

  • Thanks everyone for the comments. Yes I am getting smaller in other areas - I'm wearing old clothes that I haven't fit into in years. I can tell that my legs are a lot smaller, for instance. For all of the good things happening - blood pressure down, BMI down, etc. I just expected this measurement to go down too. I read…
  • In general a lot of this rings true, except I do value watching calories as part of a good plan just as others have said. Just curious: It's clear that the article says yolks are good and butter is better than margarine, but I don't see any "good" option in the section about oils. >>>We are commonly advised to consume…
  • I normally use Eucerin to moisturize but I recently tried "Lymphoderm" which is more expensive but is supposedly all natural and is designed for lymphedema. It smells funny and so far it is working about the same as Eucerin for me.
  • I agree that it is good to eat something before a workout, at least for me. I had an early morning workout class when I had not eaten anything, and I felt very lightheaded and almost passed out. When people came to help me they kept asking me if I had eaten enough before the workout and when I said "I ate nothing" they…
  • For anyone still reading, the spinning class was a great workout - exactly what I needed. Thanks again!
  • Thanks everyone for the great suggestions! I did the elliptical thing yesterday and swimming today. Tomorrow I'm trying a spinning class. I have to admit I had to Google it - I never heard of spinning before ha ha. I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks again!