

  • Today is your first day of being smoke free! I know you can do it! The best of luck to you! I worked my first full 12 hour shift monday night without a cigarette. For me, being a nurse and getting the chance to get off the floor and out of the hospital a couple times in a 12 hour shift keeps me sane. So Monday night I…
  • 6.4 lbs????? WTG!!!!! awesome way to start off! what is your goal of lbs to lose? you will be there in NO Time! Choco- thank you for the encouragement and congrats on giving the jogging a try. I admit its not for everyone but I used to HATE to run but now I cant stand to go a couple of days without getting a few miles in.…
  • Good morning ladies and happy monday! I weighed in today after my first week and I am very happy to report that I lost 6.4lbs this week! that is a whole lot more than I expected to lose this week, so I am more than satisfied! I also purchased two of jillian's workout videos to start doing when I'm home and not feeling like…
  • Choco I'm sorry to hear your still not feeling well. I hope you get feeling better soon. But more power to you for managing to workout when your sick. For someone who takes care of sick people everyday at work, I am the worst sick person ever and I can barely manage to get out of bed much less take time to work out. So my…
  • Hey everyone! Hope you all have a great weekend! Thursday was a good day, I ate great and was under my calories for the day. I also did 60 minutes on the treadmill followed by 30 minutes of curcuit training with my trainer. Friday was a pretty good day too. I did 30 minutes on the treadmill, 15 minutes on the elliptical…
  • Thanks for the workout video suggestion choco! I will def have to check them out especially if they are only $10! Thats great! Congrats amk on the no smoking! thats a big deal! I'm struggling with quitting myself. I had a great day at the gym. I did 50 minutes on the elliptical and burned 592 calories and worked out for 30…
  • Good Morning All! I have read many of your posts and I would really like to join your group. You all are very encouraging to each other and great motivators. I joined Sunday and have thoroughly enjoyed using this website. I really think it is going to help me in my weight loss goals! My lifestyle may be a little different…