Waist size still the same?

Hi everyone,

When I started with this whole diet and fitness thing about 6 months ago, I took a baseline measurement of my waist size - I recorded 52 inches, which I think is not ideal. Since then, I'm happy that I have lost about 50lbs through diet and exercise, and I updated my waist measurement yesterday. I'm still at 52 inches!

Is this unusual? To lose weight I have been doing crunches and a basic 8lb medicine ball workout. Other than that, a lot of cardio type activities like biking and elliptical workouts. I've also become mostly a vegetarian to limit fat and calories. Can anyone offer some tips or advice?



  • bleweydgrl
    bleweydgrl Posts: 55
    Hiya, I just did my measurements and came to the same depressing conclusion! However you cannot spot reduce fat you can only work on building muscle in specific areas but it is purely up to your body to take the fat from wherever it wants....sadly my feet are actually a whole size smaller than they were when I started but my waist measurement is exactly the same! Having said that my butt and upper body are much smaller than they were and that's gotta be good :)
  • kikiboniki
    kikiboniki Posts: 398 Member
    how about other parts of your body? I've lost 3-4 inches on my belly (measured at my belly button), but my waist is the same. I have more chub to lose at the belly.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    Sorry, weight and inches come off where they want, I wanted my weight to come off my thunder thighs but of course it came off my chest and waist first :angry:

    Give it time, but realize the areas that we are the most sensitive about are the ones that we will always view as though they are under a microscope and they may never measure up to our ideal standards.

    I would do the elliptical equal times forwards and backwards for my lower abdomen and I was actually surprised by the weight and skin loss in that area.
  • pp8765
    pp8765 Posts: 11
    Thanks everyone for the comments. Yes I am getting smaller in other areas - I'm wearing old clothes that I haven't fit into in years. I can tell that my legs are a lot smaller, for instance. For all of the good things happening - blood pressure down, BMI down, etc. I just expected this measurement to go down too. I read somewhere else on MFP that a healthy waist size compared to height is about half. So according to that, at 5'9" I "should" be at about 35 inches. I'm not really discouraged but I am surprised.
  • kikiboniki
    kikiboniki Posts: 398 Member
    maybe is is because the waist is naturally the slimmest part of the body and there is more of a cushion elsewhere that is gonna go first..?
  • Tracey_B_72
    Tracey_B_72 Posts: 1,021 Member
    I seem to lose from my head downwards. Smaller boobs, ribs came through, then there was a waist, I'm hoping the next few pounds come off my hips and arsenal and then lastly the thighs might catch up, you just got to keep plugging away and hopefully it'll all catch up with itself.