StefD78 Member


  • have you changed anything in your diet?? Perhaps playing around with your diet(maybe carbs are the culprit behind the bloating)and see if that helps. Other than that,I'd suggest upping your water intake a little to try and flush some of that gunk out! Good luck and hope you feel better!
  • I skip that week for weighing myself. Its nothing for me to gain 5 pounds or more in water weight so Im not going to torture myself. I just try to increase my water intake and lay off the caffeine. Usually helps alleviate some of the bloat.
    in! Comment by StefD78 July 2011
  • go to the park and play frisbee maybe? Going for a walk and looking at scenery is always nice!
  • yeah,sunburns can cause water retention. Its a burn like any other and when you get a burn,your body holds onto water to protect itself. Drink LOTS of water to keep skin supple and to help flush everything out. I always use Aloe Vera with Lydocane(I think I spelled that wrong lol). It cools the skin and helps prevent…
  • oh,if anyone would like to add me feel free! Having people to be accountable to is a great motivator! :)
  • Im in!:) I try to go to Body Combat 2-3 times a week with twice weekly dates with the weights. Going to add spinning to my weekly routine because it was doing GREAT things for my legs. Why I quit I have no idea lol
  • do you go to the gym? Ive found that spinning is the ONLY thing that helps with that trouble spot. Theres that little pocket of fat right at the top of my inner thighs that just doesnt want to go away. Just a thought :) Good luck!
  • you are my HERO!!!!! *bows down*
    in TOM - FAQs Comment by StefD78 July 2011
  • dont wait! I take a Les Mills body pump class and yeah,I hurt like he&& the next day but a nice toned pair of guns on a woman is SEXY! And a twice weekly date with the iron will send your confidence through the roof! Go for it!
  • I dont usually watch tv while Im working out at the gym but on the rare occasion that I and nothing good is on,I'll go into the cardio cinema room and watch they're showing. But I try to avoid doing either because I find I dont work as hard lol
  • YEP! My gym has a pool and,while Im not a strong swimmer,I use a kickboard and get some cardio in that way. Its good for the legs!
    in swimming? Comment by StefD78 July 2011
  • have you thought about upping your daily calorie requirements a little? You might not be eating enough. If I dont eat enough,even though Im working out like a madwoman,the scale doesnt move.
  • I agree! I think there needs to be some form of intervention and/or counseling before that even becomes an option. Maybe the parents just arent educated about a healthy diet for kids. Taking kids out of the home seems a bit much.
  • Personally,I wouldnt do it because it doesnt sound healthy and yeah,you'll lose weight only eating 500 calories a day. As soon as you go off the diet and eat "normally",you'll gain back what you lost and probably more.
  • yep! I get bored on machines and I've met some great people :) I go to Gold's and we have the Les Mills classes. Im a regular at Body Combat. Its a great workout and its cheaper than therapy I did Zumba for a while but quit when I found Combat. Hoping to become an instructor someday :)
  • welcome!!!! Feel free to add me if you'd like! We're all in the same boat here! :)
  • if you've worked hard and YOU love your body,who cares what anyone thinks! Rock it,sister!!!!
  • Great job! Keep up the good work :) Its amazing what a little accountablilty will do,huh? :)