BMI for a 5'9" Female...seems unrealistic??



  • Dominicana27
    Healthy weight is also determined by your frame size. Either you have a large, medium or small frame and that should pinpoint whereabouts your ideal weight belongs in that range. I'm 5'9 of a small frame and I'm only 4 pounds heavier than my friend who's 5'8. I was beating myself up wondering why she looked so much slimmer than I until I stumbled upon the frame sizes. My current weight is 166 and my friend is 162. Also I have a way shorter sister (5'4) and she's of a large frame and that determined that a healthy weight for her is similar to a healthy weight for myself even a few pounds more. My ideal weight for my height and frame is 130-140 and my sister's is 135-145
  • Ellyssandra
    BMI isnt a big deal haha

    Looking at your pics you look smoking and fabulous where you are, if you are above the 'healthy' bmi range, you dont look above it! Stick with how you feel :D