Lacking motivation completely :(

Hi, this is my first post on, so please go easy on me haha! I started using this website through my ipod-touch, at first using it made me feel in control of my weight and i was able to manage my diet and exercise successfully. Unfortunately, recently I seem to have gone off track, I'm working full days now over my summer holiday and people are always bringing biscuits in. I'd like to say that I am managing to tempt myself away but it seems virtually impossible! Plus, with it being an office job I don't seem to have time to get a good amount of exercise per day! I've started working to and from work, which is about 20 minutes each way. I have looked into getting a gym membership but the local gym opening and closing times are inconvient and the only other gym in my area which i can get too is very expensive. I know I seem to be complaining an awful lot here, but i'm going on holiday next week and my friend has gone the lazy route of 'dieting' and has made herself sick, she is now quite skinny and I feel massive standing next to her! I know that is not the way to go about losing weight, but since sticking to a healthy eating plan and exercising doesnt seem to have got me anywhere, im considering it!!


  • TankGirl71
    TankGirl71 Posts: 241 Member
    Simple question - how bad do you want it?
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    What tankgirl said. Also, you're friend will probably re-gain the weight back since she didn't change her lifestyle. That or probably die if she keeps "making" herself sick to lose weight.

    Anyways at the end of the day, it's about how bad you want to be healthy, drop weight and change. Yes, biscuits are definitely tempting but you have to have MIND OVER MATTER. You have to have the will power to say "no'.
  • CLMillikan
    CLMillikan Posts: 4 Member
    Please don't give in to the "lazy" or unhealthy way of dieting. Fitness and weight loss success is about changing habits for a lifetime. I have a "biscuit bringing office":smile: as well and I've started bring fresh fruit and snacks with me so the temptation is lessened. Try a walk at home or excercise dvd to help keep you moving. Walking to work is great! I wish you success and a huge blessing of motivation. You can do it!
  • GaiaGirl1992
    GaiaGirl1992 Posts: 459 Member
    I would think skinny-sickly is worse than being heavy....

    maybe you could make a lunch or snacks the night before, and bring them with you. that should help with the biscuit thing.

    why couldn't you exercise at work? find some exercises to do while you sit/move around, it would be better than nothing anyway.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Yeah I have a lot of things happen regarding office treats... just look at my post from yesterday....
  • Hello! I have trouble too, sticking to a diet plan. This is my second attempt with mfp. I have restarted after two months, this time I mean it!
    Just think...the taste of that delicious sweet thing is so brief, but too tight jeans and none of your clothes fitting is an everyday feeling. Let's do this.:wink:
  • My work place has a "Heathy Snack Program". Every Tuesday and Thursday the company brings in fruits and heathy bars ect... Ever since that happened people have been bringing in healty snacks and sharing with everyone. Start bringing in healthy snacks to your office and handing them out to people.

    Also I have a co-worker that uses the stairs at work. We happen to work on the 8th floor so that's a lot of stairs. He began with a few flights at a time. Now he goes up all 16 floors with out any problems and looks fantasic. He does this 3 times a day. 2 "coffee breaks" and lunch time.

    You can do this. I know you can!
  • FollowThatUnicorn
    FollowThatUnicorn Posts: 200 Member
    Like tankgirl said, how bad do you want it? Do you want it bad enough to make time to exercise? To bring your own snacks and lunches and not eat biscuits? To take the stairs when you can? This is a lifestyle change. Everything you've come to know and do about food & exercise needs to change. It's not easy and it' s not fun, but it's healthy. Your friend may be skinny, but a lot of things can happen in her future (gain it all back, get sick). You have to just decide to do it.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Here is a motivational saying that I use on myself. It works for me.
  • Thanks to everyone who replied to my post, I really appreciate all comments. I have taken the first step today, by bringing in a pack of grapes and a ham salad sandwich. I took the remaining biscuits and gave them to my colleagues who have quite happily finished them off. Decided to try out a dance class tonight, so i'll see how that goes. Thanks again for the truthful comments I needed some guidance!
  • FollowThatUnicorn
    FollowThatUnicorn Posts: 200 Member
    Good for you!

    And it's just going to get easier from here. It's so worth it when you start seeing results.