Goal Calories vs. Net Calories

Cora0414 Posts: 10 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello everyone! I am trying to understand the difference between Goal Calories and Net Calories. I was told my Goal is 1200 calories a day, so what should I net be for me to lose weight? I have been having hair and skin problems and I see that it can be from not having enough calories plus protein and such... I really need to understand what my net calories should be at the end of the day for me to stay healthy but lose weight. thanks!


  • sh3llbell
    sh3llbell Posts: 14 Member
    Hi there. Hope this helps you. Goal calories are the calories you should consume in a day (either for weight loss, maintenance or weight gain). The net calories also takes into consideration your exercise calories. For example, if your 'Goal calories' is 1200/day then you should consume 1200 calories. Net calories is your calories consumed less your exercise calories. For example if you consume 1500 calories and exercise the equivalent of 300 calories (eg: 30 mins on elliptical) then your net calories for the day would be 1200 calories .... this would be a perfect outcome as you have also met you goal calories. Basically what it means is if you are exercising and therefore not reaching your goal calories you need to eat more to reach your goal calories or if you have gone over your goal calories you need to exercise more to reduce your net calories.
  • Kirstie_C26
    Kirstie_C26 Posts: 490 Member
    ur goal and net cals shud equalise even after exercise as MFP already factors in a deficit without exercise, ur goal cals wil increase as u add ur exercise in but ur net cals wil decrease so u need to eat more and keep feulling ur body :)

    hope this helps :)

    best wishes
    Kirstie xx
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Your net calories need to be above 1200 a day.

    If you eat 1200, then exercise and burn 400, you are at 800 net, and need to EAT those 400 to be back at 1200 net.

    You are so close to your ideal weight that even 1200 is way too low.
    You really need to reevaluate your goals.
    Change it to 1/2 lb per week.
    If you try to eat too little you will be losing muscle instead of fat, and can get sick, and have those hair and skin problems you mentioned.

    Please read these threads:

    You need to protect your muscle while trying to lose the last bit of fat you want to lose.

    (FYI, I have been at goal range (103-108 lbs) for 6 months and I eat 1800-2000 to maintain.)
    You do not have to starve yourself to achieve great results.
    And don't go by the number on the scale. Perhaps you just need to add some muscle and lose some fat, and have the SAME exact weight you do now but look a lot better?

    I used to think I wanted to be 102, but I got to 103 and looked scrawny/sick. I started lifting weights and eating more and I STILL fit into those size 1 jeans but look FIT and HEALTHY at 106 this morning. It's amazing what a few pounds of muscle will do for your overall appearance and well being while still being the same measurements...
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    Net calories is what you've eaten less any exercise points.

    Goal calories is what you're daily target and should be the same as your daily net calories.

    So, let's say you need to not exceed 1500 calories to lose weight at the rate you wish. Your net calories should not exceed this.
    So, you eat 1800 calories and burn 300 in exercise, your net calories are 1500.

    Your net calories (and, consequently, calorie goal) should not ever drop below your BMR because you will burn more muscle than fat if you do so.

    If you're doing any strength training, then this is even more important because it takes quite a bit of protein to build muscle.

    As a little case study, I wasn't losing weight so started keeping a food diary. I found that I'd dropped my daily snacks (pushed for time, forgot to bring them to work, etc etc) and so, with exercise, my net calories had dropped to about 1000 a day (which is about 325 below my BMR). I've started eating more for breakfast (added a slice of wheat toast with pb) and a bigger lunch (up from 275 to 400) and have put my afternoon snack in my daily alarms (apple and a babybel) and I've already lost 1.5 lbs this week.
  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    Simply put.. if your goal is 1200 eat 1200... if you burn an additional 300 in exercise than eat those 300 cals too.. therefore 1500 cals eaten on a day you burn 300.. if you burn more eat more!! You need to fuel your body!
  • kayellb
    kayellb Posts: 1
    I believe that goal calories and net calories will be the same if you do no exercise in a day. if you exercise, then there will be a difference - net calories being standard intake to lose weight without exercise, goal calories will be net calories plus any exercise calories 'earned' as you should always try to eat these.

    It's unhealthy to consume less than 1100 calories a day so if you're only eating 1200 and also exercising then try to make sure you're eating the extra calories as not doing so could do more harm than good.

    I hope this helps!
  • sh3llbell
    sh3llbell Posts: 14 Member
    Hi again. Just thought I would also mention that hair loss could well be a hormone issue. I lost heaps of hair after I had my children. When they were about 4-5 months old it fell out for a couple of months - it did grow back and you could actually see all the new regrowth. Could also be a change in the pill etc etc.
  • TerraGirl17
    TerraGirl17 Posts: 275 Member
    Simply put.. if your goal is 1200 eat 1200... if you burn an additional 300 in exercise than eat those 300 cals too.. therefore 1500 cals eaten on a day you burn 300.. if you burn more eat more!! You need to fuel your body!

    I like this response!! Its very simple and too the point, don't let this stuff confuse you :-)
  • Cora0414
    Cora0414 Posts: 10 Member
    thank you everyone! this has made it much simplier for me. I read threads on other websites and I was so confused. it seems my first week my net calories were around 800 so obviously I wasnt eating enough. I thought once I hit the 1200 I was suppose to stop eventhough I was excercising. thanks!!!!!
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