

  • I have been doing the wall push ups and they have helped a great deal. When I do those I don't have any of the pain in my wrists. I am hoping after I build more muscle that I can maybe go back to regular push ups. Thanks for all your advice!!!
  • Wow.......thanks for the awesome ideas and tips. I can't wait to try some of them out when I get home from work. The video was great also with some handy tips for push-ups. So glad I found this website.....full of support right when you need it. Thanks again!
  • Yesterday was Day 1 of the 30DS for me. I pushed myself through even though I thought I might die. This morning the kids at school laughed at me. I raised my arm to write on the whiteboard and struggled to write as high above my head as I normally do. I can feel the after burn!
  • Hi Linda, I only joined this site a week or so ago and have found it to be so helpful. Everyone on here that I have chatted with had been really helpful. If you have a question just ask and I am sure someone will have the information. Good luck along your journey and if you need anything just ask. Feel free to friend me if…
  • Thanks everyone for the input!!!! The information you provided was great. One other questions I have is at home I have 2lb medicine ball weights....will those work to start with or do I need a diffent type of weight? With all the comments I have heard about this DVD I am excited to get my hands on it and start and see the…
  • Welcome to MFP. I have only been using the website and the app for a few days but I have found it very helpful in making the right food choices. At work a few people ask why I am on the phone at lunch so I shared and they thought it was pretty interesting. Good Luck!! if you ever need an ear I am here.