Giving up soda....



  • MrsPike07
    MrsPike07 Posts: 160
    I hear ya..I am ..or rather a recovering....Dr Pepper addict. I used to drink upwards of 4 cans a day. I did give it up cold turkey. I do like a little my nutritionist said to use liquid Stevia..I use the berry and lemon drop . I adds a bit of kick to my otherwise plain water.

    If I had to totally forgo the sweetness..I wouldnt have been able to.. As far as weight loss..HECK YEAH!. Soda has loads of empty calories..and for someone who is did nothing for my midsection.

    I am now 15 pounds away from my ultimate goal and 5 pounds away from mini goal..I cant see myself going back to soda..

    Congrats to you! I am hoping my mid section will benefit from this :)
  • rjbrowne82
    rjbrowne82 Posts: 198 Member
    The pounds will definitely come off easier that you have cut it out. I haven't drank any soda in over 4 months and I dont miss it. If u find it hard, you should try and using some crystal light powder to your water and adding some seltzer water if you have a taste for soda. Not the same but close to it lol
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    Giving up sodas makes a big difference for me. Anytime I go back to drinking them then quit, I will lose a few pounds the first week. I will still have one on occassion, but they taste really strange now. Like drinking sugar water, which it is.

    A strange side effect for me is that my teeth cleaning takes longer when I'm not drinking soda. The dentist thought it was unusual so I experimented and it was the case every time. We both think it must be the acids in the drinks.

    Has anyone else experienced this?
  • smrtcar
    smrtcar Posts: 104 Member
    We have a Soda Club carbonator at home and rarely use the flavours. I add lemon juice to my soda water, I water down my orange juice with soda water. I only use the flavours when I mix it with booze.

    Bottom line, get soda water. Keep the fizz in your mouth but the calories/chemicals out of your body.
  • CLMillikan
    CLMillikan Posts: 4 Member
    I gave it up in May when I was doing aThe Daniel Fast and never started back drinking it. I feel so much better and swell much less than when I was drinking Diet Dew. I do drink tea and green tea with sweetner, but nothing carbonated. You can do it! It is worth it! (Think of the $$$ you'll save:)
  • MrsPike07
    MrsPike07 Posts: 160
    Woohoooo!!!! :flowerforyou: **Clapping!** I have never been a pop drinker, even since I was a little kid, Never, I don't like the taste of pop, and trust me I've taken sips of different kinds, because people just can't beleive that I don't like it hahaha, anyhow, giving up pop is gonna make a big difference on your diet. You'll see if you stay strong!! Just keep thinking of your goals! I've realized that people who have given up pop that do it one step at a time like drinking less every week have succeeded more then those that just completely put a hault to it!! so good luck to ya!

    Thanks! I have set a goal for myself to lose 15 pounds this month because my husbands cousin is getting married and its a pretty big deal so I wanna look hot!! Plus I havent seen his family in about a year so they would be shocked :)
  • Try diet?
  • deb54
    deb54 Posts: 270 Member
    i have had one diet pepsi in 7 months...and that one was an accident at a cookout in June...went through line, got my food, grabbed the can and had it opened and a drink before i realized, hey !!! went ahead and drank it and have not had another...i am less bloated and my sugar cravings diminished greatly...they say that even diet pop causes sugar cravings and blood sugar spikes...i don't miss it at all...good luck to you on quitting...:drinker:
  • smrtcar
    smrtcar Posts: 104 Member
    The phosphoric acic in soda could be the reason cleaning takes more time.
  • MrsPike07
    MrsPike07 Posts: 160
    I gave it up in May when I was doing aThe Daniel Fast and never started back drinking it. I feel so much better and swell much less than when I was drinking Diet Dew. I do drink tea and green tea with sweetner, but nothing carbonated. You can do it! It is worth it! (Think of the $$$ you'll save:)

    Thats what I was thinking, maybe I will be less bloated! Not to mention the money, its at least 10-12 bucks every two weeks so its a savings, no matter how small! I am thinking I will drink a cup of tea at night for the caffeine if I need it. (I get a headache sometimes if I havent had any soda.) Thank you for the support!
  • Besides losing weight, giving up soda is the hardest thing in the world for me. I am a Coke addict, there are weeks where I drink it 2-3 times or more a day and I just can't seem to shake it. When I cut it out cold turkey I get headaches really bad. I drink it like coffee in the morning and just overall love to have! Today is my first day coming off of it again, I drank a Cherry Coke Zero just so that my mind would be satisfied, but all I can say is try a little at a time, maybe have one day and then down to 1/2 a can a day until you can give it up!

    Good luck...just know you are not a lone...this made me feel better, because I was starting to think it was only me out there addicted to Coke!
  • MrsPike07
    MrsPike07 Posts: 160
    i have had one diet pepsi in 7 months...and that one was an accident at a cookout in June...went through line, got my food, grabbed the can and had it opened and a drink before i realized, hey !!! went ahead and drank it and have not had another...i am less bloated and my sugar cravings diminished greatly...they say that even diet pop causes sugar cravings and blood sugar spikes...i don't miss it at all...good luck to you on quitting...:drinker:

    I have heard that it can cause you to crave sugar more....another reason why I kicking the habit! I need to curb my sweet cravings, they are killing me! :wink: Kudos to you for being able to drink that one and never look back! :drinker:
  • MrsPike07
    MrsPike07 Posts: 160
    Besides losing weight, giving up soda is the hardest thing in the world for me. I am a Coke addict, there are weeks where I drink it 2-3 times or more a day and I just can't seem to shake it. When I cut it out cold turkey I get headaches really bad. I drink it like coffee in the morning and just overall love to have! Today is my first day coming off of it again, I drank a Cherry Coke Zero just so that my mind would be satisfied, but all I can say is try a little at a time, maybe have one day and then down to 1/2 a can a day until you can give it up!

    Good luck...just know you are not a lone...this made me feel better, because I was starting to think it was only me out there addicted to Coke!

    My husband actually brought home some Cherry Coke Zero and I was like I will try it....however I didnt like it much. Maybe that was a good thing. I am going to try and get my caffiene another way....not sure how other then a cup of tea but it may work. At least I am hoping! Best of luck to you on quitting as well!
  • MrsPike07
    MrsPike07 Posts: 160
    Ive been off carbonated beverages now for almost 2 years!! The first couple months ARE hard, im not gonna lie, but I dont even miss them now.

    Kudos to you!! Thats awesome! Hoping to say the same for myself someday!
  • vitamin water zero is amazing for a flavor change!
  • MrsPike07
    MrsPike07 Posts: 160
    im trying to do this right now also, its only been a few days for me so i cant give you any personal feedback, i am still allowing myself a few diet pops to curb the caffeine cravings. I have friends who said they have lost 10-15 pounds by cutting out regular soda though, so i hope this works for both of us!

    Best of luck to you on kicking this habit! Feel free to add me and we can support each other with this!
  • jennk221
    jennk221 Posts: 85 Member
    I gave up soda years ago and it helped me tremendously! Cold turkey is the easiest way to do it!! Good Luck! :happy:
  • MrsPike07
    MrsPike07 Posts: 160
    vitamin water zero is amazing for a flavor change!

    Funny you say that, I bought six a couple weeks ago and they actually lasted a while. I may have to go to the store and grab a few just to have in case I need something with some flavor. Thanks for reminding me! :) Loooooove them! :flowerforyou:
  • MrsPike07
    MrsPike07 Posts: 160
    I gave up soda years ago and it helped me tremendously! Cold turkey is the easiest way to do it!! Good Luck! :happy:

    Thank you! I am doing really well today, on my second 32oz cup of water which is huge for me! Normally I would drink anything but! :)
  • DeBlue
    DeBlue Posts: 254 Member
    These things feel so addictive and are challenging to give up, but it can be done. It may help to think about what goes in these. It is a chemical stew - tastes good maybe, but a chemical stew nonetheless.

    Yeah for you - good luck sticking with it!