

  • Not everyone can eat WHATEVER they want WHENEVER they want!! I think it is wonderful that you are able to do that! Most of the comments on here are all the same, when trying to lose weight you have to be aware of what you are putting in your mouth and when. If I was to eat at night I would gain. If I was to eat everything…
  • This is NOT a healthy diet! All those foods are loaded with sodium ( which retains water) Tea is a diaretic just like coffee. Stick to water and natural foods. And eat! Not eating, will not help you lose weight. This is in response to the above lady advising to eat canned soups and turkey bacon.
  • Yes, I do beleive there is a science to what we eat and when we eat it. First off I would cut out all liquids BUT WATER! Always eat within an hour of waking up. Breakfast should always be the largest meal of the day, Never eat carbs alone......meaning having an apple for a snack is a good choice, but add a little PB with…
  • I've been told if you cut the total amount of calories burned on any cardio equipment in half, that is a more accurate amount burned. Either way, good for you for doing 60 minutes of cardio a day! Depending on what your goals are and how your diet is, I would think with that much cardio, you have dropped a few pounds…
  • I understand!! I am a mom of 2 and work from home. I love food and I have had a hard time with food portions for years. I'm very active but I just can't keep the food under control. So far this has helped and put a lot of my out of control eating into perspective. I have been working out 3 days a week for 8 months and I…
  • Hey, Jessica. support comes in all different ways. I beleive we need to support eachother at all times. I would like to be a support for you. I'm having a hard time with weight loss and have been working at it for many years. I find that when i do well for a week or two, i use food as my reward and end up falling off the…
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