

  • Okay I'm usually not a fan of fad diets and stuff like the lemon detox, etc. But I have calculated the days left until I go on holidays and I am getting kind of desperate now. After 60 days I'm going to resume eating normally. but with the deficit. I just want to figure out what exactly causes the hair loss. Because it…
  • 1000 calories, but I'm going to be working out too
  • There are many people who are on a 1000 calorie deficit for long periods of time, and they happen to be fine :) I just want to change my binge habits, and I feel that liquids keep me full and I don't have to constantly think about food. I just wanted to know why hair loss occurs and how to mitigate that. Does it help that…
  • Okay... please expand a little
  • Eat fruit- blueberries, strawberries, banana is what I usually eat for breakfast Plain or light yoghurt with seeds and nuts Corn cakes with peanut butter and honey or vegemite and margarine Bake some healthy corn muffins the night before or on the weekends, Eggs on toast Peanut butter and honey on toast Vegetable omelette…
  • Hmmm okay during one sitting.. I have eaten... WAIT FOR IT okay I tend to start healthy 1. 2 bowls of salad leaves with raw salmon, avocado, dressing, hardboiled egg, handful of buckwheat noodles 2. carton of yoghurt 170grams with 20 almonds 3. a piece of toast with honey and peanut butter 4. another piece of toast with…
  • I would appreciate it if you could kindly elaborate... Cheers KIND REGARDS
  • I am currently 164cm tall.. but since I'm pretty short and my friends who are my age are taller compared to me.. all I can do is experiment because I know that muscle is much denser than fat. Although I'm in the normal weight range, I have no abs or flat stomach, inner thigh muscle or underarm muscle because most of my…
  • Feel free to add me!! :) cheers Maddy xx
  • Hey :) I totally get how you feel! I'm 18 as well and trying to lose some pounds, from 117lbs to 102 because I'm 164cm tall so I'm pretty short for an 18 year old :( Anyway, good luck on this journey, and never give up!! :) If you want some support and encouragement feel free to add me, so we can motivate each other!!…
  • Hey :) welcome !! I'm kind of new too , haha but it's nice being here. feel that I fit in lols feel free to add me! :) We can motivate and support each other!
  • Hey! :) Great job on your weight loss! Don't give up! :) You're doing awesomely fine Feel free to add me!!
  • Welcome! I'm sort of new to , this is my second day! I'm enjoying it so far lol, great to be around people with similar mindset and goals for having a healthier body! feel free to add me! :)
  • Hey, maybe it is a bit too soon, but just be aware that your body retains water weight when you work out/after you work out :) If you've just started working out 3 weeks ago then that might be the reason. However, if not, check your scales. My scales are a little dodgy because when no ones standing on it sometimes the…
  • Okay this might or might not help but it is best (well for me anyway), unless you're completely sure about the product you're logging, to read from the supermarket packets when you're making your homemade food. :) Many pasta sauces contain a lot of calories, not to mention sugar and sodium. If possible make them from…
  • hey :) Congrats on deciding to change your body for the better! :) I know sometimes it is SO hard, and Im in the same shoes as you are, I've got 7kg to lose (doesn't sound a lot) but IT IS SO HARD! It's always "ill leave this till tomorrow" and I've been saying that for hmm.... a few years now. :S I'M SICK OF FEELING SELF…
  • Feel free to add me! :) Congrats on loosing that weight! :) It is so hard, especially with xmas season arrghhh but well done on making a start to your 2014 fitness goals! I'm in the same shoes as you.. I can't wait any longer. I started just today. Add me so we can encourage each other! :)
  • remove all junk food from your house if you can (i.e. if your family members don't hunt you down or something) It's super hard for me because my 3 brothers all do strength training and eat a lot at home, and half the cupboard is filled with protein shake powders, nuts, more protein powder, tuna, lol. which is healthy, but…
  • Well my diet/exercise plan has started today and will go for 14 weeks where I will lose 7kg of fat! yayyy It happened to start on Saturday, so I will weigh myself every Saturday morning first thing in the morning. Just once a week is fine. Notice that fat weighs less than muscle. As in muscle is much denser
  • I second this :) You definitely need to eat more because I'm sure 1200 calories is lower than your maintenance calories.. and I assume you are active during the day. instead of thinking about calories... e.g. you could have 3 slices of cheesecake for 1200 calories, think about nutrition and vitamins. Eat more vegetables to…
  • Hey Jay88 Nice to meet you! :) I guess it's really all about your mindset and having perserverance, because really if you think about it.. weight loss is just calories in < calories out.. but in the lifestyle we're in these days.. it is SO hard! I'm looking to lose 7kgs, and it's always "I'll start tomorrow" arrghhh So…
  • Hey guys!! :) I'm looking for new friends too. new to myfrtnesspal, let's motivate and support each other through this journey to health. wooooo! :)