Cora0414 Member


  • thank you everyone! this has made it much simplier for me. I read threads on other websites and I was so confused. it seems my first week my net calories were around 800 so obviously I wasnt eating enough. I thought once I hit the 1200 I was suppose to stop eventhough I was excercising. thanks!!!!!
  • Thanks everyone! I guess the biggest thing is the multi-vit. I am on certain vitamins but apparently I am missing something. I just hate for my skin to be so bad. it use to only be during PMS but now it is worse everyday.
  • Technically you could do 95% of your workout at home. and I use to say that if I had a gym membership it would make me go but all it did was waste money. you have to really feel if you will go or not. if you honestly dont think you will, then I would recommend using things around the house like canned foods as weights and…
  • I actually really like the Biggest Loser DVDs. I only have the first one and the yoga but they kick my butt. I have a bad knee so I cant do all of the stuff he does but he teaches you in three steps so at least I can do step one until that excercise is over. it is really nice!
  • You like those Irish boys! :)
  • You can do it!!!!! 1.5lbs is something you can work on. dieting is very hard for me because my hubby and I love to eat out and I know a lot of the "rules" for eating out on a diet but it is not that easy. keep it up!
  • I am married and 31 plus my hubby is on here and he is 36! it is WAY easier if we do a diet together. it just doesnt work if you are eating different things. Well, we eat different things but at least they are all healthier. HA