I am a mom who needs motivation/accountability partner.

Howdy Pals

Going to give myfitnesspal board a try. I have nothing to lose (hoping only weight :) )

I am a christian mom who would love to find motivation/accountability partner.

I am 230 pounds. I have a bad habit of starting out to fast in wanting to lose weight and get burnt out the first week.

This time I want to start out slow. Get my eating (like a pig) in control.

Love to hear from anyone if you are interested in keeping.

God Bless!!!


  • going2losebig
    going2losebig Posts: 26 Member
    Hi! I'm a mother of two and have been trying to lose weight for years. I just keep giving up because no matter how well I stuck to the diet and workouts I wasn't losing weight. I found out I'm allergic to wheat, so I went gluten free and now I'm losing weight. I still need motivation and I would be happy to give motivation.
  • hlaymon1
    hlaymon1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I am a stay-at-home mom of three boys, ages 6, 4 & 2. When my youngest turned 2 in april I realized I could no longer blame this on 'baby weight'. I tried off and on through out the spring, summer and fall, but have gained and am now the heaviest, nonpregnant I have ever been. Would love the accountability and motivation from other moms. I have about 45lbs to lose to get to goal.
  • I am a mom too for the first time. I am also new on MFP.
    Also trying to lose some weight and get back into shape. I am also a christian and would love to have accountability and encouragement as well.

    I can't exercise just yet so, I am watching what I eat for now, hoping to see results soon.
    Patience is key :-)
  • I understand!! I am a mom of 2 and work from home. I love food and I have had a hard time with food portions for years. I'm very active but I just can't keep the food under control. So far this has helped and put a lot of my out of control eating into perspective. I have been working out 3 days a week for 8 months and I have seen little to no pounds lost. Since trying myfitnes pal, I have lost 4. not a lot but it is a start. i would love to help you stay accountable, and having a friend is always nice.

    talk soon, Amanda
  • Hi!
    Please add me to your friends' list. I am a new mom and am trying to lose the baby weight too. Also, new on MFP.

    Hope to read more from you :-)
  • I can relate. I am a mom of 1 who finally lost weight by going gluten free, and then my dad passed and I are my emotions. Here I am again, determined to figure this out. I would love a partner in accountability. Interested?
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 674 Member
    Any one is welcome to add me. I'm also a mother of 2. I start strong, and then come to a stop!
  • You are not alone in this fitness journey. There are people who have a passion for helping others stay motivated and committed to their workouts and diets. This is why me and my wife have teamed up to help others looking to get back on track and keep you accountable. We have a motivational group set up on Facebook just for that. You can request to join at www.facebook.com/groups/elite.warriors1 and we would be more than happy to assist you with your fitness journey.
  • happynita
    happynita Posts: 7 Member
    You have found several accountability partners! I am a former WW lifetimer who needs to get back on the healthy eating wagon. I use cooking for my kids (whatever they will eat) as an excuse to not eat healthy. ... Good luck and I am sure you will be successful if you just don't give up. :happy:
  • Bellasarah28
    Bellasarah28 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, all!

    I'm technically not a mom but my beautiful two-year old niece lives with me and along with her dad (my brother), I'm a full-time caregiver so I understand some of the struggles and joys. I've been trying to lose weight on and off for too long now. And same as you guys said, I always start out so well but stop. Last go round I lost about 30 pounds and was feeling fantastic. Now I'm back up again and I know that a lot of my bad habits come from emotional eating. I'd love to know what you guys do to incorporate your kids into this journey. I'd really love to teach my niece by example what good eating looks like and find some fun ways to be active with her. :) Big bonus though - I've finally gotten her to start eating green veggies! Woo hoo!
  • ntftnm
    ntftnm Posts: 55 Member
    Hi, mom of 3 here, just barely holdn on myself, love to be friends w someone who knows the struggles of trying to be a healthy mom. Would love to share tips and ideas. Seems like everyday is a struggle to make myself keep track of my food intake...i am also a Christian with about 80(ish) lbs to lose. What is your calorie goal? Mine was too low when i started, making sticking to it very, very hard.
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    Im a 38 year old mom to 4 kiddos, and a fulltime university student who has been on mfp for a couple years. I support and encourage all my mfp friends every day. I log everyday. My story is on my profile, its too long to type now, I've done it so many times and finally just posted it on my profile. Long story short I am still trying to lose the last bit of weight. I used to be a fulltime runner until an injury and struggle for a long time to get back at it. I am now doing round 2 of insanity and am on a great track now and i'm not looking back. I know I won't ever be 120 lbs.....ever, its not realistic for me but as long as i'm healthy and fit that is all I want for myself. It really isn't about weight anymore, its about how I feel even if that number on the scale doesn't agree.

    Come on peeps, we can do it!
