

  • I agree-- go in with a plan, or you'll be tempted by the yummy things on the menu, or will get frustrated trying to come up with a healthy choice and give up, etc. Look up the menu and nutritional info ahead of time. has nutritional info for tons of restaurants. Going out is just hard. I LOVE going out but when…
  • If it's just major muscle soreness, push through it- you'll feel better after. If you suspect an acual injury, though, rest!
  • Oh my gosh I am in the SAME situation. I lost 40 lbs a few years ago, got down to 130 (even less but that was not possible to maintain for me)-- anyway-- I gained 10 back and now I cannot get it off!! Running played a huge part in getting my weight off the first time but I dropped only 3 pounds this time and now have…
  • I have thought a lot about the things you are talking about and just wanted to say this post really helped me out. :)
  • They make running clothes with pockets for things like iPods, cell phones, etc. As far as the water goes, it was not worth it to me to carry a bottle around- I just drank when i was done. I have a friend who would just carry it though- I can't carry things when I run! I was not a runner at ALL when I did C25K a few years…
  • I have a 5 and 3 year old. When the 3 year old was born, I weighed my highest ever and realized for the first time ever I was overweight. I did WW and lost 40 lbs, I was running all the time, felt and looked great. Over the past year I've let myself go and 10 lbs crept back on. Not a lot, I know, and I know I look fine.…
  • whole grain/ high fiber!
  • I also have kids and really I think that is the main issue- he needs to be watching the kids and not letting them bother you so you can work out and have 'you' time. People without kids just do not understand how hard it is to workout with little ones all up in your *kitten*, lol! Now, I also don't like working out in…
  • Get out there and run! Believe me, NO ONE seeing you will think "look at that chunky lady running"... they will think "You go girl!" and maybe you will inspire them! Look into a Couch to 5K plan to get you started. It will get you going and give you little goals- you don't have to go out and run a mile (or even half) the…
  • I do 30DS a lot, usually when I am not able to get to the gym (which is most weekdays). But I don't feel like it's enough for me, so I'll also do a short cardio workout- usually just something On Demand. There are plently of cardio DVDs you could get. But jogging through your neighborhood sounds like a great plan!
  • WTG! That is awesome!!! I really want to do one, I started running a few years ago but the furthest I've run is a 10K. My knees have prevented me from doing more. Have you had any knee troubles as you've trained to go this distance?
  • oh yeah the no sprinting is good advice! I got tired out on my first one (also made the mistake of signing up for a REALLY hilly one!) It's okay to walk when you need to- don't wait until you are totally shot or you won't be able to pick back up and run again.. just do what you normally do in your training! And then push…
  • I ran my first 5K almost 3 years ago now (wow!) and I remember being so nervous! It turned out to be not as big a deal as I thought, I don't know what I was so worried about -- it was really fun and I was so proud of myself! You don't need any special eating or anything, especially the night before. Be sure you do eat…
  • When I first started the cardio was actually the easiest part! It's only 2 minutes at a time. The weights and stomach stuff were what was hard on me at first. You will be sore, but that does go away after a few days!
  • I don't know either so I estimate a little over 200. (Circuit training)
  • Anything moisture-wicking, dri-fit. Sporting goods stores have a ton of Ts- they are not all tight. I like Nike and Underarmour best but they are $$! Target makes some basic dri-fit T's as well.
  • The workouts are short- less than 30 minutes (24 or 25, maybe?) They alternate cardio, strength (need hand weights), and abs. I was SORE when I first started doing it! It gets you in shape fast though!