

  • Oh gosh, I didn't even think of those options at Taco Bell! Thanks everyone for your help! I think the key will just be double checking before I eat anything out and packing a lot of side options so I don't end up eating chips or cookies.
  • I have Granola (Bear Naked Fit - Vanilla Almond Crunch Granola ) mixed with a sliced banana (or greek yogurt). It's between 2-300 calories.
  • I don't know if you have done it before - but Pure Cardio from Insanity is on Vimeo. It's 41 minutes and super intense. You also only need your body to do it, no weights. Might be worth a try! Just google "Insanity Pure Cardio Vimeo" and you will find it.
  • In the same way if you ate healthy for one day it wouldn't make a drastic difference in your weight or lifestyle, neither will having a rough day! Just think about it. One or two days means nothing in comparison to 28 days of great, healthy eating. You're human, girl! You can't expect to NOT have a few rough days. Just…