Workout Buddies (Women ages 25-35)



  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies, I still feel like crap but I did get up and get the workout in. I completed 2 1/2 miles of the Leslie Sansone dvd for a total of 30 minutes. I wanted to take a minute to log in but now its back to bed for some well needed R & R.

    Tattoo: Congrats on the 3.1 lb weight loss. Keep up the good work.

    Set401: I'm glad to learn you've been kicking but in the gym and making good food choices. Now we just need u to throw away that pack of cigarettes. I know it's easier said than done especially coming from someone who's never smoked but I'm sure you'll feel so much better once you kick the habit.
  • set401
    set401 Posts: 15
    Choco I'm sorry to hear your still not feeling well. I hope you get feeling better soon. But more power to you for managing to workout when your sick. For someone who takes care of sick people everyday at work, I am the worst sick person ever and I can barely manage to get out of bed much less take time to work out. So my props to you!
    I definitely did not make it to the gym today like I thought I would but I worked out hard this week and figure I'll go tomorrow evening before work. Today has been my worst eating day so far. We had a baby shower at work and I ate a slice of cake and a small serving of chips, so I know I will be over my calories for today. Tomorrow is weigh-in for me, hopefully my first week will be a good one!
  • CareyT
    CareyT Posts: 43 Member
    Hi workout buddies... I was a little lazy today. I kept putting off working out and now I'm going out to dinner. Well, I've eaten pretty well today and I already decided what I'm having at the restaurant, so I hope I choose wisely. I'm going to squeeze a 30 minute walk in on the way there and go for a walk on the way home, so I guess that's better than nothing. I'll hit the gym in the morning seriously. This is the first day since I started with MFP that I've just felt lazy. I kept telling myself to get up and go, but I just didn't. Well, tomorrow is another day and a day off once in a while isn't the end of the world.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies, while my cramps have subsided this cold doesn't appear to be playing fair. Today my throat has started to hurt along w/the sneezing, sniffling, running nose, headache, body aches. I have been able to get some well needed rest and once I'm done posting it's back to bed again. Despite how I felt I was able to pull myself out of bed and put on my workout clothes and get the workout in. I did 2 1/2 miles of the Leslie Sansone dvd for a total of 30 minutes.

    Thank for all the well wishes and hopefully I'll be back to myself very, very soon. The workouts that I have been doing are considered low impact so while I did workout the intensity is far less than what I usually do. It's better than nothing so I guess I shouldn't knock it but I didn't want you all thinking I was truly rocking it out while sick b/c that is not the case. My heart rate is elevated and I do break a light sweat but nothing major by any means.

    Thank again for the well wishes and I hope everyone has a great day.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    One thing that did help me alot with quiting smoking is, I stopped going into the gas station. I buy my soda at the grocery store.I pay for my gas outside, I don't have to wait in line and think about buying a pack should I shouldn't I. Also when I wanted one, I would "bum" one off of someone else. You will either feel gulity enough to stop or to pay your friend for what you smoke, (and not smoke a whole pack by yourself.) I have been smoke free for 4.5 years, (I haven't even had a drag in the last 4 years.)

    P90X is hard but it is a lot fo wieghts, my soon to be husband loves it. I bought him Insanity by Shawn T. and I love it no wieghts all cardio. Hard cardio, like sweating my *kitten* off in the first 10 min, (which is just the warm up!!!) For those p90xer's it is harder than plyometrics.

    I need to get my eating habits back in check. I work out and I don't lose because I "eat" the difference in calories.

    I need to do better, for myself.
  • CareyT
    CareyT Posts: 43 Member
    I went out to the bars Saturday night to see a band and danced all night. It was fun. I only had three drinks: liquor on the rocks. I sipped them and didn't get anymore than buzzed. I also had a hot tea when I didn't feel like blowing anymore calories on booze and it totally didn't seem that weird. Not drinking a ton isn't really as hard as I though it would be. And, all the people who had quit smoking on New Year's were smoking again... except me. It was a fun night and I didn't wake up feeling horrible, just a little sore from dancing so much. I'm not going to be afraid to go out anymore for fear of blowing my diet.

    However, last night I went to Indian food. I had planned what I was going to eat and put it in the food diary, then got there and blew it. I split 2 rich curries and a cup of soup with my girlfriend instead of having the veggie dish I was supposed to. We also had naan and chai and cookies. I ran hard this morning on the treadmill out of guilt and weight lifted. Today I'm on track so far. Go luck everyone.
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Hi Workout Buddies, may I join your discussion? The previous ones, I logged seemed to have all sudden started to die off and I would love to get workout ideas and here of success stories. It's so motivating!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning my workout buddies and welcome TeeTee! I feel a lot better compared to this weekend but am clearly not 100%. I don't have a lot of energy and i'm slowly regaining my strength. As a result of this cold kicking my butt I don't think I'll be able to start P90X this week. I will continue to do cardio as a means of regaining my strength and stamina and hopefully will be able to kick butt next week.

    I haven't done my workout as of yet but will definitely do it in some form or fashion.

    I'll check in on the group later.

    Happy Monday.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    :heart: Good Morning to my Workout Buddies and welcome to all the new posters! It seems that our thread has grown again!! I am happy to report that I lost 2 lbs this week!!! woot woot! bootcamp is done for the day and the whiner was on the nerves this morning. she almost made our instructor cry this morning because she was being such a b word. o well when its over and i have that $500 dollars...i will show her where whining gets you...NOWHERE! Okay off my soapbox for now...
    Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and has a great Monday! :heart: :heart:

    :heart: :smile:

  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Thanks for the welcome! Right now, I really do not have an ultimate goal right now, I am just losing slowly and working out. I believe that the estimated weight for my height is a little too low, so I am just going to continue to do what I do. I think I finally made it to a point that I look forward to working out! I did achieve my goal of getting below 160, now I am officially within weight standards!

    Today I ran 2.1 miles outside with my running buddy, and this evening I will do day 3 of EA More Workouts 6 week challenge.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Vrdz, way to go with that 2 lbs weight loss. You are truly on your way to collecting that money. That's going to be a SWEET price.

    Teetee, it seems like you have found a plan that works for you and that really is all that matters. You'll know when you've reached your goal weight b/c not only will you look great but you'll feel healthy too.

    My workout is complete for today. Since it wasn't freezing outside I decided to walk/jog around the local park. My hat goes off to all you joggers/runners b/c it's really not my cup of tea. The wind was knocking me all in my face and at times a bit difficult for me to get a nice steady breathing pace b/c I could feel the wind in my throat. Anyway, I did that for 45 minutes and totally unsure how many miles that was but in all honesty I could care less. I exercised and felt like I gave it a good effort.

  • set401
    set401 Posts: 15
    Good morning ladies and happy monday! I weighed in today after my first week and I am very happy to report that I lost 6.4lbs this week! that is a whole lot more than I expected to lose this week, so I am more than satisfied! I also purchased two of jillian's workout videos to start doing when I'm home and not feeling like driving across town to the gym! Well I hope everyone else has a great day! Its gonna be hard to wipe this smile off my face!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Good morning ladies and happy monday! I weighed in today after my first week and I am very happy to report that I lost 6.4lbs this week! that is a whole lot more than I expected to lose this week, so I am more than satisfied! I also purchased two of jillian's workout videos to start doing when I'm home and not feeling like driving across town to the gym! Well I hope everyone else has a great day! Its gonna be hard to wipe this smile off my face!

    6.4 lbs????? WTG!!!!! awesome way to start off! what is your goal of lbs to lose? you will be there in NO Time!
    Choco- thank you for the encouragement and congrats on giving the jogging a try. I admit its not for everyone but I used to HATE to run but now I cant stand to go a couple of days without getting a few miles in. I hear ya on the Spring needs to get here, but summer can wait for a min. I am not looking forward to all that freakin humidity..i have to say that is probably the worst thing about GA weather is the darn humidity!
    So Girls, I have decided to move my new smoking quit date for Wednesday, Feb. 3. I am going to finish the pack that I have and then I'm done. I have prayed hard about it and I know that it is time to quit. Wish me luck on my journey :)
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Vrdz, I may still give the jogging/running a try when it's a bit warmer b/c I don't do well in the cold and having to layer. I agree that the humidity of GA is nothing to play with but I'm more of a spring/summer gal than a fall/winter one. March will be here soon and I'm hoping it brings some warmer days with it and at that point I may give the jogging outdoors another try.

    I'm glad you're giving up the smoking sooner than later, you'll be happy you made the choice.
  • Look at you set401!!! 6 lbs in a week in awesome! Just make sure you're losing it the right way so you wont gain back double! I'm getting my Jillian DVDs anyday now!

    Hello to everyone else & welcome TeeTee! I realize the day has gotten away from me and I'm a little late offering inspiration but lets start the week off right so we'll be ready for the weigh in!

    FYI-As of yesterday (Sunday) Kroger had all Health Choice frozen meals for $1.88. Not sure how long this will last.
  • set401
    set401 Posts: 15
    6.4 lbs????? WTG!!!!! awesome way to start off! what is your goal of lbs to lose? you will be there in NO Time!
    Choco- thank you for the encouragement and congrats on giving the jogging a try. I admit its not for everyone but I used to HATE to run but now I cant stand to go a couple of days without getting a few miles in. I hear ya on the Spring needs to get here, but summer can wait for a min. I am not looking forward to all that freakin humidity..i have to say that is probably the worst thing about GA weather is the darn humidity!
    So Girls, I have decided to move my new smoking quit date for Wednesday, Feb. 3. I am going to finish the pack that I have and then I'm done. I have prayed hard about it and I know that it is time to quit. Wish me luck on my journey :)

    I set a goal to get down to 135. I don't know if that is something I am really going to be able to do or not but I def want to get back in shape and feel good about myself first and foremost. And I know that not every week will be as good as this week. I just hope I can keep it up and keep motivated. Good luck with the no smoking! I haven't had a cigarette since Saturday and I haven't bought anymore. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can do it this time. I usually find it hardest to resist smoking while I'm at work...but I haven't had the urge tonight so I'm feeling good about that. Hope you all have a great tuesday!
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Morning workout buddies!!!! Thank God Monday is over! I dont know about ya'll but my day was awful! I didnt get home til aft er 8 pm and did not get to get my xtra cardio in as I always do on Mondays. I was really upset about it because I am not going to be able to workout today due to having a monthly meeting after work that lasts until around 9 pm. I then have to get up at 415 on Wednesday to make it to bootcamp. So I am cutting a few cals today to try and make up for the missed workout today. I just hate taking another day off so soon in the week ( Sunday is usually my off day) but oh well I will make up for it!

    Set-dont ever doubt yourself. If you want 135 then shoot for 135! you can do it! congrats on no smoking...we can go through the struggle together as I am quitting tommorrow. I know what you mean about smoking at work, I have a high stress job and sometimes its the only thing that keeps me :) I know it will be hard but I am determined this time. I am a runner and a healthy person in all other aspects of my life, and its time to smoking just isnt cool anymore...:laugh:
    Good luck to you and I will be here for support on both your weight loss and no smoking journey. BTW- where r u from???
  • CareyT
    CareyT Posts: 43 Member
    Hello workout buddies... walked for 1.5 hours up a hill and back and went to yoga. Ate pretty well, but realized an old snack (Korean fish shaped bean filled cakes) had WAY more calories than I thought! They have to go, but I won't miss them.

    Rock on, you smoking quitters. Today is my one month tobacco free and I'm telling you guys it's worth it. My clothes, hair, house and life are free from the smell of smoke. I have money in my pocket and my fitness is TOTALLY improving more quickly than when I would try to lose weight while smoking. Good luck!

    Set... great job on the 6 pounds.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Tuesday's ladies. I'm glad to read everyone is getting that workout in AND there are going to be so many more smoke free ladies in this group....WooHoo...WooHoo to you all.

    My workout is complete for today. I did 58 minutes of the P90X Plyometrics dvd and despite not being at 100% due to still getting over this cold I felt that I "brought it" as Tony Horton often says.

    Well it's off to do some work but I'll be checkin in w/my ladies later.

    Have a great day.
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Evening Workout buddies (I know your day is beginning and mine is ending): My Tuesday started and ended in a drag and I wasn't even able to drag myself to Zumba this evening. I did manage to get some time in on the Wii, which surely do not make up for me missing my morning gym workout. It's okay to have a real off day right?
    Hopefully, tomorrow will be better. I will start my day with a run, hopefully outside, but if it rains again, the treadmill will do.
    Happy working out to all! Have a great Tuesday!
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