what your habits are and…
    in P90x Comment by HoboRat April 2011
  • Beachbody says every P90X exercise (except abs) is designed to burn approx 600 calories. That's what I use for my estimates. I give Ab Ripper about 200. The P90X PLUS workouts are the same. Shorter time frame but same calories (more intensity).
    in P90x Comment by HoboRat April 2011
  • It takes a loss of 3000 calories to drop a pound. Unless you are fasting for multiple days, or doing triathlons every day, you simply are NOT going to have a realistic weight loss where it is worth driving yourself nuts climbing on the scale multiple times a day. Stay on the site. Track your intake and exercise. When you…
  • Thanks for all of the supportive words. I appreciate it. I hope everyone else has success too. For the person who asked, my boss is awesome and we get along great. He is also fighting to lose a little weight and he has a few medical issues. We talk and swap stories and workout tips all the time. My company is also awesome…
  • Use the scale as an occasional check but don't get obsessed by it. Your weight can change daily and even during the day. Weighing yourself daily just creates stress. Multiple times a day is just foolish. A couple of times a week (max) to check progress is all you need. Focus on the workouts and the nutrition, not the…
  • Kick. I'm WAAAAAAAAAAAY past 13. The only thing I can tell you, from experience, is that motivation must come from within. While you are training and getting physically tough, you need to work hard to learn to be mentally tough as well. That's where the motivation comes from, and the will to continue and succeed. You have…
  • Just keep at it and always do your best. No one keeps a perfect schedule because life isn't perfect. Try not to skip too much though because you fall back. I'm in last week of P90X and will probably take a week off then do it all again. The motivation has to come from within. If you WANT to make a change, you have to have…
    in P90x Grads Comment by HoboRat March 2011
  • You are way too hung up on the scale. Lots of things can affect weight and these things can change by the hour. Weigh yourself a couple of times a WEEK, at the same time of day for better comparison. There is absolutely no need, or reason, for weighing yourself three times a day. All you are doing is creating anxiety for…
  • Went to Amazon and bought precision electronic scale from Eat-Right. This thing is great. It's easy to use, accurate, and consistent. About 60-70 dollars if I remember right but works beautifully. Also easy to read.