

  • I used to do that mistake of setting for 1kg per week and after realizing it's not normal i set it to just 0.25 per week. It tells me to actually eat 1540 calories but i used to get advice from a nutritionist who told me that about 1400 calories would be good for me if i want to lose weight, so i just decided to stick with…
  • Oh i forgot to mention only look at what i ate today since i didn't log so much lately, i'm trying to get back into it better this time that's why so many days are empty. I actually don't want to eat less than 1300. So if i eat 1400 but burn 350 it means i must eat at least half back? And aren't protein shakes too much…
  • I thought it'd help me hearing from girls my height lol. Well i can't change the title but any lady of any height can share as well.
  • Really? but what about strength training or pilates? Do you just run? How much do you eat?
  • Ok i think i'm starting to understand..haha i'm so slow >_< So for example - Today i ate 1200 calories, then i exercised and earned 470 calories and that enables me to eat 1670 calories - so that means i am free to eat something like 200 calories? (about half of what i've earned?) And if i ate 1600 calories my mission is…
  • Thanks everyone for the answers :smile: i have a better understanding now.
  • I didn't know that, someone told me the answer to burn fat is to do cardio. I'll try to combine weights then, thanks.
  • Yeah i did that mistake before and i realized i was running too fast so now i'm taking it easy, i don't run too fast. But i worry that if i'll only run 3 days a week it won't be enough for me to lose weight.:frown: And i don't have any plan, didn't really think about it. jdad1 - yeah, i might start sometime, but lifting…
  • Thanks, but i'm ABSOLUTELY sure i can't survive with that :laugh: i think low carb isn't for me. I don't want to feel like i'm depriving myself cuz it makes me feel bad. Wow... i actually didn't think about it like that. after cutting half the carbs i did lose 1kg but for a couple of weeks i'm just stuck at the same…
  • A menu was built for me after i told my height and weight so it's supposed to fit me. Thanks :smile: i will worry less about the scale.. (i still don't do strength training so i know it's not muscles.) I lost 4kg in one month but it stopped there and i'ts been 1 month and a couple of weeks :( i guess i'll just keep doing…
  • Yeah it was some kind of a program, but the menu is actually good for me (they just told me how much Fats, Carbs and Protein to eat) it was ok until they told me to cut on carbs because one week i didn't lose anything at all.. so what am i supposed to do? if i don't cut on carbs and won't see resault does it mean i should…
  • I think it's good for you and good job on your will power! =) Coke is unhealthy so i'm glad for you that you stopped drinking it so much. BUT. if you like it so much, there's nothing wrong with buying coke on the weekened, or whenever you have your "YOLO day" we all love stuff that might not be good for us but there's…
  • If you mean that eating Nature Valley is like eating a crunchie or a chocolate bar then i don't want to eat something like that. But Nature Valley doesn't have to be wtih chocolate (if it is it's dark chocolate) so i don't think it's the same.. I won't eat it everyday, i think i'll take yogurt or a shake other times like…
  • Thank for the replies! :) I eat healthier for the rest of the day and i don't touch any other sweet stuff so i guess it will be okay. :) elyelyse - thanks for the suggestions! i'm sure it would be a better choice but i'm a picky eater and i don't like eggs or meat. that's why i go for cereal or granola for breakfast, but…