BMI isnt a big deal haha Looking at your pics you look smoking and fabulous where you are, if you are above the 'healthy' bmi range, you dont look above it! Stick with how you feel :D
Bananas are great! They are healthy and delicious. Not a hindrance to weight loss at all :)
Microwave brownie! 1tsp coconut oil 2tsp coconut flour 1.5tbsp cocoa powder 1tbsp maple syrup yumm Edit: Ha everyone's is like a meal/dish and mine is a dessert/treat.
to each his own, but add ons which make it taste better and add nutrients don't really give unwanted calories. They are wanted for me hehe
I like them baked until soft :) Then you can top them sweet or savory for sweet, i like it with almond butter, chopped pecans, spoonful of plain greek yogurt and a drizzle of maple syrup mmmm for savory, bean chili and a spoonful of greek yogurt with cilantro or butter, salt and pepper!
I don't understand how this is a bully thread.
I understand fluctuations, but my clothes feel tighter and looser as well :/ I usually wear pretty tight clothes, so It's clear to me when i lose or gain weight. When I was 3 pounds down, but pants were definitely looser and now as I'm gaining I feel them getting tighter. Do I just keep adjusting my calories up or down…
No longer trying to lose to those who mentioned my eating disorder. I've had and I am having help and support, thanks for the concern :)
Actually this isn't uncommon. Many people with eating disorders survive on very little for extended periods of time smh Its no where near impossible. So OP, I encourage you to get professional help. I struggled with an eating disorder for 5 years and only when i stepped out and started getting help did things start to get…
Go for it! Nutrients are important and all, but a dinner of ice cream sounds delicious, and substituting one dinner is healthy for the soul :P
If you enjoyed it and it was within your macro/calorie goal then yay! It all sounded yummy. I would personally add is some more veggies and fruit for snacks. Just make sure you're getting all the vitamins and minerals you need <3
I would guess them to all have unique benefits My favorites are cashews, salted pistachios, cashews and almonds :3
What are your goals? General health? Looking good? I think you are at a great place now, but it depends on how you want to look when you finish. Also, many people have experienced additional weight loss while trying to transition to maintenance. Where you are currently, you would not be looking to lose very much so you…