I'm not new here, but I am looking for new friends!

(I mean no disrespect to my old MFP buddies, but it felt more like FB with them.)

I am looking for a support team. I don't want 50+ friends on here. I am looking for 2 or 3 people to motivate and support me and then I can do the same! I don't expect my MFP buddies to comment on everything I post, but I felt lost in a sea of updates from their hundreds of other friends.

I think we all have struggles in life and sometimes we need a good support system to help bring us back. I have a problem with staying on track and being consistent, but I am working on that every day. I try to eat healthy during the week and have at least 1 cheat day over the weekend. Sometimes my cheat days get out of hand. I am also working on that.

I am 27 and living in Philadelphia, PA with my husband, cat, guinea pig, and 2 frogs. I work as a full time receptionist.

Please friend me if you like.


- Jessica


  • Hey, Jessica. support comes in all different ways. I beleive we need to support eachother at all times. I would like to be a support for you. I'm having a hard time with weight loss and have been working at it for many years. I find that when i do well for a week or two, i use food as my reward and end up falling off the wagon again! i'm back at this tracking my foods and I am hopeful that this time it will work. Stay positive. I hope to hear from you soon.

    Thanks Amanda
  • Thanks so much, Amanda for your helpful words! I am in the same boat as you and most likely many people! I agree that we should all be here to support one another. Maybe then we can all reach our goals. Not just in weight loss, but in life as well.

  • Ilb320
    Ilb320 Posts: 56 Member
    Hello Jessica,

    What are you doing workout wise?
  • Hey IIb320 -

    I walk at work mostly. I get 2 15 minute breaks and a 1 hour lunch. So, I'll usually walk 30 to 45 minutes during the day. I also love to dance at home. Alone! Lol. I dance for maybe 10 to 25 minutes. I have a set of weights. Just 3 pounds and 5 pounds. I tried the gym thing. It's not for me. I have a million workout videos at home that I do from time to time.