CLMillikan Member


  • Please don't give in to the "lazy" or unhealthy way of dieting. Fitness and weight loss success is about changing habits for a lifetime. I have a "biscuit bringing office":smile: as well and I've started bring fresh fruit and snacks with me so the temptation is lessened. Try a walk at home or excercise dvd to help keep you…
  • It is very high in calories for such a small serving, but it is great for a boost. Fresh raw fruits and veggies make a better snack choice. Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I gave it up in May when I was doing aThe Daniel Fast and never started back drinking it. I feel so much better and swell much less than when I was drinking Diet Dew. I do drink tea and green tea with sweetner, but nothing carbonated. You can do it! It is worth it! (Think of the $$$ you'll save:)
  • Sounds great! I'll try it. Thanks for sharing:)