Food and Eating Out Suggestions

I am trying to get into shape and just be more fit. I am new to the site as well as weight-loss and actually paying attention to what I eat. What do you suggest for healthy eating...especially out to eat?? My husband and I eat out quite frequently. The thing is..I'm the pickiest eater ever and the biggest problem as far as healthy eating...I don't like lettuce at all so salads are out. I do pack my lunches for work and that includes turkey sandwitches (no mayo, don't like that either), fruits, and raw veggies (usually red or green peppers, a pickle spear, tomato, or cucumber). It is the out to eat that really stumps me.


  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    Recently, some of my favorite places to eat out are Panara and Noodles&co. I think it was the bangkok stir-fry or something at Noodles that is super low cal, (though most of their dishes are doable if you look up the calories,) and Panara's soups are all pretty great, low cal, and filling. I tried the lemon chicken orzo soup today and LOVED it.
  • crazymama2two
    chicken, black beans, salsa...

    fish, rice, spices...

    im not a salad fan either...
  • crazymama2two
    OR if you have favorite restaurants google their nutritional guides for future eating :)
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    I make a salad with a cucumber base that is delicious. My whole family was so against salads but they are always begging me to make it.

    Cherry Tomatoes
    Green peppers
    feta cheese
    kalamata olives
    olive oil and lemon juice dressing (to taste)

    As for eating out... it can be tough. I recommend looking up nutrition info for some of your favorites or before you go to the restaurant. This way you have an idea of what you are putting into your body. I've also been told that some order a to go box before they start and put half of their dish in right then! Because portion sizes are so large this is a good way to eat a more reasonable amount.
  • EMc4452
    EMc4452 Posts: 187 Member
    Try not to eat out. On the occasions that you do...go with a plan. Look up the menu online. Stay away from cream sauces, words like fried, sautéed, Parmesan crusted, breaded. Don't be afraid to ask the server how things are prepared and ask for no butter, salt, or other seasonings you may not want. Always substitute unhealthy sides for veggies....sides are sometimes where most of the calories are.
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    If I know where I’m going ahead of time, I hit up the restaurant’s website, look at the menu & the nutritional guide.
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    Great advice.., I always do that!
  • momofcole
    momofcole Posts: 18
    Try not to eat out. On the occasions that you do...go with a plan. Look up the menu online. Stay away from cream sauces, words like fried, sautéed, Parmesan crusted, breaded. Don't be afraid to ask the server how things are prepared and ask for no butter, salt, or other seasonings you may not want. Always substitute unhealthy sides for veggies....sides are sometimes where most of the calories are.
    I agree-- go in with a plan, or you'll be tempted by the yummy things on the menu, or will get frustrated trying to come up with a healthy choice and give up, etc. Look up the menu and nutritional info ahead of time. has nutritional info for tons of restaurants.
    Going out is just hard. I LOVE going out but when I'm trying to lose weight I just have to stay in more and cook. No fun!
  • sarahlynn_86_04
    Thanks for all the suggestions. I will be trying this. PSUgrl921thanks for that recipe. It looks really good. I will be trying that. I will be looking up the info on the internet or asking for a take- home info at the restaurants, but we go to a lot of small mom and pop places that don't have the meus. I like to think the food is more home cooked at these places too. I do order chicken regularly and that is mostly what I do fix at home, but I don't like fish. I also almost always take most my meal home for lunch or dinner the next day. I also will share a dish with my mom if she is with us. Not eating out really isn't that great of an option with our schedules right now. We only get 2 or 3 nights together and even then it is at odd hours. So, we try to make those couple nights special and with it just being the two of us it is very expensive to cook at home as well. We do limit it to 1 or 2 meals a week max, and it isn't fast food. Thanks again for the suggestions...and I will be looking up the menus and nutritional information I can find.

    Any suggestions on how to log for the mom and pop/ local places...such as Chinese or Japanese or Mexican?? The American food I'd cook at home I generally can find in the database. I struggled with the Japanese.