Please help!!! Detox emergency

OMG HELP!!! I went over by so much today! I really want to go on a one day detox tomorrow :)

I will be eating 800 calories. Should I do juice detox (mostly celery, lettuce, cucumber, 2-3 carrots, 2 small apples at most, ginger) to cleanse my system and feel refreshed. OR should I have a juice- 2 carrots, lots of celery, ginger and 1/2 apple AND two plates of vegetables in soup/stir fried? I do realise that this adds oil to the detox, but I've heard people say that you need some oil to absorb the veggies.. arrghh SO CONFUSED!

Thank you!! :)


  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member

    OMG you meanie!!!!!! :wink:
  • Please, please eat more than 800 calories.

    Google "BMR Calculator" and find out how many calories your body needs to sustain itself. Without that many calories, you will damage your health, hair, skin, nails, and waistline in the long run.
  • NO.

    Okay... please expand a little
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member

    Okay... please expand a little
    you dont need a cleanse....your body is perfectly capable of doing that for you.

    stop stressing.

    it will be ok.
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    Eating 800 cals one time won't hurt you in any drastic way just like going way over one time isn't cause for a detox. I still don't think it's a good idea because you could be establishing a bad pattern of binge and restrict. Instead, try to get in an workout tomorrow, eat really good choices for the day (healthy and well balanced) and drink lots of water.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I was 1200 calories over yesterday. It's nbd. Ate normally today, did my normal amount of activity, and will keep on keeping on. There is no reason to even dwell on it.
  • ashleyisgreat
    ashleyisgreat Posts: 586 Member
    It's not a good idea to have this mindset....if you go over, you go over. It's okay. Try to be more consistent, but you have to live your life, ya know? It happens, and that's perfectly fine.

    If you get into the mentality where eating is something to be punished (even if it's overeating), then this is not going to be a lifelong lifestyle change. It's a quick diet in which you will go full force and then burn out. Try to be a little more forgiving of yourself and realize that yeah, in your whole life you're going to have days where you go WAY OVER. It's cool.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Your liver and kidneys can detox just fine. Get a good night's sleep, eat right tomorrow, exercise,'ll be fine.
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    Did you eat cyanide? Heroine? Toxic waste? Half a cupcake? You could not have possibly done enough damage to warrant an emergency "detox" eating regular food.
  • Weight loss (or weight gain, for that matter) doesn't happen overnight like that. Weight changes happen when you make it a daily habit! Don't stress over one crazy day.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Don't be so silly and eat normally. All eating 800 calories today will only make you hungry if you need any detoxing your liver will do it the way it has for the whole of your life so far
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,030 Member
    When you punish yourself with a 800 cal "cleanse" after a bad day, you set yourself up on a binge and restrict cycle which can really screw you up. Take it from someone who has been there.

    Have a normal day tomorrow. Eat your regular calories. If you don't lose, or don't lose as much this week, learn from it, accept it and move on. Because if you start restricting to make up for binging you:

    a) teach yourself its ok to binge so long as you restrict after (slippery slope to an eating disorder);
    b) don't do anything towards learning NOT to binge; and/or
    b) get into the food as reward/crutch vs. less food as punishment mindset.

    Not to mention the high change of getting near the end of your 800 cal day and then binging all over because you're hungry/deprived.

    Don't go down that path. You didn't put on weight in one day, one day isn't going to derail you forever, or even in the short term.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    When you punish yourself with a 800 cal "cleanse" after a bad day, you set yourself up on a binge and restrict cycle which can really screw you up. Take it from someone who has been there.

    Have a normal day tomorrow. Eat your regular calories. If you don't lose, or don't lose as much this week, learn from it, accept it and move on. Because if you start restricting to make up for binging you:

    a) teach yourself its ok to binge so long as you restrict after (slippery slope to an eating disorder);
    b) don't do anything towards learning NOT to binge; and/or
    b) get into the food as reward/crutch vs. less food as punishment mindset.

    Not to mention the high change of getting near the end of your 800 cal day and then binging all over because you're hungry/deprived.

    Don't go down that path. You didn't put on weight in one day, one day isn't going to derail you forever, or even in the short term.

  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    When you punish yourself with a 800 cal "cleanse" after a bad day, you set yourself up on a binge and restrict cycle which can really screw you up. Take it from someone who has been there.

    Have a normal day tomorrow. Eat your regular calories. If you don't lose, or don't lose as much this week, learn from it, accept it and move on. Because if you start restricting to make up for binging you:

    a) teach yourself its ok to binge so long as you restrict after (slippery slope to an eating disorder);
    b) don't do anything towards learning NOT to binge; and/or
    b) get into the food as reward/crutch vs. less food as punishment mindset.

    Not to mention the high change of getting near the end of your 800 cal day and then binging all over because you're hungry/deprived.

    Don't go down that path. You didn't put on weight in one day, one day isn't going to derail you forever, or even in the short term.


  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    When you punish yourself with a 800 cal "cleanse" after a bad day, you set yourself up on a binge and restrict cycle which can really screw you up. Take it from someone who has been there.

    Have a normal day tomorrow. Eat your regular calories. If you don't lose, or don't lose as much this week, learn from it, accept it and move on. Because if you start restricting to make up for binging you:

    a) teach yourself its ok to binge so long as you restrict after (slippery slope to an eating disorder);
    b) don't do anything towards learning NOT to binge; and/or
    b) get into the food as reward/crutch vs. less food as punishment mindset.

    Not to mention the high change of getting near the end of your 800 cal day and then binging all over because you're hungry/deprived.

    Don't go down that path. You didn't put on weight in one day, one day isn't going to derail you forever, or even in the short term.




    OP the main cause of binge eating is undereating. Undereating as a way to "fix" a binge is just asking it to happen again. Just like rolling a heavy rock up a hill is asking for it to roll back down again.

    Find a way to eat that enables you to enjoy all the foods you want to enjoy, while still losing weight. Usually the way to do this is to find the highest number of calories that you can eat, and still lose weight slowly and steadily. And trust me that number is a lot higher than 800. Don't swing from one extreme to the other.... find the happy medium and stick to it long term.
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    hahaha! Oh boy is my face red. I thought this was about someone or their friend who had so poisoned themselves through drug or alcohol addiction that they were facing potentially lethal withdrawal symptoms. Instead it was someone who ate too much one day. :embarassed: :laugh:
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    OMG HELP!!! I went over by so much today! I really want to go on a one day detox tomorrow :)

    I will be eating 800 calories. Should I do juice detox (mostly celery, lettuce, cucumber, 2-3 carrots, 2 small apples at most, ginger) to cleanse my system and feel refreshed. OR should I have a juice- 2 carrots, lots of celery, ginger and 1/2 apple AND two plates of vegetables in soup/stir fried? I do realise that this adds oil to the detox, but I've heard people say that you need some oil to absorb the veggies.. arrghh SO CONFUSED!

    Thank you!! :)

    Why are you eating so little (how much weight are you looking to lose)?

    Also how active are you on you 800 calories a day?

    Is this 800 calories a once a week thing?
  • nikibean123
    nikibean123 Posts: 81 Member
    Just to add to everyone else's posting - 'detox' is a total myth. Just eat less the next day if you've gone over. Eating 800 calories in a day made up of purely veg is stupid. Needing oil to absorb it is double stupid. Find a different source of information. And BTW, I don't mean to be harsh, but you need to know that this is not right.