Sunshynez21 Member


  • Thank you all so much for the insight!!! I definitely agree underestimating calories burned is a good school of thought to have. I need to do some research on all these gadgets now!! I really appreciate the info ❤
  • It's been over a year, but I feel like they should have more "oomf" than they do. I see my OB next week, so I may see what insight he has. Also, not sure if it makes a difference, but I have a classic insicion (Vertical) and not the traditional horizontal.
  • I definitely like the 3x per week with squats/lunges/deadlifts. That shouldn't be hard to do with my existing routine. I'll give it a whirl and see how things go. As for the calves....maybe because I wear heels a lot I'm more self-conscious about how they look lol!!! Thanks for the tips both of you!! ;)
  • You guys are awesome! I actually found out I'm at 9.5 weeks today :heart: I like the idea of setting it around 1500 - but I may see how this weeks goes and adjust. I can already see that 1450-1500 may be the magic number! The things you never think about until it happens to you - :laugh:
  • You all have been super helpful!! I think I just need to eat small meals/snacks during the day and listen to what my body is telling me. I know everyone's bodies are different, so hopefully my energy levels will increase so I don't feel so bad :laugh: I think I might watch how this week goes and adjust accordingly.…
  • Have you talked with your doctor? There may be more involved here than meets the naked eye. See what your doctor says first; then I would actually do an overhaul on your exercise routine. If you are working out 3-4 times daily, you're working out too much. Your body isn't getting enough time to rest and build itself back…
  • They say that once you start to lose weight, you will go through a series of peaks and valleys; or plateaus in this case. You lose a lot at first, then taper off, then lose a little more, etc. Once you begin to drop the weight (depending on what weight you began at) your body begins to fight back. It's not because you are…