

  • Dude: it's good that you've found a way to self motivate too, I guess we have to and actually should. The hardest part is just being constant about it! My biggest motivation is showing off my new body in front of people who didn't care to hear about the magical world of turkey burgers and egg white omelets. but I am…
  • Jess: I know the feeling! I had a habit of gorging food alll the time! before I knew it, my entire plate would be empty! and I would feel the need to eat more just to get that rush of flavors again. smh but It's all about building and breaking habits but man do I feel like stuffing my face sometimes!
  • Sea: Thats Funny I LOATH the treadmill. It is literally the only machine I hate lol just feels soooo un-natural, especially when I'm use to running in the fresh air. And I'm a chocolate addict but I've learned to grab a sugar free chocolate pudding and a glass of chocolate almond milk. and 50 lbs is very doable it probably…
  • Kathim: Over a year wow. that's great. People on here are great, but the people around me I don't even bother lol Stalling can really be a downer on your motivation but you seem more than half way there, that's fantastic! I will def. add! thanks :)
  • I love Juicy burgers, nachos, pizza, brownies, and everything else made with diabetes. I've been effectively trying alternative ingredient recipes as well as learning how to cook period! It's wonderful!
  • I've never been thin the 'healthy way' and I'm finally ready to take it seriously. I don't want to miss out on my 20's because of my weight and risky habits :( I want to enjoy my 20's and set my self up for when I do get older, we get no second chance to do it again! I thought I could do it on my own, but alas, here I am!…
  • I have always failed at dieting or anything that requires more than 2 days to do really. So I got to the root of the real problem; I'm not disciplined. So instead of calculating calories, exercising, or any of that other health mumbo jumbo that I'd immediately jump to FIRST, I focused all my energy on logging every meal,…
  • I'm a heavy snacker as well as a feigned for textures and crunch, I use to achieve this by eating every sweet in the cabinet! Now I mix fruit and nuts or trail mix with chocolate pieces into my Vanilla Greek Yogurt yum! Keeps my teeth and taste buds busy...
  • Kayla Agreed! I hate when people ask how my 'Diet' is going, I hate the word and everything attached to it especially since I have rarely EVER finished anything in my entire life. No matter, that loosing 100 pounds is daunting when I've only lost 2 lbs so far! The only thing I set my mind on was to log my food for a week,…